Home >without pilot >Morocco news today Moroccan Airlines program additional flights to evacuate "Moroccans of Ukraine"
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Morocco news today Moroccan Airlines program additional flights to evacuate "Moroccans of Ukraine"

Morocco news today, news source - Morocco News - Mutras with the details of the news, Moroccan Airlines program additional flights to evacuate "Moroccans of Ukraine":

الخطوط المغربية تبرمج رحلات جوية إضافية لإجلاء "مغاربة أوكرانيا"

اخبار المغرب اليوم الخطوط المغربية تبرمج رحلات جوية إضافية لإجلاء

Posted in Parliament on 07 - 03 - 2022

Royal Moroccan Airlines announced the programming of new additional flights for the benefit of Moroccans residing in Ukraine, on March 7 and 8, from Bucharest and Warsou at Casablanca Airport.Laram lines in tweets on her official account on Twitter revealed that they have programmed two additional trips for the benefit of Moroccans residing in Ukraine, at the same fixed price 750 dirhams that include all fees.The air company explained that it had previously programmed flights on the same date from Budapest towards Casablanca.The move comes after the recent Royal Moroccan Airlines announced the programming of additional flights for the benefit of Moroccans stranded in Ukraine.

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