Home >without pilot >For the first time, a helicopter flying in the sky drone can be used in the war
Jul 06By smartai.info

For the first time, a helicopter flying in the sky drone can be used in the war

Black Hawk has fully controlled in the sky of the United States for the first time, and according to the British Daily Mail newspaper, the drone from Kentucky was launched on February 5 of this month, and it is in partnership between Lockheed Martin Sikorsky and the Armed Research Projects Defense Projects Agency, And the Black Hawk UH-60A has a 30-minute flight over the US Army facility.

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The first drone helicopter helicopter

During the trip, the independent pilot of the Automated Employment System was introduced to the D and Stepings (Alias) with a series of simulated obstacles to overcome them.

She had to implement a series of turns on the pedal, maneuvering workers, and direct corridors before making an ideal landing on the Fort Campbell runway, without any human intervention, and an independent helicopter can be used to connect supplies to dangerous war areas, or restore soldiers without risking Piar.

Once she closed herself and blades stopped turning, a pair of pilots entered the car and brought them back to the human situation and brought them back to the base.

This was not the first time that the alias system was tested during the flight, and it was not the first time that it was used in the Black Hawk plane, but it was the first time that they trust the Automated Automated Tar and Downtown Pierce as a backup.

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