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Jun 10By smartai.info

A galaxy rushing to the ground without the possibility to avoid it

Mibar showers are falling on the ground one of the most beautiful scenes that astronomers follow, and it occurs when parts of space dust - which are usually older than the Earth - collide with atmosphere at a speed estimated at tens of thousands of kilometers per hour, and each causes a small explosion.

لكن زخات النيازك تلك لا تكون دائما مجرد منظر جميل، فإذا كان حجم النيزك أكبر من كونه جزءا صغيرا من البوصة، كأن يكون بحجم منزل مثلا، فإنه قد يخترق الغلاف الجوي ويرتطم بالأرض محدثا دمارا هائلا ومميتا، وهذا ما حصل للأرض في مراحل تاريخية سحيقة.

And now the Earth is waiting for another terrible event, but at a huge level within a few billion years, where astronomers - according to the British Telegraph site and the American Business Insider - estimate that the Andromeda galaxy in the far north, which is about 2.5 million light years away from us, urges the steps towards the earth, withoutThe possibility to avoid collision, at a speed of 250 thousand miles/h and accelerates to one million miles/hour (1.6 million km/h).

According to the scholars, after 3.75 billion years from now, the Earth will fall into the largest huge Hungarian event in its history when our Milky Way - with Andromeda meets in a major epic.

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Fortunately, experts believe that the Earth will survive this collision, because the distances between the stars in every galaxy are very deep, but the Hungarian structure for them will be in a state of chaos, and the cosmic debris will fly everywhere, and there will be heavy losses in lives.

Scientists expect that the collision between our galaxy and Andromeda will continue billions of years, and it will lead to tearing both galaxies to eventually form one new giant galaxy, and only 250 million years after the end of this collision, the remainder of the two galaxies will be just a verbal structure of what was one day two independent galaxies.

The issue will not end at that, as the battle will continue with other billions of years, until the giant black hole in the center of each galaxy becomes a sufficient degree of proximity to merge with the other, and after six billion years of this cosmic massacre, the night sky will be on the ground and white due to the centerThe new luminosity of the resulting al -Hanji.

This is if the Earth is still present, which is unlikely because the sun is expected to swallow it within five billion years.

It is noteworthy that such astronomical events exist in the universe, where the Hubble space telescope monitored in 2009 two spiral galaxies in the first stages of their merger, and two galaxies, one of which stretched and distorted its composition due to the attractiveness of the other galaxy.