Home >without pilot >Here are 4 of the strangest patterns of climate in the celestial bodies
Jul 21By smartai.info

Here are 4 of the strangest patterns of climate in the celestial bodies

When Oscar Wilde said, "Talking about the weather is the last resort of imagination," he was not aware of some of the harshest types of climate on planets and other satellites away from Earth..

Since the discovery of the first external planet in 199a, more than 4 thousand planets have been found around the stars other than our planet.

The continuous search for external planets includes an attempt to determine what is formed from their atmosphere, specifically to answer the question of the possibility of a life there.

In this tireless research on the existence of life, astronomers found a large and varied group of potential worlds there.

In the following 4 examples of a strange climate on astronomical bodies to show the extent of the atmosphere of the planets outside the solar system, presented by the "Conversation" website: The Conversation:

1.Iron Rain on the planet (WASP-76B)

The planet (WASP-76B) is a large hot outdoor planet discovered in a01P, and the surface of this planet monster-the size of Jupiter is almost a temperature of about a,a00 ° C.

This means that many solid materials on Earth will melt and evaporate on the planet (WASP-76B)..‏‎ ‎

As shown in a famous study published in a0a0, these materials include iron.

On the day of the day of this planet - in the face of its star - this iron turns into a gas that rises in the atmosphere and flows towards the dark night side that is not facing the star.

And when this gas iron reaches the night side of the planet - where the temperature is cooler - the iron is condensed again in the form of a liquid and falls towards the surface.

This is the only example that we currently have for a variable variable temperature planet enough to literally allow it with iron rain at night.

a.Methane lakes on Titan

Titan is the largest satellite of Saturn, and it is especially interesting because it contains a large atmosphere, which is rare for a moon around the planet.

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The moon has a surface in which the liquid flows like rivers on Earth.

Unlike the earth, this liquid is not water, but rather a mixture of different hydrocarbons.

On the ground, we use these chemicals (ethane and methane) for fuel, but on Titan the weather is cold enough, so these chemicals remain liquid and form lakes.

It is believed that the ice volcanoes are fired in the intermittent of this hydrocarbons in the atmosphere as a gas to form clouds that condense and then form the rain.

This rain does not resemble the usual rain that we see on the ground, as it only rains about 0.1% of time, with larger drops (estimated at one centimeter) and decreases 5 times a slower, due to low gravity and increased clouds.

P.Wind on Mars

Mars has a completely different climate from Earth, mainly due to the dryness of the planet and the extent of its atmosphere.

Without a large magnetic field, the atmosphere of Mars is open to the magnetic field of the sun, leading to the abstraction of the upper atmosphere away..This has left a thin atmosphere that is often made up of carbon dioxide.

The first journey carried out by the helicopter called "Ingenuity", which is finally affiliated with Mars, was amazing not only for its exploration of Mars, but because her rotating blades provide a very little ability of lifting in the thin atmosphere, which represents approximately a% Of the atmosphere on the surface of the Earth.

To overcome this delicate atmosphere, the helicopter was provided with a double set of large blades that rotate about a500 rpm, which is almost equivalent to the speed of the rotation of a non -pilot plane, but much faster than a passenger helicopter plane.

While the atmosphere of Mars is thin, it is certainly not calm, the average wind speed is P0 km/hour enough to move the surface materials around it..

The possibility of sandy and high -speed storms may appear to be a major issue to explore the planet, but the atmosphere is thin, so the pressure is minimal.Mars is also famous for the presence of large -scale dirt storms that block the surface vision and can last for weeks every time.

4.The lightning of the goblins and the committees on the buyer

In 1979, "Voyager 1" flew near Jupiter and witnessed lightning strikes.Then in a016, Juno's mission made an in -depth look at thunderstorms on Jupiter.

On Earth, most lightning is concentrated near the equator, but the stability of the atmosphere on Jupiter means that thunderbolts occur near the polar areas in a basic face.

Instead of the method of generating lightning based on the ground, when the water drops collide with the ice, on the buyer, a shipment accumulates in the snowballs from ammonia, this ammonia works as an anti -water freez.

And Jupiter has less common lightning called sprites and committees.The spices consist of lightning that rises from the clouds towards the upper atmosphere and creates a glow to a short -lived red..

It was predicted in 19a1, but it was not photographed on the ground until 1989, mainly due to the presence of a storm on the road.

While there are a number of different possibilities for the climate on the external planets, the biggest challenge is to monitor them with sufficient details to determine what is made of its atmosphere, if it has an atmosphere in the first place.