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An anthropologist talks about Corona and the end of America (Part 2)

"Arabi 21" publishes the second part of an article published by the Anthropology and the Davies, in which it speaks under the title "Dismantling of America", about the impact of the new Corona virus (Coffee-19) on the United States of America, concluding that it may cause the end of its era.

The researcher focuses on the effects caused by the virus socially and inferior to the American people, especially with the economic and political impacts and others, which caused the virus, and the use of US President Donald Trump with the crisis.

Next is the full text of the second part of the article: It was not the Cofide-19 who weakened America, but rather all he did is to reveal what was abandoned a long time ago.While the chapters of the crisis continue, and while another American dies every minute of every day, the country that was producing combat aircraft around the clock has become unable to produce kites or cotton swabs, the need became urgent in order to detect the disease.

The nation that defeated smallpox and led the world for generations in the field of creativity and medical discovery, has become a mockery and rare after its president suggested the use of home detergents to treat a disease that his limited mental abilities are unable to understand.As a number of countries in the world are rushing to contain the virus, the United States appears in a state.

The population of the United States is less than four percent of the population of the globe, but it is quickly plagued by the five deaths of the victims of the Coffeepade infection globally..

The percentage of victims of illnesses is six times the global average.When the United States reached the highest rate of disease and death in the world, this did not generate a feeling of shame and shame, but more lies, more scourges of redemption, and pride in reaching superpowers no less suspicion than the defects of the fraudulents.While the United States responded to the crisis as it does a trivial tyrant, we have already seen the trivial tyrants around the world seized the opportunity to occupy the pulpit of Semitic qualities, enjoying a rare feeling of moral superiority, especially after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis.

We have witnessed the ruler of Chechnya, Ramadan Kadyrov, scolding America "for its malicious violation of the rights of ordinary citizens".We saw North Korea newspapers as it objected to the "cruelty of the police" in America, and we saw the Iranian press quoted by the Iranian guide Khamenei as he smelled by saying: "America has started the process of destroying itself.".Rather, the performance of Trump and the American crisis are the ones that distract the attention of China's mismanagement for the first outbreak of the disease in Wuhan, not to mention its movement to crush democracy in Hong Kong.When an American official sparked the human rights issue via "Twitter", a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, recalling the killing of George Floyd, responded with one short phrase: "I cannot breathe.".It may be easy to ignore such statements because they were issued for political purposes, but the Americans did not make any known with themselves, as their political process made it possible to ascend to the highest position in the country with "Dimagogi" in the very moral degradation, until a British writer said in them.Sakhr: "A lot of fools have always been found in the world, and many of the evil people are also, but it is rare for foolishness to reach this extent of evil, or that evil reaches this limit of foolishness.".Deaden, US President, cultivation, discontent, demonic.His main tool in judgment is lying.By the ninth of July 2020, the number of his slanders and false statements reached 20055.And if the first president of America, George Washington, cannot lie as he is famous for, the current president does not know a way to honesty.And if we turn up upside down the words and feelings of Abraham Lincoln, then this man (Trump) will be hatred for everyone, and he does not hope for good for anyone.As it is unpleasant, Trump is not a reason for America's degradation as much as it is one of the results of its deterioration.When the Americans look at themselves in the mirror and see only a legend of their distinction, they remain in a manner that requires surprise, unable to see what their country has already been afflicted..

The states that were one day considered the free flow of information and the artery of life in the democratic system, today ranked forty -fifth among countries with regard to freedom of the press..On the land that once welcomed the group of refugees to it and expatriates from all over the world, today, those who prefer most of them to build a wall along the southern borders to support the provision of care and health protection for mothers and children who were resorted to misery and misery to the ways of the country's doors, and they have no official papers.In complete absence from the collective good.

American laws are defined by freedom as the right of the individual that cannot be waived to possess a arsenal of personal weapons, as if it is a natural entitlement, although it poses a threat to the safety of children. In the past decade alone, he was killed in shooting inside American schools 346 students and a teacher.This American belief, the individual, denies not only the group, but even the idea of society from its basis.No one owes anyone, and everyone must be ready to fight for anything: education, shelter, food, and medical care.

Rather, what every democracy considers prosperous and successful is basic rights - health care for all, equal opportunities in obtaining good government education, a social safety network for the weak, the elderly and the disabled - that America rejects, and deviates from it as a socialist luxury, or as if it was one of the features that indicate weakness.How can the rest of the world expect America to lead in the face of global dangers - climate change, the crisis of extinction and extinction, and epidemics - when the country does not have a sense of a good goal or a collective good, even even within its national group?

It is not possible to consider one of the national flag as a substitute for compassion and mercy, and anger and hostility cannot overcome love.Those who flock to beaches, bars and political festivals, and endanger the lives of their citizens, do not practice freedom, but rather - as one of the commentators noticed - the weakness of a people who have no time at the same time what he needs to resist in the face of the epidemic and the skin that he needs to defeat him.Donald Trump leads them, fighting with bone shrapnel, false and deceptive, and an abnormal cartoon drawing of a strong man, and what is really bullied..It has spread online in recent months a joke that says that living in Canada today is like having an apartment on a laboratory to produce anesthetic anesthetic..Canada is not the perfect place, but it has tackled the Coffeted epidemic crisis well, especially in British Columbia where I live.

The city of Vancouver (Canadian) is only three hours from the city of Seatil..

Half of the Vancouver population of Asian descent, and dozens of planes coming from China and East Asia landing in the city daily.Logically, the city should have been hit by a strong blow, but the healthcare system was very well that exceeded expectations.

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Throughout the crisis, the test rates around Canada permanently have been five times what they were inside the United States.Canada incurred half of the injuries and deaths that the United States incurred.

For every person who died in British Colombia, forty -four people who loved them died because of Corona, in Massachusetts, the similar American state in terms of its population, knowing that the state had announced injuries to the Corona virus, which exceeded the number of cases announced in Canada as a whole..

Since the thirtieth of July, when the rates of Coffee disease were rapidly escalating throughout the United States, and announced nearly sixty thousand injuries in one day, British Columbia hospitals have so far registered a total of five patients, who have a coffee.When American friends ask for an explanation, I encourage them to think the last time you are shopping from the Sepaway market next to them.This is because in the United States there are almost always an ethnic, economic, cultural and educational gap that separates the consumer and workers on the counter at the exit in the shops, it is difficult for them, if not impossible, its bridging it.

As for Canada, the matter is completely different, as people interact with each other, if not like a peer, then they are members of the same group..The reason for this is very simple.The workers may not participate in the counter at the level of Raghad to live, but they know that you know that they are receiving a good salary thanks.They know that you know that their children and children may go to the same public school in the vicinity.And thirdly, this is the most important ever, they know that you know that if their children get sick, they will get the same medical care that you get not only your children, but the children of the Prime Minister.

Those are the three strings that were woven together to form the strength of Canadian social democracy.When Mahatma Gandhi was asked about his opinion on Western civilization, his famous saying said: "I think that will be a good idea.".This phrase may seem harsh, but it accurately reflects America's image today as it is seen from the point of view of any modern social democracy.

Canada's performance was good during the Kofid crisis thanks to our social contract, the links between members of one group, the confidence of each of us with the other, and our confidence in our institutions, especially the health care system that we have, with its hospitals that provide medical needs for the total, and not for the individual, and certainly not for the investor from the sectorSpecial who is considered every bed in the hospital as if it was a real estate for rent.

It is not measured by the wealth of a nation civilized with the money that is accumulated by the few luck.This has nothing to do with political ideology, but rather has the whole relationship with the quality of life.The Finns is more than the Americans and their childhood deaths are less likely in America.

After the income tax, Danish receive the same as the Americans receive almost, even though they are doing twenty percent less than them..In the tax, they pay 19 additional cents for every dollar they receive, but in return they get free health care, and free education from pre -school and to university preliminary, and they have the opportunity to flourish in an economy from the free market and levels of lowest poverty, displacement, crime and lack of equality.

The worker receives a better wage, treated with greater respect, is rewarded with life insurance, retirement plans, maternity leave, and an annual paid annual holiday of six weeks.All of these benefits stimulate the Danish to work harder, with eighty percent of men and women between the ages of 16 and 64 years in the workforce fully involved, which is much higher than it is in the United States.American politicians reject the Scandinavian model as an infiltrator socialism, a reduced version of communism, or something that cannot succeed in the United States.The truth is that the success of social democracies lies specifically in the fact that it stimulates the establishment of dynamic capitalist economies that benefit each sectors of society.

It may be really true that social democracy will never exist in the United States, but if it was true, it is an amazing accusation, which is exactly what Oscar Wilde meant when he said sarcastically that the United States was the only country that moved from barbarism to degradation without thatHe is in civilization.The evidence for this deadly degradation is the choice that this large number of Americans resorted to in 2016, when they singled out their personal coffins with priority and presented their own resolutions on any other concerns related to the fate of the country, and even the fate of the world, when they were quick to choose a man who is only qualified to go up to the positionIt is his willingness to hear the world's cries of hatred from their mouths, and legitimize their discontent, and target their enemies, whether they are real or delusional..

One trembles with terror when he thinks about what might mean to the world that the Americans decide in November (presidential elections) - despite what they have witnessed so far - to keep such a man in political power.But even if Trump has a overwhelming defeat, it is not clear after such a nation that lives in a deep state of polarization will be able to find a way to go ahead.Regardless of the result, America has gained its chance.It is not the end of the American era, nor the delivery of the flame to Asia is suitable for celebration, nor time for glory.In a moment of international danger, when humanity entered a dark afternoon that goes beyond all the horror of the mind, the American industrial force with the ordinary Russian soldiers made from their blood that - literally - saved the world.

The American proverb, as celebrated by Madison, Monroe, Lincolen, Rosphilt and Kandi, was once that inspired millions and give them hope.If China ascends, and when that happens, it has the arrest camps for Uighur, and the possession of a military force that does not know mercy, and the surveillance cameras that exceed 200 million cameras to monitor each movement and every stray and incoming of its people, we will feel then,Of course, nostalgia for the years of the American century.

But at this moment we have only Donald Trump, the ruling thief.Between praising the Chinese transaction of Uighur and describing their arrest and torturing that "this is exactly the correct procedure", and the medical advice issued about it about the use of chemical detergents as a treatment for people with the virus, as Trump said cheerful that "one day, he will disappear, like a miracle".Of course, he meant the Corona virus, but, as others said, his words could have been carried as a reference to the American dream.

Rolling Stones 6 August 2020

Also read the first part: Anthropology: Corona warns the end of the American era (Part 1)