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A detailed report on the most important local, Arab and international events, as reported by newspapers and websites

Dam Press: A high-ranking source in the White House announced that US President Donald Trump may recognize Jerusalem, "the capital of Israel," in his speech next Wednesday, noting that the US State Department has asked its embassies in the world to prepare for anti-American demonstrations in several cities around the world. And American sources considered that Trump’s announcement comes at a very bad time, given the vicissitudes and crises plaguing the American administration. Haaretz newspaper: The Israeli bombing in Syria is a message to Iran, Assad and the superpowers, wrote analyst Amos Harel, that the Israeli attack in Syria can be interpreted as a signal from Israel Tehran and those who stand with it in Syria, the Assad regime and the great powers that it will intervene forcefully, in any area where its warnings are ignored, and that it is determined to implement its threats, in terms of the Iranian presence in Syria, will face an Israeli military response. The analyst said that Syria is currently going through an ambiguous era, in which the regime's survival is guaranteed, in one way or another, thanks to the support of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, if the president is not assassinated. And this is the right time to impose the new rules of the game. The analyst considered that the most important question is, how will Iran act in the long run, and whether it will strengthen its military presence in Syria, or initiate a new front, using terrorist networks along the border with the Golan. The second important question is related to Russia, especially since the Russian and Iranian interests are no longer close, after the intensity of the war against the rebels has subsided. And if the current escalation worries Moscow, it will be able to try to arrange new rules of play in southern Syria. Yediot Aharonot newspaper: The Israeli missile bombing in Syria aims to impose Israeli red lines, said military analyst Ron Ben Yishai, that if the reports of a new Israeli attack are correct. In Syria, Israel has confirmed this to all parties related to what is going on in Syria, that it is serious in its intentions, and that the missile strikes aim to impose the red lines that Israel has set in front of Moscow, Washington, the Syrian regime, Hezbollah and Iran. Precision missiles are the main problem of Israel with Iran. Analyst Alex Fishman said that precision missiles are Israel's main problem with the Iranians, in addition to Tehran's intention to acquire nuclear weapons. The airport that the Iranians intend to establish in Syria is also a base for the long-term stationing of the Revolutionary Guards in Syria. This means that the Iranians want to deploy their forces in the area south of Damascus, and establish an independent Iranian semi-region, with the approval of the Syrian government, similar to the independence enjoyed by the Russians at the Hmeimim airport and the port of Tartus in western Syria. Given the proximity of the Iranian airport to the Israeli border, the plane that will take off from this airport will cross the Israeli border within several minutes. Therefore, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ Air Force is a symbol of Iran’s entrenchment in Syria, which must be stopped in its infancy. “Israel Today” newspaper: Chairman of the Foreign and Security Committee: Russia seeks to impose Assad’s control over Syria, said the head of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, Avi Dichter. On his return from a three-day visit to Russia, he said that Russia is seeking to impose Bashar al-Assad's control over Syria and expel foreign forces, including Iranian forces. For his part, MK Ofer Shelah said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political failure in the Syrian issue endangers Israel, represented by the presence of Iranian-run forces on Israel's borders in a direct confrontation with Tehran. Regional and international researcher Eli Ben-Meir wrote that Iran not only possesses hundreds of surface-to-surface missiles capable of reaching every point in Israel, but also has two terrorist branches in Lebanon and Syria in the form of Hezbollah, which possesses various military capabilities, direct and indirect, near from the borders of Israel. Therefore, is the threat limited only to the presence of planes and a few thousand Iranian soldiers on Syrian territory? The problem is not only related to the size of the forces, and the distance in kilometers from the border, but rather to the regional and international strategic angle, especially since the talk from the Israeli angle is about a very negative development. Syrian. This must be studied from several aspects: the local Syrian population and the Syrian regime headed by Bashar al-Assad, or any other regime that is emerging in the state, Jordan and its national security, the self-confidence of terrorist organizations in the region, especially Hezbollah and Hamas, and the capabilities of local terrorist elements to move in Syria , especially in the Golan, against Israeli targets. This must also be examined in terms of its impact on the Sunni countries, especially Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt. TechDebka.com: The Israeli bombing south of Damascus targeted a meeting of militia leaders loyal to Iran In the Syrian army, the leaders of the Shiite militias loyal to Iran were planning to launch a large-scale attack on the positions of the Syrian rebels, in the Quneitra region, just off the Israeli border in the Golan. The site added that the forces of Hezbollah and the forces loyal to Iran had been concentrating their forces for a whole week to occupy the town of Al-Hara and attack the rebel strongholds in Quneitra. The website confirmed that the Syrian statement, which talked about an Israeli attack with surface-to-surface missiles, or the Syrian allegations that two Israeli missiles had been intercepted, was incorrect. During his participation in a seminar organized by one of the Australian institutions supporting the Palestinians, he said that the Israeli occupation is one of the most brutal tyrants on earth, stressing that Israel has turned Gaza into the largest prison in the world. Levy called on the world to abandon its belief that Israel is the "only democracy" in the Middle East,” stressing that it is one of the largest brutal regimes in the Middle East. Monitoring Arab newspapers, Rai today: The newspaper said in its editorial: President Trump flaunts his hateful racism, emphasizes it from time to time, and celebrates his partners in the racist right-wing parties, whether in Europe or within the States The United States of America itself, and this is not surprising for us, but the element of surprise lies in the welcome that this racist American president receives from the rulers And Arab officials participate in his wars against Muslims, and justify them, and give him hundreds of billions of dollars, whether in the form of investments or arms deals, and we are talking here, without any equivocation, about the Gulf countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. The one whose crown prince signed an aircraft deal worth ten billion dollars during a visit to Washington two days ago, which is protected by the American fleets and the Gulf and Western joint defense treaties together.

Is the Israeli missile bombing of military targets in the Damascus countryside the first chapter in Netanyahu's implementation of his threats to Assad? Was the target Syrian or Iranian? And what is the difference? Abdel Bari Atwan: Israel suffered a major defeat in Syria, because its aspirations for the fall of the regime and fragmentation did not come true after seven years of war, and for this reason Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, began implementing his threats that he conveyed to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad crossed a third party, for his intention to intervene militarily to confront any Iranian military influence, gradually. The Israeli leadership is in crisis, and sees Iran and “Hezbollah” as an existential threat, but all its attempts to incite the United States to incitement against European incitement are not Not because it considers this Israeli panic to be remarkably unjustified and exaggerated, but rather because the West does not want to be dragged into a new war in the Middle East that does not guarantee victory, because the enemy this time is very strong, i.e. Iran and its alliance, and because any miscalculation, or x In the calculations, it may lead to a clash with Russia, and may develop into a world war. The bombing of targets in the countryside of Damascus, whether Iranian or Syrian, is a blatant aggression, and a violation of the sovereignty of a member state in the non-existent nations. united, and if it is repeated, it may face a stronger response next time, which may ignite a fuse of war, for which Israel will be responsible for its consequences, and for the possible consequences. One of them is covered with wounds, if not completely destroyed. Whoever fought for seven years to confront the conspiracy in Syria, and defeated the American project that stood behind it, now has the will and ability to confront any Israeli aggression with hundreds of thousands of weapons, and the “Nakhzari” and “rocket” aircraft. .

The Lebanese Home Inspired by News and Sayings Soraya Assi: 1 - The Syrian government is fighting terrorism. The Americans themselves admit that they were behind the "Islamic terrorism" operation in Afghanistan and that, during its occupation, they brought tens of thousands of mercenary soldiers to Iraq, affiliated with private American security agencies. Based on it, we have the right to assume that they are repeating the experience in Syria. I think that there is a lot of evidence to support this hypothesis. It is based on it that fighting terrorism without hitting its sources and drying them is like treating the water leaking from a barrel pierced with a mop. Just as Mr. Erdogan will collapse in front of the American player in the Kurdish issue, the Syrian mop will definitely not be enough to capture the leaking water from the deliberately punctured American barrel! Towards the semi-colonies, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates and Qatar, with the intention of emptying the coffers of funds, and warns against getting involved in complex and mined crises, in Yemen and Lebanon! There is no doubt that it is necessary, in this globalized world, to capture the echoes of these voices and make every effort to make them feel their return! 3 - The President of the Kurdish National Council, Mr. Ibrahim Berro, reveals the repressive practices of the Syrian Democratic Forces against the Kurds who object to the approach that These forces take it against the interests of the people, whether they are Kurds or Arabs. Disagreements caused by ignorance, short-sightedness and fanaticism are not resolved with the help of the colonizer and bullying him, but through education and instilling the pillars of equality and solidarity in preparation for agreement on clear rules of coexistence that are respected by all!

Al-Ahram Egyptian American policy of horror in front of difficult tests Mustafa Al-Said: The common mistake of the great empires is that they underestimate the variables that threaten their hegemony, and then deny the existence of these threats, but the mistake turns into a sin when it deals with emerging risks with old tools... This is how the United States does in crises around the world, which The pace of American failure to address it is increasing. The features of American policy became clear during the era of President Trump, which is the expansion of the circles of terror from the war. The broader circle is still the Middle East, from which the smoke of battles of terrorism is still rising, and despite the defeat of ISIS, the United States announced the survival of its forces in northern Syria and Iraq, which is what This means the continuation of tension, and the fear of setting the stage for a new round of wars, which are becoming increasingly fierce in Yemen, despite the war approaching the completion of its third year without any change on the map of the battle lines. Libya, whose political crisis is still in place, leaving the scene for violent groups, and the United States announced its intention to transfer forces to the African desert to fight ISIS, which is an unfavorable sign, as crises and battles escalate with every transfer of American forces. The United States retracted the decision to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan, and decided to increase them, and even announced its intention to crush the Taliban group, instead of reaching a peaceful settlement of the Afghan problem. And with much larger forces, which bears the seeds of a new chapter in the Afghan war. An atmosphere of fear looms over large areas of the continents of the world, but the main reason remains the apprehension between the United States and Russia, China and Iran, and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev described in a television interview Thursday, the Russian-American relations were not that bad even during the Cold War, and he has serious fears of aggravating them, while China is busy fortifying and building new military bases in the China Sea in anticipation of what is worse, and the Iranian forces are on the lines of contact with the American forces in Iraq and Syria, to set a policy American terror is facing a difficult test. When the policy of terror fails to frighten others, then it has only two options, both of which are bad, either to wage war, regardless of the consequences, or to drag the tails of disappointment and retreat on all fronts.

Jordanian Opinion: “Chinese Tigers” battalions.. will they reach Syria or not? Muhammad Kharroub: As soon as exciting leaks emerged on the surface of regional events about Beijing’s willingness to send Chinese special forces, but rather from the elite of the Chinese army, namely the “Siberian Tigers” unit.. and a unit The “Night Tigers” led the Syrian army to fight the Chinese terrorist organization known as the “Turkistan Islamic Party” until the bankrupt and defeated Syrian opposition forces began a campaign of distortion and incitement against the People’s Republic of China, which was attacked by this Islamic terrorist organization, which enjoys the support of many regional countries, on Its head is Turkey, which claims its “national” association with that minority, and does not even hesitate to call it “East Turkistan.” Whether the “Siberian Tigers and Night Tigers” battalions arrive or not, China has an undisguised interest in fighting this terrorist faction, which is fueled by the ideology of extremism. The Islamist supported by some countries in the region and Western colonial capitals, and its positive role in the reconstruction of Syria, will limit the blackmailing Washington, Paris and London, to turn the reconstruction process into a “mechanism” of pressure and an opportunity to achieve political gains, which it was unable to achieve in the military fields Rhea.

Russian newspapers, "Argumenti and Fakti", the permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations in Geneva announces the reasons for the lack of progress in the Syrian-Syrian negotiations. He pointed out that one of the reasons was the position of the delegation of the "United Syrian Opposition," whose representatives announced in Geneva that they had come to Geneva to discuss Assad's stepping down, and "Borodavkin" called this statement a blatant provocation of the official Syrian delegation by the opposition. Progress in the negotiations also said "Borodavkin" is the new crimes of the militants, as the armed groups arrested and captured one of the Syrian pilots and fifteen Syrian soldiers and executed them all.In addition, according to his opinion, a scandalous leak of very sensitive documents took place in the Turkish newspapers, Yeni Şafak newspaper. The newspaper said that 4 Kurdish leaders are hiding in The military bases of the United States of America occupying Syria by the Democratic Union Party The Democratic Union Party (PYD), Aldar Khalil, the commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Shaheen Gilo, and the leaders of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, Siban Hamo and Nasser Haj Mansour, are hiding in military bases located in northern Syria.

Yeni Şafak newspaper also said that the Turkish regime's army has completed the first phase of the process of establishing observation posts around the Syrian city of Afrin, and indicated that the army will carry out a military operation in the city of Afrin within the framework of the right of self-defense in the event that the terrorist presence in Afrin constitutes a threat to Turkey's survival. It reported that Ankara urges its allies not to support the People's Protection Units and to stand in front of clearing the city of Kurdish People's Protection Units.

Wesalqayim, Vice President of the Turkish Homeland Party, Admiral Soner Polat, said that the Turkish National Security Council stressed the need to establish observation posts in the city of Afrin and eastern Aleppo. He pointed out that the Turkish state sent this message to Syria, Russia and Iran, which aims to To urge its Eurasian partners to act responsibly by expressing its dissatisfaction with the presence of the Democratic Union Party in Afrin, as it indirectly declares that it has plans against the PKK in Afrin, pointing out that eliminating the presence of the PKK in Afrin is one of Turkey's priorities.

Sozgo newspaper, retired Turkish ambassador Shukri Ilkadag said in an exclusive interview with the newspaper that Russia cannot expel American soldiers from Syria by using force, so it will agree to their survival in a pragmatic manner in exchange for concessions from America, and indicated that Presidents Trump and Putin reached an agreement on resolving the crisis He stressed that eliminating the Democratic Union Party is not possible as long as the United States of America continues to stay in Syria, and pointed out the need for Ankara to extend a hand of peace to Syria and for the two countries to struggle to preserve political unity in Syria and its territorial integrity, because the two countries have important common security interests.

تقرير مفصل عن أهم الأحداث المحلية والعربية والدولية كما تناقلته الصحف والمواقع الإلكترونية

Western newspapers monitor British press The GuardianTrump's security adviser says the risks of war with North Korea are increasing every dayThe possibility of a US war with North Korea is increasing every day, National Security Adviser Donald Trump said on Saturday. "It constitutes the biggest direct threat to the United States." He added that "this danger is increasing every day, and this means that we are in a race, and we are really in a race to be able to solve this problem." In response to a question about the recent ballistic missile test in North Korea this week, he said McMaster said US President Donald Trump is committed to denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. He added that China should impose tougher economic sanctions on North Korea, cutting off North Korean oil imports, as he thought a 100% oil embargo would be "appropriate at this point."

The American press, Foreign Policy, the caliphate will be destroyed, but the Islamic State is still aliveThe newspaper said: What after the loss of ISIS organization to large areas of land in Syria and Iraq? Was this loss the end of ISIS, or a new chapter in the novel? Unfortunately, it is evident from ISIS that it has the ability to flexibility and deal with the enemy, which shows that the matter will not end overnight, but rather that the organization will work covertly during the next few months in order to maintain its identity through a set of simultaneous actions, most likely. War veterans may resort To withdraw to far areas in western Iraq and eastern Syria, waiting to know whether the two countries are serious about rebuilding the affected areas, and during that, ISIS fighters may resort to attacking civilian areas to remind civilians that ISIS is still alive. Or ISIS may resort to appearing through one of نقاطها الثمانية الموجودة في ارجاء العالم بحيث تعمل بالترابط مع فرعها العالمية.واخيراً ربما تسعى داعش إلى اللجوء إلى السرديات الجماهيرية مستعملة كل منصة ممكنة لتعزيز رسالتها التي تقول ان القتال سيستمر حتى بعد انتهاء الخلافة.

الرصد الإلكتروني "online"أوردت المواقع المؤيدة والمحايدة: تحت جناح "الحرس الجمهوري" .. البدء بتشكيل "جيش العشائر" بدرعا، وترامب يستعد للتخلي نهائياً عن «الجيش الحر»، وانباء عن تسريح أقدم دورتين للجيش السوري 102 و245 في هذا التاريخ، بالإضافة لتنسيق بين ميليشيات الجنوب وإسرائيل لمهاجمة داعش.من جهتها المواقع المعارضة: اتفاق بين الجيش السوري وتنظيم الدولة في السويداء، والسعودية تعلن موقفها من انقلاب صالح على الحوثيين، وحريق داخل مخيم في لبنان يأتي على حياة ثلاث لاجئات، و"الشامية" تطلب بيانات الأسرى والمعتقلين في سجون "PYD"، ومقتل 12 إيرانيًّا في الهجوم الإسرائيلي على قاعدتهم قرب دمشق، وتصريح حسن روحاني: رؤساء المنطقة ضعفاء... ونحن من تولى محاربة داعش، بالإضافة لـ آلاف الإسرائيليين يحتجون ضد نتنياهو والفساد.أما المواقع الغربية الناطقة بالعربية فقد أبرزت اليوم: تصريح نتنياهو: لن نسمح للنظام الإيراني بإنشاء قواعد عسكرية في سورية، و"CIA" تكشف عن محتوى الرسالة التي رفض سليماني استلامها، وصحيفة "تايمز أوف إسرائيل" تكشف أن الغارة الجوية التي شنتها طائرات إسرائيلية على سورية فجر السبت استهدفت قاعدة عسكرية إيرانية تبعد 50 كيلومتراً عن الحدود السورية الإسرائيلية.المواقع المؤيدة والمحايدةشبكة عاجل الاخباريةتحت جناح "الحرس الجمهوري" .. البدء بتشكيل "جيش العشائر" بدرعاكشف الشيخ عبد العزيز الرفاعي في تصريح خاص لشبكة عاجل الإخبارية، عن تشكيل "جيشاً للعشائر" في محافظة درعا تحت قيادته، حيث سيكون "الجيش" المُشكّل تحت إمرة قوات الحرس الجمهوري في المحافظة.الشيخ الرفاعي لفت لمراسل شبكة عاجل في درعا، إلى أن القرار تم أتخاذه منذ فترة قصيرة بتوجيهات من القيادة العسكرية في المحافظة، مؤكداً أنه بمجرد الإعلان عن التشكيل في ساعاته الأولى، قام 160 شخصاً بتقديم طلبات للانتساب لجيش العشائر في محافظة درعا، من بينهم مسلحين وقادة فصائل مسلحة من ريف درعا أعلنوا رغبتهم بتسليم سلاحهم والقتال إلى جانب رجال الجيش العربي السوري في المدينة.

الوطنميليشيات الجنوب تنسق مع إسرائيل لمهاجمة داعشكشفت تقارير إعلامية معارضة، أن اجتماعات جرت بين ممثلين عن كيان الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وميليشيا «الجيش الحر» في جنوب البلاد، من أجل التنسيق فيما بينهما لهجوم ضد مناطق سيطرة تنظيم «جيش خالد بن الوليد»، المبايع لداعش.وبحسب مراقبين فإن هذه الاجتماعات عكست طبيعة العلاقة المتينة بين تلك الميليشيات وكيان الاحتلال ومدى الدعم الكبير الذي تتلقاه.ونقلـــت مواقـــع إلكترونيــــة معارضــــة، عن مصادر وصفتها بـ«مطلعة والمتطابقة»، أن الممثلين عن إسرائيل تعهدوا بالتغطية الجويــة والاستخباراتية بشكل منضبط، مستبعدين دخول طائرات حربية لأجواء المعركة، والاكتفاء بالطائرات من دون طيار، وصواريخ أرض أرض متوسطة المدى.

«الشعب» سيقترح على الحكومة رفع الرواتبأعلن رئيس لجنة الموازنة في مجلس الشعب حسين حسون أن تقرير اللجنة تضمن اقتراحاً برفع رواتب الموظفين وأجور العاملين، ذلك بعد مناقشات لموازنة الوزارات التي استمرت على مدار أسبوعين.وفي تصريح لـ«الوطن» أكد حسون أن التقرير الذي سيتم مناقشته اليوم تحت القبة اشتمل على جملة من المقترحات في مقدمتها التأكيد على دعم القوات المسلحة ومسار المصالحة الوطنية، مؤكداً أن مهمة اللجنة تنفيذ ما يوكل إليها من مهام فقط والاقتراح والتوصية.وكشف حسون أن نسبة التنفيذ مشاريع الوزارات تراوحت بين 5 إلى 61 بالمئة، معتبراً أنها متدنية فمثّلت الإشكالية الأكبر للجنة الموازنة.

الحدث نيوزتسريح أقدم دورتين للجيش السوري 102 و245 في هذا التاريختفيد المعلومات التي حصل عليها الحدث نيوز من مصادر رفيعة في الحكومة السورية عن قرب تسريح الدورة 102 و الدورة 245 ضباط مجندين في الجيش السوري وذلك خلال الشهرين القادمين.وسبق أن طالب جنود الجيش السوري بتسريح هاتين الدورتين اللتان بلغت خدمتهما لأكثر من 8 سنوات، وربما يتقرر تسريح هاتين الدورتين بعد انحسار رقعة المعارك في الدولة السورية لصالح الجيش السوري الذي يبدو ممسكاً بزمام الأمور، ومع اقتراب الحل السياسي للازمة الذي يبدو الآن قريباً أكثر من أي وقت مضى.

ترامب يستعد للتخلي نهائياً عن «الجيش الحر»الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب أعاد نشر فيديو على صفحته على تويتر كان قد نشره اليمين الأمريكي المتطرف وهي من “الفيديوهات المعادية للإسلام”, ويظهر في الفيديو مجرمين من أصول مسلمة حاول ترامب التعميم على أن هؤلاء المجرمين هم الإسلام. الفيديو الذي يظهر فيه الإرهابي في تنظيم “الجيش الحر” عمر الغربة الخوجة وهو يدمر تمثال السيدة العذراء أعاد نشره ترامب على صفحته الشخصية . فهل تناسى الرئيس ترامب أن هذا التنظيم الإرهابي كان ولايزال يمّول من قبل المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية.؟ أم أن هنالك هدف من وراء ذلك ؟.يرى مراقبون أن الإفراج عن الفيديو الذي مُنع الإعلام الأمريكي من نشره منذ العام 2013 و إعادة ترامب لنشره ليس عبثياً بل هو جزء من خططه للتخلي عن الجيش الحر نهائياً.

حميميم: لن نسمح للقوات الأمريكية بال في عمليات الغوطة الشرقيةأعلنت صفحة قاعدة حميميم الروسية في سوريا غير الرسمية، بأنهم لن يسمحوا للقوات الأمريكية بال في أي عملية عسكرية في الغوطة الشرقية.وأشارت القاعدة عبر معرفاتها على مواقع التواصل، أن الغوطة الشرقية تعتبر أحد مناطق خفض التصعيد في سوريا، لافتاً إلى أن «القوات الروسية لن تشارك في المهام القتالية التي تنفذها القوات الحكومية ضد عناصر متطرفين يتواجدون في المنطقة».

حسن روحاني: رؤساء المنطقة ضعفاء... ونحن من تولى محاربة داعشاعتبر الرئيس الإيراني «حسن روحاني»، أن من يتسلم زمام السلطة والأمور في دول منطقة الشرق الأوسط «لا يملكون الخبرة الكافية»، وأن العبء الكبير «لمكافحة داعش والإرهاب كان على عاتقنا».جاء ذلك في كلمة له أمام الطلبة الجامعيين في جامعة زاهدان بمحافظة سيستان وبلوجستان جنوب شرق إيران، أوضح من خلالها بأن: «هزيمة داعش ليست هزيمة تنظيم فقط بل هزيمة مؤامرة دولية ضد منطقة الشرق الأوسط».آلاف الإسرائيليين يحتجون ضد نتنياهو والفسادتظاهر آلاف الإسرائيليين، مساء السبت، في مدينة «بيتاح تكفا» شرقي تل أبيب، احتجاجا على الفساد الحكومي ورئيس الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو الذي يخضع لتحقيقات جنائية في مزاعم استغلال منصبه.وبلغ عدد المتظاهرين نحو 20 ألف شخص، خرجوا في مظاهرة تعد الأكبر ضمن سلسلة احتجاجات أسبوعية ضد الفساد، على خلفية القضايا، المُثارة ضد نتنياهو.

مواقع غربيةروسيا اليوم:نتنياهو: لن نسمح للنظام الإيراني بإنشاء قواعد عسكرية في سورياأعلن رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي، بنيامين نتنياهو، أن إسرائيل ستمنع إيران من إنشاء قواعد عسكرية في سوريا أو الحصول على أسلحة نووية."CIA" تكشف عن محتوى الرسالة التي رفض سليماني استلامهاكشفت وكالة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية، أنها بعثت رسالة للجنرال الإيراني قاسم سليماني والقادة الإيرانيين للتعبير عن قلقها من سلوك طهران، الذي يهدد القوات الأمريكية في العراق.وقال مدير وكالة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية "CIA"، مايك بومبيو، إنه بعث الرسالة بعد أن أعلن قائد عسكري إيراني كبير أن القوات التي تحت إمرته قد تهاجم القوات الأمريكية في العراق. ولم يذكر تاريخاً معيناً، وأضاف بومبيو أن "ما كنا نتحدث عنه في هذه الرسالة هو أننا سنحمّله وإيران مسؤولية أي هجمات على المصالح الأمريكية في العراق من قبل القوات الخاضعة لسيطرتهم". For more:

صحيفة تكشف عن هدف الغارة الإسرائيلية بالقرب من دمشق فجر السبتذكرت صحيفة "تايمز أوف إسرائيل" أن الغارة الجوية التي شنتها طائرات إسرائيلية على سوريا، فجر السبت، استهدفت قاعدة عسكرية إيرانية تبعد 50 كيلومترا عن الحدود السورية الإسرائيلية.وذكرت الصحيفة اليوم الأحد، أن جميع ما أطلقته الطائرات الإسرائيلية المغيرة باتجاه القاعدة المستهدفة، كان 5 صواريخ، مع أنه سمع دوي انفجارات صاخبة كثيرة بعد الهجوم، ما يعني أن الصواريخ الإسرائيلية أدت لانفجارات في مستودعات للأسلحة والذخائر في المكان المستهدف.