Home >without pilot >The arrival of French soldiers to Romania .. The criminal begins to achieve it in Ukraine
Jan 14By smartai.info

The arrival of French soldiers to Romania .. The criminal begins to achieve it in Ukraine

NATO "NATO", on Wednesday evening, confirmed the arrival of 500 French soldiers from the oath of Romania, in a move that may raise Russia, which launches a military operation in Ukraine, border with Romania..

NATO said in a brief statement that the arrival of the French soldiers to Romania on Tuesday and Wednesday comes to "strengthen our defenses in the east", against the backdrop of Russian military intervention against Ukraine.

It is worth noting that NATO decided for the first time in its history to mobilize its response force within the group defense, and the deployment of elements of power in Eastern Europe following the war in Ukraine.

The response force includes 40,000 soldiers from land, air, sea, and private forces.

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He also confirmed the French President, Emmanuel Macron, the arrival of the French soldiers to Romania, but he said at the same time that he will remain in contact with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin..

The French president said in a televised speech: "I chose to stay in contact, as much as I can, and the amount of what is necessary, with President Putin, to strive unabated to persuade him to give up arms," and "to avoid the spread and breadth of the conflict as much as we can.".

He added that "Russia is not exposed to aggression, it is the aggressor...This war is not a conflict between NATO and Russia...Not to mention the fight against Nazism, this is a lie..

He said: "We are not in a war against Russia," stressing: "Today we are alongside all the Russians who refuse to launch an unfair war in their name, and they are in the spirit of responsibility and the courage to defend peace.".

The French President added: "We all know what links us with this great European people, with the Russian people who made great sacrifices during World War II to save Europe from hell.".

Activity for the criminal

In another international context linked to the Ukrainian war, the Attorney General of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, said on Wednesday that he "will start immediately" an active investigation into possible war crimes in Ukraine, after his office obtained the support of 39 countries of the court..Khan said: "I informed the International Criminal Court presidency minutes ago that a decision immediately begins the active investigations into the situation," adding that "our work in collecting evidence has now begun now.".

The World Bank

من جهته، أعلن The World Bank، الأربعاء، أنّه علّق بمفعول فوري كلّ برامج المساعدات التي ينفّذها في روسيا وبيلاروس، وذلك ردّاً على الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا.

وصول جنود فرنسيين لرومانيا.. والجنائية تبدأ تحقيقها بأوكرانيا

وقالت المؤسسة المالية الدولية، في بيان صدر في مقرّها بواشنطن، إنّه "في أعقاب الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا والأعمال العدائية ضد الشعب الأوكراني، أوقف The World Bank كلّ برامجه في روسيا وبيلاروس بمفعول فوري".

وكان The World Bank يشارك في تنفيذ 11 مشروعاً في بيلاروس بقيمة إجمالية قدرها 1,15 مليار دولار.In Russia, he implemented four projects worth 370 million, according to the website of the Foundation.

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ولفت The World Bank في بيانه، الأربعاء، إلى أنّه لم يوافق على "أيّ قرض أو استثمار جديد في روسيا منذ 2014"، أي منذ ضمّها شبه جزيرة القرم الأوكرانية.

He said that "a new loan to Belarus has not been approved since mid -2020.".

For its part, the International Monetary Fund is studying new assistance to Kyiv, which is added to 2.2 billion dollars, which is scheduled to spend it until June.

US sanctions

The White House announced the details of a new list of economic measures imposed against Russia and its ally, Belarus, on Wednesday, criticizing Belarus because it "enabled Putin to invade Ukraine.".Among the measures taken on Wednesday are new restrictions that extend to export monitoring policies to include Belarus, which prevents the conversion of technology and software to Russia across the country, which the administration says is "will strongly limit Russia and Belarus's ability to obtain the materials it needs to support their military aggression against Ukraine".In addition, the United States and its allies determine 22 "Russian entity linked to defense", including companies that provide technological and material support to the Russian army.The White House said that the restrictions will be "a sweeping on Belarus to strangle its import of technological goods in response to its support for the chosen Putin War.".

The United States and its allies also target "technological exports" in the oil refining sector, which they say may help the United States move towards its goal of "weakening Russia's position as a major energy supplier over time".

The White House said: "The United States, our allies and our partners do not have a strategic interest in reducing global energy supplies - this is why we have allocated energy payments from our financial sanctions," adding that the sanctions on the oil refining industry will harm the Russian oil industry while protecting American consumers.

The United States also shows new sanctions on the entities of the Russian and Belarusian military forces, and indicates President Biden's announcement last night to ban Russian aircraft from the local airspace of the United States.

According to the White House statement, the procedures include:

Imposing "sweeping restrictions on Belarus to strangle its import of technological goods in response to its support for the chosen Putin War...To severely reduce the ability of Russia and Belarus to obtain the materials it needs to support their military aggression against Ukraine..

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also impose comprehensive sanctions targeting the Russian defense sector to restrict the Putin's war machine more.This procedure will impose significant costs on Russian weapons development and production companies.In total, 22 Russian entities associated with defense will be determined, including companies that make combat aircraft, fighting infantry vehicles, electronic warfare systems, missiles and air vehicles for the Russian army..

In addition to "export controls targeting oil refining, a major source of revenue that supports the Russian army.Through export controls on oil and gas extraction equipment, the Ministry of Commerce will impose restrictions on technology exports that will support the Russian refining capacity in the long run..

And "targeting the entities supporting the Russian and Belarusian army" in a way that ensures that the army does not obtain, as well as the sectors of aviation, sea and advanced technology on American commodities and technology that can be used to support technical maintenance and innovation in Russia..

Russia launched, at the dawn of February 24, a military operation in Ukraine;To force it to back down from joining the "NATO" alliance, declaring it a "neutral" state, without joining a military alliance of the West, and declaring a new government in it, amid a continuous rejection of Kyiv..