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Artificial intelligence re -draws the job map in the future - Al -Ittihad newspaper

Youssef Al -Arabi, Hassouna Al -Tayeb, Hossam Abdel Nabi

Artificial intelligence contributes to generating new job opportunities that will redraw the map of future jobs, according to specialized experts who emphasized that this technology will make positive changes, which would improve the quality of human life. They indicated the difficulty of determining what the required jobs are accurately after 10 years, except that Initial indicators confirm that the artificial intelligence systems that grow at an unprecedented pace will not cancel jobs, as evidence that this has not happened yet, despite the steady growth of this technology in which investment has doubled within 18 months. They expected to mix future functions between machine and humans skills, to overcome On operational challenges, any process when relying on one element of the two elements referred to.

According to the results of the Future Futures Report 2020, the highest developed jobs in the future are divided into seven professions, foremost of which is artificial intelligence specialists, data scientists, and social media assistants. He explained that data and artificial intelligence systems create an entirely new jobs, in order: a specialist Artificial intelligence, data world, data engineer, large data developer, data analyst, analysis specialist, data consultant, ideas analyst, artificial intelligence systems developers, and finally artificial analysis consultant. He pointed out that these jobs require a set of qualified skills, which come in It is presented by data science, data storage technologies, development tools, machine learning and artificial intelligence, the SDLC software development course, administrative development, browsing software, digital literacy, computer science and computer networks. The report confirmed that artificial intelligence systems and large data will not cancel the aspects and human skills, but rather combine between What is human and artificial, according to the report prepared in cooperation with "LinkedIn", "Corsira" and "Berning Glass Technoliguez". However, the occurrence of any slowdown in the growth of the number of jobs, may be due to economic reasons and challenges known to all, but the accusation of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence this has not been proven health at all, as these technologies still contribute a slight role in creating new job opportunities with new skills. The report emphasized that the UAE comes among the best countries in the world, in terms of adopting these jobs, foremost of which is the specialized jobs in the field of artificial intelligence, which records 78 opportunities out of every 10 thousand opportunities (0.78%), rising to 123 chances (1.23%) by solutions 2022.

New skills, from his part, told Joyti Lalcandani, Vice -President of the Group and Regional Director General of "ADC" in the Middle East and Africa region, told Al -Ittihad that the pace of spending on artificial intelligence techniques clearly indicates the contribution of this young woman to drawing a future map. He pointed out that intelligence The artificial is able to generate millions of new job opportunities around the world, but this will require the acquisition of new skills imposed by this technology, which will make actual changes in the long term in the concept of employment and the relationship of humans to the machine. The Middle East and Africa region this year has almost doubled, compared to what was recorded in 2017, which reflects the tremendous growth in the interest we have seen about this technology over the past 18 months. He explained that it is expected that investment in the field of artificial intelligence will grow at unprecedented proportions, To spend artificial intelligence in the Middle East and Africa to $ 290 million this year, to increase again to $ 530 million in 2022.

Signal growth that investing in artificial intelligence throughout the region is a candidate for growth by 42.5% on an annual basis in 2019, and continues to increase with a compound annual growth rate, of 22.2% during the period 2019-2022. % Of the spending of the Middle East and Africa region on artificial intelligence systems «AI), as a result of increasing companies’ orientation to invest in these systems, and the government agencies are directed to integrate technologies in support of the country's digital transformation process and harness them to improve the quality of services and the efficiency of resource use. Registering spending on artificial intelligence systems in the UAE 215.2 million dirhams by the end of last year, in light of its expectations of its rise again to about 270.3 million dirhams in 2020, an increase of 25%. He explained that the sectors of banks, manufacturing and retail trade lead investment and employment in artificial intelligence until 2022, while government spending continues through the Middle East and Africa region On investing in artificial intelligence systems, taking advantage of government plans for digital transformation.

The challenges of the future and from his part, Mohamed Amin, the first vice president of the Middle East, Russia, Africa and Turkey at Del Technologies, said that artificial intelligence is one of the main pillars to develop the march of digital transformation capable of adapting to the challenges For accurate years, but initial indicators confirm that artificial intelligence systems that grow at an unprecedented pace will not cancel jobs, as evidence that this has not yet happened, despite the steady growth. He added that these technologies will create new functional roles, in light of the expectations that these emerging technologies, foremost of which are artificial intelligence systems, are able to generate tens of millions of new jobs globally, as a result of the new sharing of the roles of work between humans, machines and algorithms.

320 billion dollars in the size of the sector in the Middle East during the ten giants to announce the establishment of the first university in the world dedicated to artificial intelligence in Abu Dhabi, as a brick that contributes to supporting the efforts made by the Middle East region to transform into a global technology center. Mohammed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence is part of the UAE strategy that it launched two years ago. The UAE is on its way to the leadership of artificial intelligence in the Middle East by 2030, where a recent report published by the BWC Foundation expected that the value of the artificial intelligence sector in the region is approaching, towards the region, towards the region, towards the region, towards the region. $ 320 billion by 2030 and acquire 13.6% of the UAE's GDP.

الذكاء الاصطناعي يعيد رسم خريطة الوظائف في المستقبل - صحيفة الاتحاد

The acquisition of skills and a report from McKinsey Global, that artificial intelligence forms half of the functions in the world, and have many complications for the global work sector.At a time when artificial intelligence provides new jobs, other functions disappear, which requires workers to prepare for this by changing their jobs and gaining new skills, as well as the ability to work alongside mechanisms.But perhaps risks, the difference in experiences leads to more economic inequality.

Abolishing jobs and finding artificial intelligence, more attention in recent times, given its ability to break the barrier of human efficiency, reduce repetition in work and enhance efficiency, which prompted almost every working sector, to adopt it. According to the BW C Foundation, artificial intelligence may take over 7 million A job between 2017 to 2037, while it provides 7.2 million new jobs. Among the reasons that show that artificial intelligence provides more jobs than those that cancel it, the demand for the human cadre that works alongside mechanisms. While artificial intelligence has capabilities such as speed, accuracy and computing, man has strengths from them, sympathy, rule, ability to perceive and others. Artificial intelligence plays an important role in marketing and sales operations, by developing smart databases, in addition to supporting companies in improving their performance.

New jobs and indicating new report estimates for the World Economic Forum, to the contraction of nearly half of the full -time workforce for companies, over the next few years. Although artificial intelligence acquires some jobs, but it will create a request for new jobs. Artificial intelligence works to help companies in areas such as customer services, automation and others. As a result of the entry of artificial intelligence most sectors, the need for a working force of artificial intelligence increases for maintenance, which means increasing demand for developers and engineers for systems maintenance. It is expected that the robots sector will witness significant growth during the next few years, as fixed and mobile robots and drones coincide with demand. Great by companies. The health care sector is considered one of the most promised areas of artificial intelligence applications, as BW C expects to increase job opportunities in this sector by about one million, especially the functions of technicians supported by artificial intelligence. Also expected, the gaming sector will witness, A great recovery of artificial intelligence applications, from designs and development, to internal operations and maintenance. Games companies are heading to invest huge funds, in virtual reality games, which are very large. AI plays an important role in the automated transportation sector, where companies such as Google and Ub are investing millions of dollars in self -driving cars, which results in increasing demand Artificial intelligence engineers and machine learning. In the banking sector, financial services companies such as banks need artificial intelligence engineers to develop their systems, which work to discover and reduce fraud and fraud.

E -learning and BW C expectations for the education sector are directed to e -learning, as concepts such as, smart content, personal learning and other processes are based on data, on artificial intelligence, which means the need for more workers in the sector. On the entertainment aspect, companies use companies Broadcasting services such as, Netflix, Amazon Prime and Spitevai, artificial intelligence technology to help them understand the user's taste on the network and thus provide the suitable work. This means, increasing the sector's demand for huge employment to meet customer requirements. The truck sector, which is estimated at the size of its global market, is about $ 1.5 trillion, to train developers and engineers, to drive trucks remotely. Automation and truck electrification contribute to reducing energy costs by 70% and costs Operating by about 60% and increasing production by about 200%, according to the Swedish company, Swedish, which specializes in self -driving vehicles.

Malian experts: Developing the skills of employees who are inevitably unanimously, Malian experts, that the use of artificial intelligence solutions in various tasks and functions will not eliminate the role of the human element, but it requires employees in different companies and institutions to develop their skills to keep pace with the era of digital transformation. They confirmed that although robots and artificial intelligence applications are I have been able to perform up to 70% of the tasks of employees in a number of sectors, but it is completely unlikely that these (machines) replace humans and cancel their role. Experts explained that increasing the use of robots and artificial intelligence applications will submit more functions for humans, as it changes The tasks of the human element to increase their focus on solving problems creatively and innovation to achieve more achievements. According to a report issued by Gartner Research Company, artificial intelligence works to create 2.3 million jobs, while eliminating only 1.8 million, pointing out that by 2022, one depends on Every five employees working in non -routine jobs, mostly on artificial intelligence to do their job.

Rehabilitation of employees and His Excellency Abdulaziz Al Ghurair, President of the Emirates Banking Federation, and CEO of Al -Mashreq Bank, stated that the digital transformation and the increase in the employment of artificial intelligence solutions in banking requires banks to start immediately in qualifying employees to keep pace with the changes and the digital era so that they move from normal work to the operations that correspondWith the development of the accident, the use of artificial intelligence solutions, robots and services mechanization will lead to the abolition of 30% of the repeated operations in banks and the disappearance of some jobs such as the Cashier treasurer.

The future strategy and a report issued by the Institute of Administrative Accountants in the Middle East region states that although robots and artificial intelligence solutions are currently implementing approximately 70% of accounting tasks and financial operations, it is completely unlikely that these (machines) replace humans in the field of audit And the preparation of financial reports, noting that the solutions of artificial intelligence will change the nature of the jobs of accountants and specialists in the financial fields. The report clarified that the "robot" can exercise the tasks of the accountant or the financial advisor for some time, but it is not able to solve problems, answer questions and clarify the details, and the matter depends on Humans in the end in preparing programs and "will" that enable the robot to carry out tasks and increase its skills. And about the role of accountant and financial managers in the digital age, the Institute of Administrative Accountants indicated that the efficiency in the use of technology will become the most important as the role of the financial manager will not become just Providing financing for technology, but will extend to the invention of innovations and choose the most suitable for the company's work, as well as include innovation in the future strategy of the institution and the choice of competencies The ability to use technology and its applications to perform operations.

The solution to the problems and in turn, Mohamed Khalifa Al -Majii, a member of the Board of Directors of the Internal Auditors Association in the UAE, confirms that despite the expectations that robots will acquire 50% of the internal audit functions in 2025, but the employment of artificial intelligence solutions to automate the repeated tasks or those that It takes a long time, the internal auditors will maintain mainly on solving problems creatively. It is noteworthy that conducting the internal audit through artificial intelligence solutions is useful in checking the work of internal auditors and consequently reducing the risks that may result from human error. He pointed out that the role of auditors The internalists will change due to the complexity of business and the introduction of new technologies, especially in light of the enhancement of robotics capabilities in performing tasks through robot programs and machine learning, so that they can deal with the accelerated size and speed and complexity In addition, the coming period will witness more demand and employment opportunities for internal auditors in the Emirates in order to keep pace with the developments in the state and its directions to become a smart state e.

The strengthening of the business, Dr. Yves Morio, director of the Boston Conseling Group, said that artificial intelligence is a clear and practical technology that can enhance works to serve people, indicating that the more reliance on artificial intelligence, the more lively human intelligence plays a vibrant role in Achieving more achievements. He explained that the launch of the UAE strategy for artificial intelligence is the first of its kind in the world, as this strategy will contribute to enhancing multiple aspects of future services, sectors and infrastructure projects, pointing out that adopting artificial intelligence solutions provides Emirati companies that look towards growth and development , A unique opportunity to enhance its competitive advantage through new offers, clear value offers and the most effective operations.