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Jun 22By smartai.info

An advanced balloon accompanies tourists on an exciting tour of space

The astronaut Ron Garan was severely affected by the scene of the Earth from outer space, and his view of the world has changed, and now he wants to transfer us all to space to take a peek at the fragile world as he saw it with his eyes.

At the Factory of the World Vio Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, a 165 -meter table extends to a distance of 165 meters, to look like the largest work table in the world.On this table there is a brittle transparent tissue for a giant plastic cover.

This softened cover of polyethylene, which is intended to fill it in the size of a football field, was designed to carry a rate of pressure on a trip to the edge of the space.

This vehicle will reduce six passengers, sitting on their pairing seats, and carrying air across the upper layers of the atmosphere, at a distance of 32 km above the surface of the earth, to look at the Earth through the large -scale prominent windows.

They can also send the pictures they take to themselves to their friends on the ground using the Wi -Fi network on the vehicle, and they feel the drinks they like.

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After the balloon is floating around the passengers on a round over the clouds for two hours, the pilot separates the vehicle, so that the vehicle slowly lands to the ground with the help of a huge umbrella that can be directed in any direction.

The perception developed by the "World View" flying at high altitudes towards the upper atmosphere is not a far -fetch dream.The technology company used to fly with the balloon was inspired by Alan Justas, CEO of Google, who recently destroyed the Free Corcals.

Now, the company "World Vio" intends to move tourists to space, at a cost of $ 75,000 per seat, and Ron Garan, retired astronaut, has appointed NASA, to be a captain of the spacecraft.

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"While we ascends to the top, we will see a change in the color of the sky from button to darkness. We will be able to see the curvatureThe surface of the Earth, the extent of the atmosphere, as we will see the sun as a star in the face of a dark sky. "

Garran, a former US military warrior, spent more than 177 days in Earth orbit as part of two missions to the International Space Station.

Garan was also on board space shuttle, Russian Soyuz, and swimming in space four times outside the spacecraft.Garan claims that he is the first astronaut to ask to connect pizza to the low Earth orbit, where the International Space Station is located.

Garran has devoted his life since NASA left space, to convey to people what he called "orbits".In this regard, he wrote a book and painted oil paintings for the planet, and is now a documentary on the planet.

"My experience changed me in space," said Garan.

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"I think that the opportunity to view the planet from space will completely change your life, and leave yourself a great impact. Whenever it is available for more people the opportunity to see our planet as an integrated living system, we all lived together on the planet Earth a better life."

When Garan left for the first time the planet on the space shuttle Discovery in 2008, he was surprised by the hyperthyroidism of the atmosphere.

"I do not deny that this matter should not be surprised. Despite the many pictures taken of the planet, except that when you see the Earth with your eyes, he will meet you with fear of sadness whenever you think that this atmosphere is the one that keeps all living organisms on the surfaceThe planet is alive. "

And he added: "As I was shocked by the sad conflict between the beauty of our cup on the surface, and the unfortunate facts it carries that threatens the lives of a large number of beings that live on the planet, then they may be disappointed."

"But we can change this reality, we have strength, resources and technology what enables us to solve many of the problems we face, if not all," he added.

Of course, not all astronauts do this in this amount of eloquence and ability to acquire attention and sensitize the importance of the effects of space on the soul.

Space pioneers do not get their positions because of their delicate sense, even though it has been said that the best way to introduce people to the dangers faced by the planet is the launch of artists or musicians, or perhaps world leaders in space to change their view of the world after their return to Earth.

"I was at first trying to move people to this high point in space to see all the components of life on the planet. Now I can move them already to the edge of space, so I think that many of them will change their view of the world completely after that."

Certainly, most people will not be able to save the cost of the trip on the World Vio vehicle, which is $ 75,000.

However, this price provides the opportunity to travel to space for more people compared to the trip to the Earth orbit, as the cost of tourist travel to the International Space Station, for example, is $ 50 million.

In addition, travelers aboard the World Fyu balloon will enjoy a trip that takes longer than short and horrific flights on board the aircraft that exceeds the speed of sound, or the flights that make you feel nauseous from the lack of weight that takes only a few minutes, such trips that companies provideCompetition like "Virgin Galactic".

You may see that flying 20 miles above the surface of the Earth is not technically considered to be flying in space.It is known that the line between the atmosphere and the internationally recognized outer space, which is 62 miles (100 km) above the surface of the earth.

"It is necessary for us to call it a spacecraft. At this height, we are largely close to outer space, and the problems related to heat and pressure, and this is why this vehicle is classified as a spacecraft."

The company "World Vio" is currently building, with the support of the local authorities in the city of Tucson, a new fleet factory and a space port at the city airport.While the features of the preliminary model of the vehicle that the balloon will carry and reduce passengers, the company is developing the first a balloon to carry industrial satellites in the upper atmosphere, known as the "Stratolate vehicle".

Anything can be installed on these high -rise robotic platforms, designed to compete with satellites but at a much lower cost, such as scientific sensors, cameras or communications systems, and high -quality internet services may provide remote areas, or transmit TV images to cover major sporting events.

Until the completion of the implementation of the initial model of the vehicle, which will be called "Fayagir", Gran receives some exercises."As you know, we are in the process of implementing a comprehensive airline test program, and it will be fun and functional," says Garan.

Garran continued: "I am now training how to fly with umbrellas, and when I master it, I will learn how to land with the umbrella.The ground is in pouring drinks. "

The "World Vio" was not the only one to fly with a human being, the Spanish "Zero To Infiniti" Foundation has similar aspirations for space tourism, and Google has evolved with high -quality internet delivery to remote communities.

Garran says that unlike other means of transport used in space tourism, especially advanced space aircraft, this project is based mainly on a deep philosophical idea.

Garran is eagerly awaiting the direction of passengers to tie their beams, and to go to the sky."How much flying in space is missing, as watching our planet from space has a significant impact on the soul. If the number of people who reach this comprehensive understanding of the planet increases, the world will become better off," says Garan.