Home >without pilot >Analysts: Houthi aircraft march a low -cost threat to the Emirates
Jul 16By smartai.info

Analysts: Houthi aircraft march a low -cost threat to the Emirates

Locally manufactured aircraft in Yemen, which is capable of flying hundreds of kilometers, is a threat to the UAE, which was targeted by the Houthis in the past two weeks twice.

In their attacks, the Houthis used these planes, as well as ballistic missiles.They also use these weapons to target oil and other facilities in Saudi territory, in response to the intervention of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi - as part of a military alliance - the war in Yemen in support of government forces.

The Houthis targeted the UAE after they incurred losses on the ground in Yemen by the "Giants Brigades" loyal to the Yemeni government supported by the Emirates.

Analysts emphasize the low cost of this strategy, which is the most advanced "Samad -3" march that can carry 18 kilograms of explosives and has a range of 1500 kilograms and its top speed is 250 kilograms per hour, according to Houthi media sources and independent experts.

Squicing tactic

James Rogers, assistant professor at London Economics College, says that Emiratis and Saudis find it difficult to repel these attacks."It is known that it is difficult to address the attacks of drones and missiles, especially when they are used in the framework of swarm, as many weapons are launched at the same time to try to escape the existing defenses."

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According to Rogers, the Houthis use attacks by drones and medium -range missiles at a low altitude and low speed, so it is difficult for the traditional radar to discover.

"Many drones were homemade copies transferred from military systems made from countries and similar to those made in Iran," the British expert - who previously examined the Houthi -made planes - continues that "many drones were homemade copies transferred from military systems made from countries and similar to those made in Iran."

He adds that it has been strengthened with commercial and easy to obtain drones, wires, control systems and cameras.This ensures that the Houthis are able to secure these combat means at a low cost.

The report of the "Center for Strategic and International Studies" in 2020 stated that these drones "use the GPS guidelines (GPS) and fly independently along the pre -programmed road points" towards its goals.

On March 11, the Houthis revealed 7 new types of drones, but without specifying their range and advantages.It included a new version of their most developed aircraft, "Samad 4".

New reality

On the other hand, a senior Emirati official stresses that the Houthis' threat to his country will not become the "new reality", while the rich Gulf state is seeking to enhance its defensive capabilities, and said that the UAE has defensive capabilities at high levels and is constantly seeking to update them.

The UAE had signed a bill of dollars in the defensive missiles made by the American company "Lockheed Martin" in 2011.

Last week, it reached an agreement to obtain defensive missiles amounting to $ 3.5 billion with a South Korean company, while Saudi Arabia relies on defending its lands in the face of these attacks on US Batriot batteries, and Riyadh also has 80 air defense radars, but many of them are old systems dating back to decadesprecedent.

But this system has a varying record of confronting the launch of missiles and drones from Yemen, and experts say they are not designed to confront drones flying low.