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Gulf 365 The drones are unable to change the balance of power in the Indian and calm surroundings

Dammam - Sherif Ahmed - The Diplomat magazine shed light on the future of drones in the Indian and calm surroundings.

According to an article by "Harun Talha Ayanoglu", drones are working to change the nature of the war, but they have not decisively changed the balance of power in the area of the Indian and calm surroundings..

The writer pointed out that technological excellence creates unequal relations between countries, adding: Similar to ballistic missiles, smart ammunition and the ability of electronic war, can arms systems, especially drones, constitute ways to fight war?

He continued: The realistic theory of international relations confirms that the countries avoid fighting each other because of the costs, the war is politically expensive because the governments cannot send their people to the battlefield to kill and kill unless there is a reason that deserves death for it, and the war also comes with unbearable economic costs, and thenIf "victory" is important, then the cost is another point of concern to states.

The cost of war

ومضى الكاتب أيانوغلو يقول: مثل الواقعيين، أيد الفيلسوف إيمانويل كانط نظرية The cost of war، وأشار إلى أنه مع تحسن التكنولوجيا، أصبحت المعارك أكثر تدميراً وتكلفة، ومن ثم، لن تختار الدول العنف كملاذ أول لها.

He continued: Nevertheless, instead of avoiding conflicts, countries focus on reducing the cost of fighting, and the appearance of drones helps governments reduce this cost.

He went on to say: During the Cold War, specifically in Vietnam and Cambodia, drones were deployed for intelligence purposes.

He added: The first advanced intelligence plane was developed in 1989, and the CIA and the Turkish Air Force were its first customers..And Abizaid: After September 11, the global military use of drones increased, and the concepts of conflict developed to include the World War on terrorism and humanitarian intervention, which brought new concepts for both war and enemy.

He continued: The military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan were a test of drones, which were deployed to monitor the activities of the resistance forces as well as to neutralize them.

He added: The success shown by the drones in the fighting was appreciated by other countries.Israel captured this trend and produced the second most famous drone "Heron".

الخليج 365 الطائرات المسيرة عاجزة عن تغيير ميزان القوى بالمحيطين الهندي والهادئ

He went on to say: Like the appearance of drones, the UCAVS combat vehicles were born out of necessity. The drones were suitable for intelligence, monitoring and reconnaissance, yet the reaction time between the detection and attack can reach 30 minutes, which gives targets time to avoidAir strikes.To face this challenge, the Hellfire is completed by missiles, also known as MQ-9 Reale, its first flight in 2004.

Wide "purposes"

Ayanoglu continued: Today, many countries operate drones for a wide range of purposes, according to the report of the Rand Foundation published in 2014, 50 countries developed a local drone surveillance and explosive aircraft, while 23 countries produce drones, including drones..

He added: The numbers of countries that develop and operate drones continue to increase, as drones meet many irregular war needs, and are operated as part of military operations in the cities war, rebellion and combating terrorism..

He continued: Compared to traditional planes, drones are much cheaper in terms of production and carrying out similar tasks.

He explained that the United States was able to overcome the law of the military force before its military intervention in the civil war in Libya, where there were no soldiers on the ground..

He added: Some assumed that the fifth -generation fighters will be the last military plane controlled by human pilots.He went on to say: Governments are not the only fan of drones, as they are estimated by NGOs, which constitute serious threats to national security.Many NGOs have combined drones into their operations, from monitoring enemy sites to targeting their enemies.

He pointed out that these armed groups operate in areas where civil wars or widespread terrorism communicate, such as ISIS or the Yemeni Houthis..

He continued: Since 2015, the drone club started expanding in the area of the Indian and calm surroundings, the desire to develop local armed aircraft has spread across Asia.

Development steps

The writer Ayanoglu added: Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Taiwan and India have taken steps towards developing armed drones, as of late 2020, 39 countries, 5 of which were from the Asia and Pacific region, operating with armed drones..He added: Although the aircraft technology has not yet spread at the pace of drones, countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia are already looking towards the sea in developing this type of aircraft.And Abizaid: In addition, the countries of the Indian and calm surrounding began to rely on the uninhabited solutions of marine missions, including monitoring China's activity and monitoring piracy and cross -border criminals.He pointed out that Southeast Asia faces challenges ranging from land and sea border conflicts to old issues on piracy and rebellion..

He added: Nevertheless, the operation of drones increased the severity of marine conflicts in the South China Sea and caused a reaction from China, as Beijing accused the United States of seeking to contain China by selling drones to its neighbors.He pointed out that China considers drones a vital part of its strategy to gain information and intelligence wars, and it has become one of the world's pioneers in this sector by introducing a large number of advanced drones systems.

He continued: Although the United States exports its drones to 55 countries, its strict regulations on selling drones means that most customers from Africa and the Middle East have turned into China.He added: Despite the success achieved by the drones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Libya and Nagorno Karabakh, it will be very optimistic that similar results will be signed in the disputed areas in the Indian and calm surroundings..