Home >without pilot >American magazine: Algeria has the most powerful ballistic missile in the world
Nov 17By smartai.info

American magazine: Algeria has the most powerful ballistic missile in the world

The US military magazine, "Military Watch", talked about the advantages of the hypersonic Iskander ballistic missiles, which were recently demonstrated during exercises of the People's National Army.

The American magazine said in a report that the Algerian army currently possesses the "Iskander" missile, which is the most powerful in the world.

The "Military Watch" magazine added that the "Iskander" ballistic missile has a range of 500 km and enjoys high accuracy. It also has great maneuverability and its unexpected trajectory makes it impossible to intercept.

American magazine: Algeria has the most powerful ballistic missile In the world title=

The magazine stated that the Iskander missile is believed to have been in the possession of the Algerian armed forces for several years.

The Russian missile is only known to have been exported to Armenia and Algeria - with both North and South Korea introducing very similar missiles believed to have benefited from Russian technology transfers, the magazine said.

It is noteworthy that the missile appeared for the first time in a report by the Ministry of Defense entitled “Except the Land of Algeria,” which was shown on national television last week.

In March 2018, the Russian economic daily “Kommersant” revealed that Algeria had officially received the Russian Iskander missiles.

The newspaper stated at the time, “Algeria has shown great interest in these missiles for years, as this system has great accuracy and effectiveness. This contract was naturally carried out within the framework of modernizing the artillery force.

In 2013, the United Nations lists for the classification of conventional weapons mentioned the conclusion of a deal of Iskander ballistic missile systems between Russia and Algeria, as this process included four regiments.