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Nov 22By smartai.info

"Contradictory signs" on Vienna and "nuclear agreement" negotiations

Everyone is dealing with Vienna's nuclear negotiations as a decisive stage measured by weeks and requires political decisions. Optimistic capitals are supposed to have discussed their basic lines with their delegations before returning to the Austrian capital with the resumption of the eighth round of the talks..

Information was reported on meetings that were held in a non -public manner that facilitated the arrival of an understanding that speeds up the discussions between the parties concerned, including a high -level security meeting held between the American and Iranian sides in Germany during a secret visit to the head of US CIA, William Burns to Berlin, knowing that the Wall Street Journal.She published this news, and said that the visit was previously a week before the visit of Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken to the region, and that it is linked to the Russian -Ukrainian event only.

This information indicates that there is an initial American approval on the framework of an agreement that Russia prepared in agreement with Iran, amid references to a clear change in the European position that was previously highly negative to turn into a supporter of a more comprehensive agreement.

The Iranian delegation was surprised by an American response that facilitated the agreement on two -thirds of the research points, and that what remained stuck in the framework of the non -fifting of the agreement, which prompted the Iranian delegation to return quickly to Iran to consult and obtain a cover to move forward in the final discussions..

«إشارات متناقضة» بشأن مفاوضات ڤيينا و«الاتفاق النووي»

"Positive Signs" regarding Vienna's nuclear negotiations are mostly issued by Iran, which talks about good developments, even if it is insufficient, and confirms its desire to reach a good agreement that provides it with sustainable and reliable economic benefits, while emphasizing the priority of lifting the sanctions of the post -Donal -Trump withdrawal sanctions From the nuclear agreement concluded in 2015, and verifying it practically and obtaining guarantees that the American withdrawal is not repeated, because the problem is not confined to the current negotiating papers, but rather regarding the post -agreement, as Iran is not enthusiastic about a rapid return to a public agreement without Getting previously on sure guarantees that include penalties and also files related to what is going on in the Middle East, which will not be a clause on any negotiating table, neither now nor at any later stage.

However, European diplomatic bodies follow the path of negotiations adhere to caution and anticipation and not commercially Iranian optimism, and after it was very optimistic that the issue of returning to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 is a matter of time, it is reviewing its evaluation, as its optimism has receded for the following reasons:

الملالية Joe Biden's accurate and sensitive administration, so that it cannot bear the Iranian conditions that exceed its ability and conditions, as Biden is a weak politically and popular situation in the American interior and faces the pressures of Republicans and a section of Democrats to not provide additional facilities and concessions to Iran, as the elections for the Congress are raised on the horizon that is restricted by the Congress from nowThe margin of maneuvering and negotiation narrows it.

٭ Iran's wrong or exaggerated evaluation of Biden and his weakness and his willingness to assign and his yearning for a nuclear agreement at any cost, and the absence of war between his alternative options, and on the basis of this evaluation, Tehran initiates the escalation of its position and raised the ceiling of its demands towards a full lifting of penalties and giving future guarantees, and she knows that Biden is He cannot give it, and that these demands can only be achieved if the nuclear agreement turns into an American -Iranian treaty on which the Senate votes with a majority of two -thirds, so Iran proposes a self -guarantee that it is prepared for its part to freeze uranium enrichment at the degree in which it has reached at the present time in exchange for continuing In the nuclear agreement and its obligations from Washington, if there is a breach of the American commitment, Iran returns to the resumption of high enrichment.

٭ There are doubts among Americans and Europeans regarding the security and economic strategic feasibility of the nuclear agreement with Iran for several reasons, including: What is related to the development of the Iranian nuclear program that takes place at a rapid and faster pace than the pace of negotiations, so that any new and late agreement will be preceded by a nuclear reality on the ground that makes Iran a state "Nuclear edge", in addition to that, the nuclear program is no longer the only source of danger and threat from Tehran on the security and stability of the region and the world, but this danger has come from two sources: the long -range ballistic missiles, and the drones that Iran arms its arms, and these are these. The two subjects refuse to go into and negotiate.

The enthusiasm of the Europeans also declined to the nuclear agreement with Iran for another additional reason related to the lack of economic feasibility, the lack of an opportunity to pick the fruits and gains, with Iran adopting the "east orientation" policy and searching for alternative markets and new sources of support and marketing and concluding strategic treaties with both Russia and China.