Home >without pilot >Whoever attacks Washington to Al -Kazemi .. Iran's paths change its destination in Iraq
Nov 19By smartai.info

Whoever attacks Washington to Al -Kazemi .. Iran's paths change its destination in Iraq

The initial features of the failed assassination attempt that targeted Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al -Kazemi, on Sunday night, indicate that they do not move away from the strongholds of the state militias of Iran.

According to official statements, 3 march planes were shot down by two, targeting Al -Kazemi's house in the fortified presidential area that has been in its doorstep for days..

Since last April, the war announced by the state militias of Iran against American targets in Iraq witnessed a major shift when a plane attacked a base for them in Erbil province at the Kurdistan region.

The armed factions close to Iran adopted the Katyusha missiles through locally manufactured platforms in attacking the places of the American diplomatic and military forces before that date..

About a month later, three drones loaded with missiles attacked the "Ain al -Assad" military base, in Anbar, in western Iraq, which resulted in severe damage in a runway for a military airport and the injury of military technical elements..

After that, the drones attacks continued until they arrived in the capital, Baghdad, more than once, the first of which targeted the American embassy in Baghdad, before the CRM missile shield defenses, which surround the building.

Washington then promised a serious development that foreshadows the opening of the confrontation wide..

Some militia factions have adopted the attacks carried out with "Dron" planes, and vowed more similar attacks on the pretext of pressure on the United States to evacuate their military bases from Iraq.

Military and diplomatic officials have stated that the factions have begun using small, steady, wing planes flying at a very low altitude so that the defensive systems cannot capture them..

Endowment of the militia

It exacerbates the danger of using drones in the war that the militias adopted against foreign bases and those whose interests object to the fact that the Iraqi air defenses do not have sufficient capabilities to deal with such attacks.

من مهاجمة واشنطن إلى الكاظمي.. مسيّرات إيران تغير وجهتها بالعراق

The Security Information Cell announced last June that two planes were shot down by two explosives near the old Al -Rashid camp, south of the capital, about 4 days after a similar operation targeting Baghdad Airport..

Initial investigations revealed that one of the marches that dropped south of the Iranian -made capital of the type X, and it is similar in some of its designs that the Houthis possess in Yemen.

The escalation came by the militia factions using drones, after an Iranian suffocation from failed talks with the Western system on its nuclear program, which was considered by observers of a pressure paper that Tehran used to solve the file via Iraq.

The Iranian -related factions have always justified their offensive operations through car bombs that they are pressing militarily to remove foreign combat forces from Iraq..

Reports of strategic centers specializing in international and regional security speaks that the drones used by the militias come in the form of pieces from Iran that are being collected locally by the militias inside Iraq.

Last year, the Pentagon announced that it is updating all its anti -marital systems, including manual interference and wireless control of small marches to large anti -missile systems..

Al -Kazemi's house is under the weight

It seems that the "Dron" aircraft will not be satisfied with its foreign headquarters and pursuing American interests in Iraq, after they arrived today at the night of Prime Minister Mustafa Al -Kazemi.

This is the first of its kind that targets a prime minister in public and explicitly since 2003, as well.

The hand of accusations go towards these militias, whose anger exacerbated the results of the Iraqi elections after their chances decreased and some of them have declined.

And preceded the failed assassination incident that targeted the Prime Minister's house with 3 drones, in the early hours, today, Sunday, noisy events on the attack of the supporters of the state forces losing the forces of the regime after trying to storm the fortified presidential area..

Those clashes resulted in the death of one dead and about 125 wounded on both sides.

Security sources spoke that elements among the protesters in front of the presidential area in Baghdad a few days ago opened fire from light weapons towards the security forces in charge of protecting "green zone".

Although the tool and the method are not removed from the militia work close to Iran, the leaders of the armed factions rushed to shake their hand from what happened.

Where the head of the "Hezbollah Party" militia, Qais Khazali, said it was "an attempt to mix the papers a day after the events of the Green Zone.".