Home >without pilot >EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER: PRIVATE PLANES FOR RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVES IN STATE And don't wait for the one with the key words
Jun 05By smartai.info


Cairo - "Al -Quds Al -Arabi": Wherever you wandered with your sight in the newspapers of Monday, November 23, you will see an attack on the artist Mohamed Ramadan, because of his photos with Israeli artists, despite his repeated statements about his lack of knowledge of the nationality of the actors, which did not appear on a critic or reader.

The actor's crisis resulted in the boom of some writers, as it allowed them the opportunity to go to themselves in the time of political desertification, and the supervisory attributes that were settled between journalists and writers, so there is no longer those who seek to search for a journalist, nor go into a battle, because the results will be severe in natureadverb.

For his part, in an attempt to dry the sources of anger, the artist Mohamed Ramadan changed the image of his official page on Facebook with the flag of Palestine, in conjunction with the criticisms directed at him, because of his images that Al -Masry Al -Youm described as "normalization" with Israeli personalities, but the newspapers dealt With what Ramadan did with great indifference, while some writers questioned the intentions of the actor. According to them, he is looking for a means of purification from his crime, as Muhammad Ramadan appeared in a picture embracing an Israeli singer, during their presence in the Emirates, and the "Israel Speaking in Arabic" page of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated the image. From Monday reports: President Sisi inaugurated the smart transport exhibition and conference For the Middle East and Africa in its third session, where the president inspected the pavilions of the main exhibition for various international companies, as well as the wings of a number of ministries, and listened to a detailed explanation of officials on products, including vehicles, cars and public transportation, which operate with natural gas and electricity, and cars designated for carrying chairs Animation for people with special needs. Al -Sisi stressed that the state supports modern transportation systems to reduce the rates of human accidents. On the other hand, the Minister of Transport, Lieutenant -General Kamel Al -Wazir, stressed that all the bodies and sectors of the Ministry of Transport are implementing all the precautionary measures to prevent the Corona virus outbreak, saying: “We will not be tolerated in implementing the procedures, and wearing medical masks, to preserve the lives of passengers during the independence of trains and metro “Explaining that there are campaigns in the subway, to prevent the entry of any passenger who does not wear a medical muzzle, and a lecturer will be made for all violators of the instructions to wear masks.

Your end is close

Among those who fought in the battles against the actor Mohamed Ramadan in “Al -Masry Al -Youm” Hamdi Rizk: “I do not care about your name, your color, nor your birth, I care about me, even if I do not have a title. Cosmic spaces, in the statement of the star Al -Jamouh, Mohamed Ramadan, on the crude normalization pictures with Israeli star Omir Adam! Someone understands him, I mean, what is normalized, falling from a condition, star, and you are flying high, see the comments of the pioneers of social media, to know the angry reaction to such pictures, I fear that I will surround you with good intentions, known to the abyss road furnished with good intentions. The star knows his step, and he does not take a vacuum, this time it is difficult to justify or say deceit, the image after the deliberate image, and the Emirati journalist Hamad Al Mazrouei posted it on "Twitter" is linked, and he was forced to delete it with anger .. We published it Omir Adam Talia .. and in the arms! Do not arrogate and do not argue, Ramadan, and learn to regret your audience, which was stunned by normalization, do not disappear in copy phrases (Kobe Best) of an "Egyptian Hadita" .. I heard if you called alive. Ramadan is in a goal, and everything we reconcile psychologically with him as a promising ambitious star, raises feelings of anger. I can almost assure that Ramadan does not know the fate of such an image (normalization). The writer continued his attack on the actor: Someone understands that this is a public normalization, and an Egyptian star did not do it on what is aware of the national memory, but Ramadan breaks all the barriers, if only he would understand the meaning of this image, and he must bear its consequences with the courage of apology ».


Mahmoud Al -Hadary narrated in "Al -Bawaba News" his experience with the mobile thieves: "Five records against theft and kidnapping of mobiles in public streets, in Cairo and Alexandria over two years, have written in the kidnappings of thieves on motorcycles, and moved in all directions with each kidnapping process And I used my relationships in various devices, official, and brokered colleagues, friends and relatives in the research, in order to restore anything. It is a lot of frequency for the prosecution. I submitted many petitions to follow up and track the kidnapped phones, or missing, through telecommunications companies and telecommunications, and kept the road to public, partial and total prosecutions, hoping to reach something, and every time I find queues like me looking for the unknown, and almost the same complaint is repeated, no hope In something, but I decided to continue to search, and in one of the cases we arrived for someone who uses a mobile, and I had to contact him, and of course it turned out that whoever owns the mobile is his third user, and I failed to recover the mobile, and I did not see any move from those relevant agencies. Ultimately, the judge was a matter of trial, and after months a month was sentenced to a monthly fine, and the entire matter was transferred to the Judicial Implementation Authority, and all my attempts to restore the phone also failed, and the original thief became safe, to intervene new parties, while it is certain that The thief continues his "game" to kidnap or steal mobile and bags, until a crime falls in which a victim will die, so the move is more severe. It seems that I made a mistake and did not hear the advice of colleagues, as there are specialists who agree with the victims who are kidnapped their bags and mobiles, and the like, to restore their stolen goods, in exchange for a certain material amount, and some have told me successful operations in this! In the last mobile theft, I was freeing a report in one of the police departments, the security employee asked me, about how the mobile lost, so I told him the story, and I told him this mobile is the fifth, so his advice was “Do not use a mobile again” so I told him, but it is better to clean the country Of these thieves, because they are an epidemic. The most important question remains responsible for the phenomenon of "deadly" kidnapping and how we face it with criminal security on the ground, protecting people, so is there a respondent?

Naughty with its people

Abbas Al-Trabili apologizes in “Al-Masry Al-Youm” because Cairo has become one of the most cities in the world in auditory pollution and all kinds. Then we found the prohibition itself in the areas where the schools were present, but in Cairo there were also residential areas in which it was forbidden to launch any voices .. including each region of Garden City and Zamalek and so on .. There were large financial fines for those who violated these rules .. as we were keen On calm .. and preventing the inconvenience of the elderly and the elderly .. The municipality was putting signs that remind people of preventing the launch of the Kluxies .. There were areas in which the sounds of these chills were prohibited at certain times of the day and night. Now these rules have disappeared, but these signs have completely disappeared. Even if we find it, no one respects this privacy! And if we find these conditions- until now- in many cities of the world .. the matter is known that these voices are not released by mercy and the elderly, and the neighborhoods of the Agouza and Dokki were blessed with these cases .. And if we find some of these signs, shyly! But who respects this if you find? Now no one is interested in reviving these advantages in residential areas, and if we have taken these requirements from some peoples, I have seen them a lot in cities such as Vienna and Geneva, and even some neighborhoods These voices.

"Train of Mercy"

وفاء البكري في «المصري اليوم» تعيد للمرة الثانية، الحديث عن «التريند» و«الترافيك» على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، التي يلهث الكثيرون وراءها، فهي ذلك الغلاف الجميل الذي يحيط بأصحابه فقط، لكنه لا يعدو كونه وحشا كاسرا يؤثر سلبا في المجتمع الذي بات هشّا للغاية يتأثر من أقل شيء يصطدم به، والذي لم يعد يشعر بـ«السلام» الذى كان يحكمه طوال سنوات طويلة مع تواصل أفراده الفعلي وليس الافتراضي. تقول الكاتبة، كانت الصورة الحاكمة لهذه المواقع للممثلة ياسمين صبري، فى طائرتها الخاصة، التي نشرتها على صفحتها الشخصية، وتزامن نشرها مع صورة أخرى لسيدة بسيطة تجلس على الرصيف أثناء المطر لبيع الترمس، وتعرضت صورة ياسمين لهجوم شديد، ومقارنة بالسيدة البسيطة. لست مع الهجوم الذي حدث، والحمد لله أني من المؤمنين تماما بالآية الكريمة: «ورفع بعضكم فوق بعض درجات» فلست ممن ينظرون إلى أرزاق غيرهم، أو اختيار الله تعالى لبعض عباده ليختصهم بمزايا أعلى قليلا لحكمة إلهية، فقد تكون هذه السيدة البسيطة، التي قورنت بشكل غير إنساني بـ«شنطة ياسمين» أكثر سعادة من الكثيرين، لكن ما ضايقني أكثر هو تزايد «صور طائرات المشاهير» مؤخرا. كان منها صور لممثل أصبح صاحب «تريند سلبي» منذ يومين، بسبب صور مستفزة أخرى ضمن سلسلة «استفزازاته». والغريب أن من هؤلاء مَن يتولى مناصب في مؤسسات مهمة، وبعضهم من الوجوه التي تعتمد عليها الدولة في تصديرها الرأي العام باستمرار، فكيف لا يشعر هؤلاء بتأثير إطلالاتهم في جمهور، النسبة الغالبة فيه يكملون مصاريف الشهر بالكاد، ويتمنون لو أن مُحصِّل الكهرباء يختفي، ولو لبضعة أشهر، وينسى الفواتير المؤجَّلة! لماذا لم يفكر هؤلاء فى دعم خطوات الدولة فى برنامجها الإنساني «أطفال بلا مأوى» ليسخروا طائراتهم لأجل هذا البرنامج، كما كان يفعل فنانو الزمن الجميل في ما يُعرف بـ"Train of Mercy" الذى بدأ فى أعقاب قيام ثورة يوليو/تموز، حيث كانت هناك قافلة ب المشاهير لجمع التبرعات، أعطوا خلالها صورة إيجابية لجموع الشعب بدورهم الوطني لدعم بلدهم، وبالتالي لم يلتفت الشعب كثيرا إلى ثرواتهم، التي لم تكن بالقدر الفائق والمستفز الذي نشاهده الآن، ولم ينتقدهم الصحافيون وقتها فى مقالاتهم اللاذعة عندما كانوا يقضون إجازاتهم على شواطئ المعمورة ورأس البر- ساحل الأغنياء آنذاك. كان للمشاهير دور حقيقى فى بلد كان يُبنى من جديد، وآن الأوان أن نعيد قيمة "Train of Mercy" حتى ولو كان بـ«الطائرات» لدعم بناء بلدنا مجددا، وليس بحثا عن «التريند» وعلى «هؤلاء» أن يعلموا أن عليهم دورا اجتماعيا بعيدا عن الصور فقط».

Pay attention to this

If you want to know the difference between the method of American politicians dealing with the Arabs and Israel. Abdullah Abd al -Salam advises you in Al -Ahram to take a look at the Obama's memoirs entitled, “Promise Land”. Arabs for them are an opportunity to show strength, excellence and urbanization. With the Israelis, the club, the lying down, and sometimes the fear of criticizing them, their greatest obsession. About his relationship with Bentanaho, he says: I remembered that normal political differences with an Israeli Prime Minister will have a political cost in the American. Candidates and Congress men who criticized Israel loudly risk described as opposed to Israel, and perhaps as hostile to Semitism, and face well -funded opponents in the upcoming elections. Just rejecting the settlements without obligating them to stop them, ensuring that the White House phone is to wonder, Jewish and Jewish representatives and leaders: Why do you treat Israel like this? The American politician feels that he has entered the nest of wasps, and if he wants to stay, he must change his behavior or silence. This is how Obama did. We insulted Netanyahu many times, and he did not respond. Actually, he did nothing of what he believed in the Palestinian issue. With the Arabs, the American president, that is, the president, is satisfied with his soul and his arrogance with the transcendent and lack of fitness. This will not have negative repercussions. On the contrary, it will be popular and the donations will flow for its election campaign. In his book Obama creates thought and style, and nothing else. only talk. Fill the pages with justifications .. Why did he not move and apply his policies, and why did he stay with his promises, and among them, for example, the closure of Guantanamo prison? Answer: He is the dreamer, not decisive. In total, he appears in his promised land a thinker and perhaps an oriental. But he reaches if it comes to an Arab. Then he repeats: I said to this leader such and asked and suggested that. With Israel, the matter is different. He did not forget that he is a black man carrying a Muslim name, so he must expect the accusations be surrounded, if he seemed neutral and not supporting Israel. Is the issue a loser, and America will remain on its loyalty to Israel, regardless of its president or the Israeli prime minister? It seems like that.

Facts or lies?

صحف مصرية: الطائرات الخاصة لممثلين ومسؤولين في الدولة تشعل مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي… ولا تنتظروا الأوكسجين من بايدن كلمات مفتاحية

As usual and talk to Issam Al -Sebaei in Al -Akhbar, the American report on human rights in Egypt came out for the year 2019, which is a funny report, and it cannot be from his books conscious, because he says the thing and its opposite, and can anyone be convinced of a report that begins his paragraphs, in terms such as reports Many .. According to press reports .. According to the media .. International and local groups mentioned .. Several local and international organizations have claimed, and I do not know where the report permission is, and it depends on he said and was said and allegations? As for the new, it happened when the foreigner entered our affairs in a comic manner, and he objected, denounced and denounced just because the competent Egyptian authorities arrested 3 workers in the so -called Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, and considered this a kind of decrease in civil society organizations, although everyone knows, both in Egypt or outside Egypt is that it does not belong to that society and its exotic, and that it is only a private company, which aims to profit, obtain funds, and that it is not above the level of suspicions, and it is not excluded that whoever funds it, and draws its movements, is the one who tries to protect them, because what A legal procedure was made against an illegal entity that practices civil action, and the response must be the law and nothing other than the law, and that these interventions are considered a kind of influence in the ongoing investigations into the Public Prosecution on the specific charges against them! The important thing in all of this is the human rights, and we are all with it, and I do not exaggerate if I said that it is the subject of the first attention in Egypt, starting from the largest official in it through all the institutions of the state, and there was no complaint except that it was investigated, and there is no file except that the decisiveness was in it For human rights considerations of the citizen and his personal and national security.

Dream of an account

A number of those calling themselves celebrated human rights activists by winning Biden in the US presidential elections as if they were described by Salah according to God in "Al -Watan" who won, to the point that one of them wrote in a tweet on Twitter (finally: a few oxygen) waiting for another spring breezes that come from America, and with a quick reading of this expected joy, I see it as the joy of those who opened a new livelihood through human rights shops, so it is no secret to one of the followers of the American policy, that the political Hue Biden is clearly inclined to complete the Obama approach, seeking to approve a political situation America sees it is the most appropriate for the Middle East region, and the broadest entry gates for this goal is to re -exploit the human rights file, and to exert pressure on the countries of the region through this file .. From the point of view of the writer that the bets on this are losing for more than one reason. The first: Biden, as he takes over the administration of America under the Korona and its negative effects on American society, must have a realistic and convincing economic policy for the Americans, as the skill and economic efficiency was counted from the strengths of US President Donald Trump, in exchange for his rival Joe Biden. Now that Biden won the elections, he must prove that he has the efficiency and plans necessary to push the wheel of the American economy forward. Four years ago, Donald Trump promised American workers to return the working citizen from abroad to America, so this work citizen has remained for nearly 100 years the spine of the economic success of the states United American, in the past 20 years, has moved to countries like China and Mexico.


Regardless and talking, Salah Hasaballah, about the questioning results of the attempt to revive the internal production movement, found Trump's protective policy and his slogans like "America First" a great resonance in the labor community. Therefore, it was not surprising that his democratic rival in the election campaign is to restore the advanced industrial site of America, if he won the presidential race, and that there are more products produced in America. Now that his victory has been achieved, Joe Biden has to work to fulfill his promises, and although combating the Corona epidemic has a priority with Biden, as stated in his speech after his victory in the elections, he will expand the campaign "Buy what is American" to support local production and then find millions of opportunities The new work, including one million opportunities in the auto industry, but without successful fighting Corona's pandemic, the economy cannot be reformed, all of these challenges and others that Biden faces at the beginning of his rule, will not allow any conversation outside this context any popularity at all. As for the second and most important reason: It is that the rules and principles of governance in the Egyptian state have become completely different from previous times and covenants, we are in front of an elected president with a popular will showed by the election funds, in front of elected legislative institutions and in front of a democracy that grows and achieves through the election funds, which transmit that popular will that The agency withdrew from anyone speaking on behalf of it, except those who came through the democracy of the fund, and this does not lose sight that we are in the stage of building a modern democratic state that is potential that there are some mistakes that are able to treat and overcome it with experience and practice.

A nightmare and went

The truth that Amr Al -Shobaki reached in Al -Masry Al -Youm is that Biden's victory will mean a return to the presidents of America, who are defending the interests of their nation, and they seek an alliance with countries that are compatible with the American strategy, and they respect at least within their country a set of democratic and institutional values ​​and traditions that were all the reason for America progresses and made it the first superpower in the world. The defeat of Trump or the happiness of many with his loss is due to the fact that he was "outside" and made practices outside the normal human instinct and that what he is doing now from the lack of recognition of defeat is a departure from an American tradition of nearly two centuries. However, the two parties, the conservative Republican, and the liberal democracy will remain in control of American political life, and that the continued presence of the conservative current and the strict right forces in America, confirmed that those who lost the "Trump edition" of this trend. The issue of migrants is still concerned with a wide segment of Americans, and a stream of the American people rejected the country to open the migration with clear soft controls, and that the hatred of Arabs and Muslims in another stream fueled by the repetition of terrorist operations is certain, and finally the rejection of globalization policies and many liberal policies that made there a difference Great between the culture and vote of small cities, villages, and major cities, the first votes mostly for the concepts of national sovereignty, rejecting globalization and defending local values, and you see that the Republican Party expresses it, and the second votes greatly in favor of globalization and one human values ​​in democracy, respect for human rights, freedom of trade and order The market, and you see that the Democratic Party is expressed.

Between a contractor and a leader

In the exhibition of comparison between the loser Trump and the new White House inhabiting Biden, Abdullah Al -Sanawi sees in Al -Shorouk that there is a fundamental difference between a contracting man who boasts of his ability to earn money and tax evasion, and a state man that stops the destinies of peoples and countries on the statements and escapes that may be issued by him . A long time ago, an American broadcaster asked him: What does he do if he loses his wealth, or was threatened with his real estate empire? "I will run for the presidency of the United States." He meant what he says. If the question is asked in a modified form: “What do you do if you have to leave the White House with the strength of the constitution?” .. His weighted answer: “I will work to return to it in the following elections 2024.” For tactical reasons, Trump has not been waving such a scenario yet, any waving undermines any allegations that he adopts for falsifying the elections, and blows any feasibility of judicial prosecutions, which he loses one after another, without stopping. In one way or another, he invests with his unprecedented and unusual actions in the fatal American division, and in the vibration of American institutions, seeking to impose his word on the leaders of the Republican Party, whether in power or outside, either they are with him or lose their mass rules. Not allowing any possible success for the elected president to alleviate the political and ethnic divisions and congestion, the essence of his early election campaign. The loss of lawsuits does not mean one after another, nor the withdrawals of some law firms that cost them to adopt his allegations, for fear of the negative impact on their reputation, as much as it means to put obstacles and obstacles in front of the next president to thwart him before his mission began on January 20.


Abdullah Al -Sanawi went on, offering what the image appears within the United States of America, before the official transfer of power, explaining that it is not allowed for the elected president to see the intelligence reports, which necessarily help to prepare for the urgent tasks affecting national security. It is not allowed for his team to overlook the necessary medical information to confront the pandemic, and to reduce its impact on what he pledged in his election campaign. Decisive decisions were taken in stoppage time, such as preventing the Federal Public Services Agency from allocating the budget necessary to start transferring power, dismissing the cybersecurity official to the elections, Chris Krebis, to deny the allegations of falsifying the elections, and the exemption of defense minister Mark Esber, under the pretext of his failure to land the army to break the demonstrations, as if according to what Abdullah Al -Sanawi saw my retaliatory reactionary. The most severe for the Toshkal administration to leave its sites, issuing strategic decisions such as reducing American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, without regard to the objections of military and allied leaders in the "NATO" so that he can say that he committed to his electoral pledges that are incomplete, when it is time to announce his candidacy for the presidency in 2024.

They were not accused of betrayal

Mohamed Amin, in the "delegation", paid attention to the demonstrations that erupted in several French cities in protest against the issuance of a law prohibiting the depiction of the police during their work .. Representatives of the media participated in the demonstrations, and movements such as "yellow jackets" ... and therefore, as the writer sees, the relationship will remain like a government that seeks To restrict and restrict the movement of people, and peoples do not accept narrowing freedoms in any case .. and France that fought for freedoms is the same that is fighting today for freedom of the press and the media! The demonstrations do not mean demolition or sabotage at all .. No one accuses the demonstrators of betrayal and employment, but it is a way to express opinion .. The more the people practiced them, the more Rashida, and the preservation of lives and property, and these demonstrations came under the slogan “I am afraid of photography” .. If the demonstrators are that freedom of the press is a guarantee of rights and democracy, and the demonstrators said that democracy dies in the dark, and raised banners under this title! Journalists' unions have warned of a law that gives the green light to the police to prevent correspondents from working, and the possibilities of being subjected to violations due to this law, which prevents documenting any violations in which the police fall! The media expressed anxiety about the law, and the possibility of violations of rights by using drones .. The French police had faced charges during the past years, by dealing brutally with citizens and suspects, especially blacks, Arabs and other minorities, and some addressed the police a message they said they put. I weapons you on the ground and we will put our phones without photographing you! By the way, the law punishes those who publish pictures that show the face of the police with imprisonment and a cruel fine, because the publication offends them and exposes them to psychological and physical damage sometimes, and indeed dozens of them were injured during clashes with the demonstrators.

3 Ethiopian scenarios

Imad Al -Din Hussein indicated in Al -Shorouk to three scenarios awaited by Ethiopia: “The first scenario: Prime Minister Abe Ahmed can achieve a quick victory in this war, which he started on November 3. He says all the time that he will quickly accomplish this task, so he rejected many mediations, appeals and calls to stop the war. The Nobel Organization, which was awarded the Nobel Prize two years ago, invited it to stop the war, as well as many countries, including Uganda, which tried to mediate, organizations, especially the African Union and the European Union. This scenario is still out of reach despite the official advertisements of the Ethiopian government, which talks about great progress in the army and its control over many cities of the Tagray region. He is already advancing, but still between him and Micheli, the capital of the region, is more than a hundred kilometers. The second scenario: That international pressure on Abi Ahmed to a ceasefire increases, especially with the increasing victims of deaths and injuries, as well as the number of those who were displaced by the war. If Abi Ahmed was forced to respond to these calls and pressure, this will be the taste of defeat, because any result of the war is without victory The complete Ethiopian government is a real defeat for it, and Ahmed may assign his position and his great aides and supporters in the Oromo and Amha ethnic. Opportunities to achieve this scenario depend mainly on the increase in the number of victims of this war, which will force the effective and international actors to exert more pressure on the government to stop the war, but what prevents its achievement so far is the policy of gagging and organized repression imposed by the Ethiopian government against local and foreign media. In recent days, I read the deportation of many newspapers and international news agencies from Ethiopia, and from the fighting areas, so that the reality of what is happening to the world is not transferred.

This is what will happen

The third scenario that Imad Al -Din Hussein referred to is that the Tagray region forces can repel the comprehensive government attack, this scenario is difficult but it is not impossible, given the desire of Abi Ahmed to resolve the battle quickly first, and in light of the fact that the majority of the regions and Ethiopian ethnicities wish to defeat and defeat the ethnic Tigray , Which does not constitute more than 7 % of the population of Ethiopia, but they have been controlling most of the country's centers in the country since the early 1990s, and until Ahmed took office two years ago. But the problem of Ahmed and his government is that the Ethiopian army was storing huge quantities of modern weapons and military equipment in the Tagray region adjacent to Eritrea, in anticipation of any conflict with it, and these weapons were in the possession of the rebellious region on the central authority, and that many leaders and soldiers of the Ethiopian army descended from the ethnic ethnic Tagray They defected and joined their territory against the central government in Addis Ababa. According to the leaders of the region, they have the sufficient possibilities of steadfastness in the face of the attack by Ahmed and his army. Those are the three main scenarios, and what Abi Ahmed realizes that achieving the best scenarios from his point of view, which is the victory over the region, will not mean the end of the problem. Because even under this scenario, there are five million Ethiopians who will feel that the army of their country bombed them by air for consecutive days, and that there were thousands who were killed and wounded, and some of them became displaced, whether outside the region or in Sudan. These will be filled with their hearts and minds with hatred and mule, and all they will think about is revenge. The fundamental question is: Did Abe Ahmed thought of this scenario, his seriousness and repercussions on the future of Ethiopia itself and the Horn of Africa?