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A research institute that reviews threats and risks to the occupation in 2022

Existent with a number of Israeli studies centers, that the occupation government is required to focus on three major threats in terms of their seriousness, and the increase in preparation for the face of Tehran and its allies in the region, amid warnings that the situation in the West Bank is about to boil, as well as the social threat inside Israel.The Institute of National Security Studies of the University of Tel Aviv presented what he described as the "annual strategic evaluation document", which included a number of security threats surrounding the country, especially Iran that continue to seek the "nuclear threshold", as it is determined to build and strengthen military options to threaten Israel along the lengthIts borders are from several arenas, and by operating its capabilities in a counter -attack through missiles and drones.A report revealed to the newspaper "Yediot Aharonot", which was prepared by political correspondent Itamar Aykher, and translated by "Arabi 21" that "unlike the hierarchical sequence of threats in previous years, the institute researchers determined that in 2022 there are three major threats according to their seriousness, and the main challenge is Israel's integrated response to it, where it liesIran as an external threat to Israel..On the Palestinian level, the newspaper pointed out that the past year witnessed the confrontation round between Israel and Hamas during the operation of the Supplier of the Supplies, while "the security situation in the West Bank is about to boil due to the weakness of the Palestinian Authority, the unification of the factions and the demonstrations of the streets against it.".She added: "Although the situation is still under control due to the activity of the Israeli army and the public security apparatus, and security coordination with the Palestinian Authority, the latter is weakening, and it may become ineffective, but the young Palestinian generation began to motivate the idea of" one state. ".

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معهد بحثي يستعرض التهديدات والمخاطر على الاحتلال في 2022

And on the international area, "Yediot Aharonot" pointed out that the criticism directed at Israel has increased the light of the international community's frustration with the possibility of implementing the two states solutions, and the risk of legal action against Israel, with its definition of "racist separation state", adding to the ongoing erosion in confidence in government institutions, as well as existing gapsIn preparation for multi -front warfare, expected losses, and violent incidents between the Palestinian Jews 48, and this particular square represents a challenge to Israeli security.The Israeli research institutes considered that the consequences of these Israeli weaknesses are undermining these challenges of other national security, because in the face of external threats, Israel appears to be required to improve the readiness of its military power, and at the same time the development and use of soft forces such as its achievements in technology, science, depletion of sea water, energy and climate and health, as well as facing the consequencesEconomic Corona Economic.The Israeli circles have shown its concern about the current erosion in the American preparation for investment in expanding and deepening the normalization agreements between Israel and the pragmatic Arab countries, which reflects existing risks and threats, given that Israel's security is closely related to its internal national immunity, and its ability to deal with the deepest partisan disputes.

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And the researchers of the Israeli Institute presented ten recommendations to confront the security and external military threats, the most important of which is the formula for updated, bold and comprehensive strategic, and adaptive to the changing strategic and operational environment, preparedness in parallel to face the challenges arising from Iran, the Palestinian issue and the Israeli internal square, and the establishment of mechanisms of planning government work to restore the law, order, and rule in the pockets that are not subject to control inIsrael, dealing with the phenomenon of crime, reducing tension, hostility and inequality between groups in Israel.And the researchers to keep the military option to remove Iran from the nuclear bomb, and the best coordination with the United States, and at the same time addressing all components of the Iranian challenge, with a focus on stopping the accurate missile project in Lebanon, thwarting regional influence efforts, pushing political and economic infrastructure movements to strengthen the Palestinian authority, and improve conditionsLiving for its residents, discussing the conditions for separation from them, and other options for the future.

With regard to the status in the Gaza Strip, the institute called for efforts to put in place measures from the spirit of "economy for security", with Egypt's harnessing, international efforts, regional bundles, and the efforts of the Palestinian Authority to achieve this hypothesis, deepening coordination with the United States to consolidate the Abrahamic agreements of normalization, relations with Jordan and Egypt, and reduce tensions withTurkey.