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Oct 21By smartai.info

The celebrations of the Internal Security Forces - Women in North and East Syria on International Women's Day

Within the framework of a series of events launched by the joint activities platform for women's movements and organizations in northern and eastern Syria, on the occasion of March 8, (International Women's Day) The Internal Security Forces organized celebrations on this occasion under the slogan "Together we protect our revolution and liberate our lands".


حيث نظمت القيادة العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي لإقليم الجزيرة احتفالية في مدينة Qamishlo ب مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والمؤسسات العسكرية، وممثلات عن قوات الأمن الداخلي – المرأة، وقوات النجدة، وشرطة المرور، وسوتورو – المرأة، وناتوري – المرأة، وإدارة المواصلات، ومؤتمر ستار، إلى جانب عوائل الشهداء وذلك في ملعب هيثم كجو.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor.

Then I delivered a speech by the member of the Star Conference Coordinator, Rehan Luqo, in which she blessed March 8 to all women and recalled all martyrs and martyrs of freedom and said: "We bless this day on all national women resisting the opponents against injustice and rejectionists of slavery and submission, as well as we congratulate this day in particular onCommander Ocalan, who illuminated the woman’s path and brought her to what she is..

She added: "They used to say that the Kurdish woman is a reactionary woman and could not develop, but the leader Ocalan proved that and the struggle of freedom appeared in the person of the Kurdish woman who has brought themselves up with the dust of obedient customs and traditions and was freed from the reactionary mindset.".

And she continued: "The pioneering of the Kurdish women managed Arab and Syrian women and from all spectra and doctrines to the uprising and join the Kurdish women revolution and demanded their rights and triumphed, and the protection of humanity with this struggle, so we all owe the thought and philosophy of Commander Ocalan and we will have a hard way in order to obtain his freedom.".

Then the Judy Group of the Mohamed Sheikho Center presented revolutionary lyrical pieces in addition to the singing of the artist Serima Kaneh, followed by the presentation of the martyrs to the families of the martyrs from the Internal Security Forces and the honoring of a conference and the presentation of memorial shields in appreciationGeneral Command of the Internal Security Forces of the island region.

The joint activities platform for women's movements and organizations in northern and eastern Syria launched the International Women's Day campaign, under the slogan "Together we protect our revolution and liberate our lands", on February 23, which will continue until the 10th of this month..


في السياق نظّمت قوى الأمن الداخلي في مدينة Paddle وريفها ،احتفالية بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة ، وذلك في أكاديمية الشهيد شعبان جنوب شرق المدينة، ب كافة المؤسسات واللجان المدنية والعسكرية، والأحزاب السياسية ووجهاء العشائر ،وكافة المؤسسات الخاصة بالمرأة ،وبدأت الفعالية بالوقوف دقيقه صمت إجلالاً لأرواح الشهداء ،ومن ثم رحبت الإدارية في قوى الأمن الداخلي - المرأة جيهان بركل بالحضور.

Then a member of the Zenobia Women gathered, the life of Salem, delivered a speech in which she said: “In the name of every free woman, we congratulate and congratulate the International Day of Women on the Internal Security Forces for women.”In the region, we congratulate every woman on the International Women's Day..

Then Halima Abu Bakr delivered a speech in the name of the General Administration of Internal Security Forces in northern and eastern Syria, in which she said: "We bless this day on Commander Ocalan, the leader who devoted his life in order to obtain women and society their freedom and all the women of the world, especially women in northern and east of Syria.".

For her part, the joint head of the Internal Committee of the Internal Security Forces, Wadha Al -Jassem, affirmed a speech in which she said: "March came to us in his first days the anniversary of the International Women's Day, which came as a fruit for the struggle of millions of women around the world to obtain their rights.".

كما ألقى الناطق باسم أعيان ووجهاء مدينة Paddle، محمد صادق العصيدي كلمة قال فيها: "بمناسبة 8آذار اليوم العالمي للمرأة ، نبارك الرفيقات في قوى الأمن الداخلي ونساء شمال وشرق سوريا حقيقة هي مدعاة للفخر والاعتزاز والكبرياء أن نرى بناتنا وأبناءنا يحمون الشعب ويقدمون أعظم التضحيات في سبيل الحفاظ على الأمن والأمان وسلامة الوطن".

وتم تكريم قوى الأمن الداخلي - المرأة بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمرأة، من قبل الإدارة المدنية الديمقراطية في Paddle والمجلس التنفيذي والمجلس التشريعيوالإدارة العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي في شمال وشرق سوريا وحزب الاتحاد الديمقراطي(PYD).


كما نظّمت قوى الأمن الداخلي - المرأة في Tenderness احتفالية ب العشرات من عضوات قوى الأمن الداخلي والمؤسسات المدنية والعسكرية وممثلات عن الإدارة الذاتية.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor.

احتفالات قوى الأمن الداخلي - المرأة في شمال وشرق سوريا باليوم العالمي للمرأة

Laila Qahran recalled all the martyrs who had a prominent role in achieving security and safety for the region in general..

وتخللت الاحتفالية عروض غنائية باللغات الثلاثة العربية والكردية والسريانية والدبكات الشعبية, وتقديم درع لإدارة المرأة في الأمن الداخلي قطاع Tenderness.

der alzoor

For its part, the Internal Security Forces - Women in Deir Al -Zour Province organized a celebration under the slogan "Our struggle is continuing and our resistance is a victory" on the occasion of March 8 International Women's Day

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs in the presence of the representatives and representatives of the civil and military councils in Deir Al -Zour Province

During the celebration, a speech was given in the name of the families of the martyrs by the administrative at the Council of Families of the Martyrs, Alia Al -Abdullah, in which she congratulated women on the occasion of International Women's Day

In addition to a speech in the name of the office of the Zenobia Women gathering, which was delivered by the administrative gathering of Zenobia Women in Deir Al -Zour, Shahrazad Al -Jaswali, in turn congratulated all women, especially members of the Internal Security Forces..


ضمن فعاليات 8 آذار واحتفاء باليوم العالمي للمرأة أقامت قوى الأمن الداخلي بمدينة Hasaka حفلاً تكريمياً لأسايش المرأة تقديراً لجهودها المبذولة في بسط الأمن والأمان في المنطقة.

The ceremony was attended by members of civil and military institutions in self -administration, representatives of a number of political parties in the city and all the largest citizens.

وبدأ الحفل الذي أقيم في صالة رشو غربي مدينة Hasakaبالوقوف دقيقة صمت إجلالاً لأرواح الشهداء، ليتم بعدها تكريم قوى الأمن الداخلي لأسايش المرأة.

Then the attendees held the Dabkeh episodes to celebrate this occasion.


بمناسبة حلول يوم المرأة العالمي، تجمع المئات من أعضاء وعضوات المؤسسات المدنية التابعة لإقليم عفرين، في مخيم سردم الواقع في قرية تل سوسن التابعة لناحية الأحداث بمقاطعة Shahba.

The celebration began with a minute of silence, after which the administration spoke to the internal security forces - the woman to the region of Afrin, so Vandina Hamo, blessing the feast for all the women of the world.

She added: "Every society in which women are present and prosperous with freedom, peace, and as a free woman. The free woman remains faithful to the homeland and if she promises to fulfill her promise in exchange for the soil of the homeland.".

For its part, the administration at the Star Conference of the Afrin region, Farida Ebo, noted the importance of women in life and all areas of work and the sacrifices of Kurdish women in particular. "Free Kurdish women have faced all kinds of difficulties and have become an example to follow and make it clear with their spirit, and we are here now and we celebrate the woman's day thanks to their sacrifices.".

Farida emphasized, "We will protect our revolution, which was built with the thought and philosophy of Commander Abdullah Ocalan, and I was told with the blood of our righteous martyrs.".

After that, the singer Majeed presented lyrical paragraphs from the Afrini heritage, after which the martyr Brash Rim, affiliated to the Golden Crescent, presented several folkloric songs.

To end the party with the presentation of the singer Niazi, a group of revolutionary songs, amid the holding of the Dabkeh episodes by the audience.

