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Hind Al -Awadi .. The first Bahraini flight engineer

The customs and traditions are the condemnation that is always used to prevent the creators from storming the Arabian Gulf region for certain areas of work from those dominated by males, and it is said that they are not commensurate with the nature of women and their physical strength in general.Among these areas of engineering, in which the number of females is noticeably less than males.

When Kuwaiti Sarah Hussein Akbar - described by the late friend d.Ahmed Al -Ruba’i, “Kuwait Iron Lady”, because of her honorable role in extinguishing the fires of oil wells, after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991 - to storm the field of oil engineering, was accompanied by a severe opposition from its people, relatives and society;In order to specialize in such a field requires those enrolled in work, vigil, adventure and migration to remote desert areas or areas in the width of the seas.

The same thing was repeated with Bahraini Hind Al -Awadi when she wanted to fulfill her childhood dream of studying aviation engineering to use it as a ladder to enter the space.She was told that both fields are not suitable for girls, and it may be deprived of the formation of a family, but Hind did not care about those who tried to inhibit her resolve and praise her will and went to work in order to achieve her ambition.

This was natural in a conservative Arab Gulf society, unlike Western societies that have been gradually deepening something since 1921 in studying and exploring space by harnessing a set of mechanisms, equipment and research centers for this purpose, especially after some Russian and American scientists assumed the possibility of life on some planets.

As for the Arabs, they were delayed by their experience of the experiment until 1984, when Prince Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz participated in the American space shuttle journey "Discovery", which became the third tropical vehicle in the world and the oldest in the service.He was accompanied by a scientific crew from the University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran and a reserve space pioneer, the pilot, Abdul Mohsen Al -Hamad Al -Bassam.Three years later, in 1987, the Syrian Mohamed Faris participated in a joint Syrian -Sofeet space, to become the second Arab astronaut.

And if the western woman is late for the Western man in the vision of space, then what about Arab women?The experience of the western woman in space dates back to 1963 when the former Soviet Union sent its Russian citizen, Valentine Trechkova, to turn around the Earth 48 times in the Vostok 6 vehicle, so Trikkova entered the history and so far as the first woman to ascend individually to outer space, and returns peacefully.

Birth and origin

Hind Al -Awadi was born in Manama on the twenty -first of December 1988, the daughter of an educated, persistent family. Her father is Samir Siddiq Abdel -Latif Al -Awadi, from the family of Al -Awadi, whose members are in all the Arab Gulf states, which descended from the town of "Awad" located in Barr Faris Al -Arabi, which is called "Fares Governorate". The Al -Awadi family page on Facebook says that their origins belong to Arab immigrants who were displaced from Najd and Hijaz after Qaht and the severity Various fields, and some of them occupied ministerial portfolios as in Kuwait, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al -Awadi, former Minister of Health, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Muhammad bin Muhammad Ali Al -Awadi, Minister of Trade and Industry during the reign of King Faisal, may God have mercy on him, and some of them are in science, trade, diplomacy, law, media, literature and poetry Art, state departments, and academic field, knowing that Samir Al -Awadi worked as an accountant in the Gulf Air (the official carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain) for many years, during which he chaired in 2019 the board of directors of the national union of the company.

As for her mother, she is Nahla Abdel -Rahman Khalifa Al -Fayez, the daughter of the virtuous nanny, Mrs. Taj (died in 2014), one of the daughters of the pearl dealer Muhammad bin Ali bin Ibrahim Al -Zayani from his fifth wife, Hessa bint Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Hajras, who lived with him until the date of his death, where she married TajHer cousin, Abd al -Rahman al -Fayez, gave birth to her daughter Nahla, knowing that the Taj Al -Zayani was recognized in Bahrain as activity in charities, the Red Crescent and the Renaissance of the Bahrain Girl, who was among her institutions, and was also recognized by the establishment of a successful kindergarten in the city of Muharraq in the early seventies of the twentieth century.

Scientific track

Hind Al -Awadi says in a press interview with the Bahraini newspaper Al -Ayyam (7/10/2019), that she dreamed of ten years ago to become an astronaut, especially since she was traveling a lot with her family by planes (To Egypt, Lebanon, Britain, France, and the countries of Southeast Asia and South Africa), and that she was participating in all relevant activities, and in conjunction with its external readings on aviation and space. And when she reached the final stages of her pre -university studies, (she started her primary education at the Rabaa Al -Adawiya School, her preparatory education at Umm Salamah School, and her secondary education at Khawla School) decided to choose the scientific path, and with the passage of days her passion and curiosity in the worlds of space and charming aviation increased, and with them it was confidence Self -growing. One of the signs of this passion is that her mother was keen to take her on the summer school holidays year after another to the entertainment of Sheikh Salman Cultural Center for Children (the current electronic creativity center) of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Umm Al -Hosam from the capital, where courses were held in Various sciences and hobbies. In this center, Hind joined the Space and Astronomy Department, and learned by the veteran ideal and educational mother, the distinguished writer Amina Hashem Al -Kohaji and the renewable energy doctor at the University of Bahrain Hanan Al -Bouflasa and Professor of Physics at the University of Bahrain, Professor Wahib Issa Al -Nasser.

After obtaining a high school in 2006 from the Khawla Secondary School for Girls in Manama, she obtained three scholarships because of her superiority, but she rejected her all;Because she was in specializations far from space science and aviation.I stood confused, not knowing what to do, and where to go.The National University of Bahrain does not have colleges related to aviation and space science.On the other hand, her parents were opposed to the idea of specializing in this field.

The rescue came to her in the meantime of the "Tamkeen" work fund. In 2006, the latter launched a program for aircraft maintenance engineering, which cost more than a million Bahraini dinars for four years (two years for theoretical study and two years of practical training), after which the graduates receive an international certificate in aircraft maintenance. Hind joined the program with 30 people, among them three girls were an addition to it; Dawn of Mfiz and Amina Boulay. Until that date, aviation engineering was not among its interests, but it agreed to go through the experiment on the premise that aviation engineering is the closest to the space world, and because it represents the gate that others used to enter this world full of challenges.

Dream steps

Thus, Hind put her first steps in terms of achieving what she dreamed of since the early age of her nails. She studied and worked hard at the Bass Academy of Aviation Engineering in Muharraq, until she fulfilled the full requirements of the theoretical study, to transfer to the Gulf Air to continue the practical program for another two years. In 2010 it was among the first batch graduating in the aforementioned academy and obtained the International Air Engineering license. While the destiny was given to her colleagues, the dawn of Mfiz and Amina Boulay after they graduated with her to administrative jobs in airlines, Hind managed to obtain a job inspector for a first flight in the Bahraini Civil Aviation Authority, which is a mechanical job according to which she makes sure of the plane's safety and ready to take off and ensure the safety and efficiency of the devices The mechanics, its maintenance, and its replacement if the need arises, and the history of her country entered this capacity, which none of the daughters of her gender had previously been obtained before, and above all she succeeded in changing the view of those who were mocking it and turning them from sarcastic to supporters.

هند العوضي.. أول مهندسة طيران بحرينية


هذا الإنجاز، معطوفاً على بقاء Ambitionsها القديمة مشتعلة بداخلها، رفع من سقف آمالها وإيمانها بعدم وجود المستحيل، وبأن المرأة العربية ــ والخليجية تحديداً ــ قادرة على تذليل كل الصعوبات وتحقيق كل أحلامها. وبهذا الإيمان العميق وتلك الثقة القوية بالنفس راحت تفتش عما يحقق لها بقية Ambitionsها، وعلى رأسها خوض مجال الفضاء.

ومن حسن حظها أن مملكة البحرين ومعها شقيقتها دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بدأتا في الآونة الأخيرة توليان اهتماماً كبيراً بعلوم الفضاء. ففي البحرين تمّ تأسيس «الهيئة الوطنية لعلوم الفضاء» بعد أن أقرت لجنة استخدام الفضاء الخارجي للأغراض السلمية التابعة للأمم المتحدة (COPUOS) منح عضويتها للبحرين. وفي دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة تمّ تأسيس وكالة الإمارات للفضاء منتصف عام 2014 بهدف تطوير قطاع فضائي وطني ينقل البلاد إلى مرحلة عملية وفكرية جديدة ويحقق لها Ambitionsها في اكتشاف الفضاء، علماً بأن اهتمام الإمارات بالفضاء بدأ في السبعينيات حينما التقى المغفور له الشيخ زايد بن سلطان آل نهيان، طيب الله ثراه، مع فريق وكالة ناسا المسؤول عن رحلة أبولو، وهو اللقاء الذي توج بتأسيس شركة الثريا للاتصالات عام 1997، وشركة «ياه سات» للاتصالات الفضائية عام 2007، والتي أدمجت لاحقاً مع «مركز محمد بن راشد للفضاء».


في يوليو من عام 2015 أطلقت قناة دبي الفضائية بالتعاون مع هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية (بي بي سي) برنامج «Astronauts» لتهيئة الشباب العربي لخوض تجربة Astronauts، فتم التواصل مع هند لل في البرنامج. وحول البرنامج المذكور ومشاركتها فيه، والتي عدته إنجازاً لها وللبحرين كونها كانت ال البحرينية الوحيدة بين المتنافسين العرب، وقالت ما مفاده إنها دعيت لل في هذا البرنامج وهالها أن يكون هناك برنامج في الوطن العربي بذلك الحجم، وبتلك الإمكانات الضخمة، مضيفة أن البرنامج عبارة عن عدة مراحل في كل مرحلة يتأهل الأPrejudice للمرحلة التي تليها. موضحة: «في البداية كان عدد المشاركين 500 مشترك من جميع أنحاء الوطن العربي، وتمت التصفية لحين وصولنا إلى 50 مشتركاً ثم 24 مشتركاً، وتم استدعاؤهم لدبي لخوض التجارب النهائية لاختيار 12 شخصاً فقط، ولله الحمد تم اختياري من ضمن 12 مشاركاً لأكون البحرينية الوحيدة والبنت الرابعة من ضمن 12 متسابقاً، فهناك سعوديتان ولبنانية واحدة، سنخوض تجارب ومراحل الإعداد التي يخوضها Astronauts الحقيقيون، ليكون هناك فائز واحد».

Her shock was great when she got out of the competition in the last qualifiers, but she accepted what God has capable of, and considered her a stage in her life and ended.Her exit from competition was not due to a lack of enthusiasm or her information, but was only related to fitness.Despite its practice of running and diving sports, she was unable to keep up with other participants in harsh sports from those that are trained in military colleges, such as barriers, heavy mechanisms and crawling under the network mounds.


سألتها صحيفة أخبار الخليج البحرينية (22/‏‏‏‏‏5/‏‏‏‏‏2019) في حوار معها عما إذا كانت قد تعرضت لSituations حرجة خلال عملها فكان ردها: «نعم، كثيراً، أذكر منها حين واجهتنا مشكلة بإحدى الطائرات، فذهبت إلى الكابتن لشرحها له، فوجدته يطلب مني أن أحضر له المهندس المسؤول، وحينما فوجئ بأنني المسؤولة عن توقيع تلك الرحلة أصابه نوع من التشكك. وموقف آخر أذكره عندما أصيبت طائرة متوجهة إلى الكويت بعطل فني، وحين شاهدتني إحدى المسافرات وأنا أقوم بإصلاح العطل وإجراء اللازم وعلمت أنني المهندسة المسؤولة، غادرت الطائرة ورفضت السفر. وهذه الSituations تؤكد أن عملي يتطلب جهداً مضاعفاً نفسياً وجسدياً ومعلوماتياً، وطاقة عظيمة أحياناً تفوق تحملنا».

As for the last word Hind for the daughters of her gender, it is: “Your life is your choice, so make your choice.”

Another passion

The other bright side of the biography of Hind Al -Awadi is that it is an operator and is preoccupied at the same time with a path that is far from flying, space, civil aircraft maintenance engineering, and the last surrounding work among machines, engines, wires, oils and manual number.We mean her passion and work in the field of fashion, jewelry and accessories through her YouTube channel that has so far attracted more than 70,000 followers and follow -up.

When I expressed to her in a phone call, I was surprised about her involvement in the aforementioned field, she responded with confidence saying what she had a passion for fashion and fashion shows from a young age, and that she is trying today to say that the life of a woman's career is something and what she loves something else, as you want to prove to everyone to engage The Gulf woman in difficult specializations is usually limited to men, it should not be in the context of imitating men and their rivalry, meaning that she should not forget the most beautiful thing in her, which is her femininity, the paper of her feelings and her taste for beauty in clothing, behavior and appearance. As for the source of the fashion culture and accessories that it promotes through social networks, it is the specialized international magazines that are keen to acquire them first -hand.

Constant learning

Hind lives today, waiting for someone to take her hand and provide her with the opportunity of education and training in institutes and specialized agencies in space science, such as NASA, through a mission or scholarship.However, at the same time, it is not a month except for it and a "course" entering a study or training in the field of aviation engineering.In conjunction with its function in the Civil Aviation Authority, it is studied at the Bahrain Institute for Banking and Financial Studies (BIBF) with the aim of obtaining a master’s degree in administrative sciences, aspiring to supply a master's degree in the future.


تدين هند بالPrejudice في ما وصلت إليه، إلى والديها، كما تؤكد، اللذين كانا معارضين لدخولها مجال هندسة الطيران، إلى درجة أنها أخفت عنهما موضوع التحاقها بأكاديمية باس لبعض الوقت، قبل أن يتحولا إلى محفزين ومساندين لخطوتها. كما أنها من جهة أخرى، تدين بالكثير من الPrejudice للمجتمع البحريني الذي عاش عبر العصور مجتمعاً يؤمن بأهمية الانفتاح والتحرر والتماهي مع تطورات الزمن وظروفه المتغيرة.

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