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How did the Taliban deceive and overcome the United States?The road to Doha is withdrawal or peace?The decline in the collapse of the Republic

Translation and editing: Nun Post

In December, the meeting of the representatives of the Taliban and representatives of the US -backed Republic of Afghanistan granted a secret place in the northern Paris Palace, hoping to reach a peace agreement that could put an end to this intractable war..

At a French dinner free of pork, representatives of the Taliban, which incurred defeats, especially after US President Obama increased the number of American forces in the country, sat at the same table with Afghan war princes, civil society activists and parliamentarians.In an official session held at the Di Shantée Palace, the envoys conveyed a written message from the founding leader of the movement, Mullah Muhammad Omar.

It was stated in this letter that the Taliban will not seek to exclusively rule and that it aims to formulate a new constitution that pave the way to share power in the next government..When the representatives of the Afghan government returned to Kabul, many were enthusiastic about the root transformation that the Taliban witnessed, which seemed to distance itself from the strict regime that ruled Afghanistan in the nineties..

Over the next nine years, the Taliban continued to reassure the international community with reconciliation messages while the local level was fighting a bloody war in parallel with diplomatic efforts to ensure that its main goal of achieving the military withdrawal of the United States is to achieve.

The newly appointed Taliban Ambassador to the United Nations, Suhail Shaheen, explained during an interview with the Wall Street Journal six weeks before the Taliban seized Kabul, toppled the regime and exclusively by ruling:Previous experiences this approach failed in the end without establishing permanent peace..

Throughout its history, Afghanistan has defied foreign attempts to reshape the country, starting from the British Empire in the nineteenth century, through the Soviet occupation in the eighties to the failed American experience of building the state.

A study that focused mainly on the reasons for the collapse of American peace efforts, the withdrawal of Biden from Afghanistan, and the decline in American influence at the global level, revealed that the Taliban's mastery of the diplomatic game is the main cause of all these failures.

The growing patience of the United States with the longest war outside its borders was the motive towards organizing these talks - which contributed to further the Taliban intransigence and its refusal to make any concessions.Zalmay Khalilzad, who held the position of senior American negotiators in both departments, pointed out that "the current President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump clearly granted priority to withdrawing from the country and not reaching a political settlement, and this has strengthened the influence of the Taliban.".

In search of a way out, US officials decided that it is appropriate to polish the Taliban image while exaggerating the depiction of the power of the Republic of Afghanistan,.In order to realize these endeavors, the Taliban leadership managed to hide its true intentions by using a friendly tone with foreign diplomats and negotiators..

The question is whether Western powers can apply the lessons that they learned from previous failures in their attempt to push the Islamic movement to adopt more moderate policies.Previous experiments indicate that the Taliban will not easily replace the traditions that have long followed with financial support from the West and a place in the global community.

Some former American officials and Afghan are still believed that the extent of the pragmatic Taliban that they dealt with was characterized by some honesty and that reaching a negotiating solution could have maintained at least some of the achievements made thanks to the 20 -year -old international efforts in Afghanistan..They argue that the stubbornness of President Ashraf Ghani ultimate.

The inability of the Afghan armed forces to fight as soon as American support fell, caused their disintegration during the month of August, which allowed Taliban to control almost all capitals of the country's provinces and reach the outskirts of Kabul after only one week.The collapse of the remaining government structures after a rich escape from the country on August 15, turned the issue of US -backed talks towards a peaceful transfer of power.

The new Afghan government, which was formed in September almost exclusively, is consisting of prominent clerics of the Taliban.The new regime has so far refrained from hosting terrorist groups publicly or committing atrocities that have been condemned by international public opinion in the past, but it has severely limited women's rights and ban girls' education after the sixth grade in most provinces and the margin of ethnic societies that are not part of the Bashton who represent their influence base.

In the ongoing talks with the United States and its allies in Doha, the new Taliban government is seeking to obtain diplomatic recognition, lift US sanctions, and cancel the freezing of more than $ 9 billion in the assets of the Afghan Central Bank abroad.Among the main conditions of Washington is the formation of a more comprehensive government in Kabul that respects human rights and fulfills the covenants that the Taliban made at the Di Shantée Palace.

"The Taliban regime should seek legitimacy within Afghanistan before seeking to obtain international recognition," said Thomas West, the US Special Envoy for Afghanistan, who leads these talks..

In 2001, the Taliban sought to negotiate with Washington and the Afghan government immediately after the American invasion that toppled its government..Hamid Karzai, the new president of Afghanistan, which Washington appointed at the time, wanted to participate in the Bonn Movement, which was held that year and announced in his aftermath the country's new political system.But Washington, which was still under the influence of the shock of the 9/11 attacks that Osama bin Laden had arranged, used the veto against that plan..Then it sought to track down the potential Taliban negotiators through the US Special Operations Forces and the CIA, and was promoted in the Guantanamo detention center in Cuba..

Washington's positions and allies on the issue of the involvement of the Taliban have changed with the increasing strength in the following decade.By 2009, the Taliban took control of large parts of the countryside, which prompted Obama to raise the number of American forces to more than 100,000 gendels defending the Republic of Afghanistan - knowing that he promised to withdraw all American forces after 18 months.

By the time when Washington was ready to negotiate, Taliban leaders refused to sit with the Karzai administration, describing it as an American doll that lacks legitimacy or independence..For his part, Karzai objected to the United States entering into talks with the Taliban..The Obama administration agreed not to discuss the future of Afghanistan without the Afghan government, but it supported the idea of establishing a political mission for Taliban abroad to facilitate the diplomatic communication process.

Confidence began to be formed between the United States and the Taliban by negotiating tactical deals, such as the liberation of five senior Taliban leaders who spent more than a decade in Guantanamo in exchange for the delivery of the Taliban Bau Bergdal, a US military sergeant captured by the Taliban forces.In 2013, the Taliban representatives, some of whom had lived in Doha years ago, have officially opened a political office there.

The Taliban was refusing to hold direct talks with the government in Kabul, while its residing envoys in Doha began holding meetings with Afghan political elites, followed by similar talks in Europe, Russia and China.

Over the years, the Taliban Office in Doha, in light of its members exempting the travel sanctions imposed by the United Nations, allowed the Taliban to communicate with governments all over the world, which earned it to be increasingly acceptable as a legitimate political power.

Rahim Allah, Mahmoud, a veteran leader, who was the ruler of the mandate of your response after the Taliban seized power, and is currently the deputy commander of the military legion in Kandahar, that the Taliban leaders have succeeded in convincing the world that the movement is not a terrorist as depicted by the Americans..

In 2018, President Trump, who has long criticized the war on Afghanistan, canceled the condition that the United States had long set, that is, not entering into negotiations with the Taliban except in the presence of the Afghan government..The former American ambassador in Kabul and the United Nations, Khalilzad, was appointed as a special envoy, who has the freedom to negotiate any possible deal.

Khalil Zad was born in Afghanistan in 1951, and she got acquainted with Ashraf Ghani since they both went to the United States on a student exchange trip.The two men later studied at the American University of Beirut, then Naala from the United States, Khalilzad from the University of Chicago, and sang from Colombia University.As for his relations with the Taliban, he returns to the nineties, when he worked as an adviser to the "Yonocal" oil company, which sought to build a pipeline across Afghanistan.

"He was authorized to help us find a way we can leave quickly and without using any force, and to deliver ourselves that we have won." Says a senior Foreign Ministry..

Ghani, who holds American citizenship, took over the presidency of Afghanistan in 2014 to succeed Cherzai, a co -author of a book entitled "Reform of the failed countries" and one of the former prominent academics in strategic thinking centers in Washington, and he was proud of the other Afghan officials by understanding American policy, but he did not know that he had sinnedAnd the senior members of his administration by reading American intentions and clinging to the delusions that Washington will not give up on Kabul.

The United States was talking about its intention to leave Afghanistan more than a decade."The distinguished geographical location of Afghanistan has always made it the attention of world powers.Some of our colleagues believed until recent months that the American forces will never leave. ".

Khalil Zad, who left the US government in October, agrees with this opinion, saying: "The government in Kabul lived in a virtual world," describing the matter as "great miscalculation.".

Khalilzad adds that the wrong belief that the US National Security Agency will not allow Trump or Biden to abandon Afghanistan with another strategic mistake;It is the excessive optimism of Afghan officials regarding the military force of the Afghan government;He says: "They did not evaluate their forces correctly, and none of them realized that these forces would collapse at that time.".

These two mistakes in appreciation led to the slow peace talks between the Afghan government led by Ghani and the Taliban, which was aimed at reaching a potential agreement to share power, which would inevitably resulted in a rich loss of his position.It is unclear to what extent the Taliban would be, but with the movement achieved major military gains, their accounts have also changed.Over the months of the movement's leaders in Doha, the axis of the talks has moved from a potential sharing of the authority to thinking about a "comprehensive government" dominated by the Taliban, then surrender to the conditions of the movement.

Habiba Sardabi, a member of the Afghan government in the negotiating team with the Taliban and the former governor of the Bamian region, said:It is impossible, and this is due to his obsession with power and power..

Sarabi, who is currently living in exile, like most senior officials and negotiators in the Afghan government, adds that part of the blame falls on Khalilzad, because he constantly stressed that the Taliban is a moderate negotiator and that it is looking forward to a peaceful transfer of power, but that was a mirage.

Khalilzad wrote an article in 1996 in which he stressed that "the Taliban does not practice the anti -United States radical model," adding that he believes in the integrity of Taliban negotiators and that the error in reaching an appropriate settlement falls on both sides, and one of the two sides can not blame more than the other than the other than the other..

To start serious conversations, Khalil Zad needed a Taliban official with a prominent position, and the choice was made on Mullah Abdel -Ghani Baradar.Badader was one of the founders of the movement, worked as a deputy minister of defense in the former Taliban regime, and reshaped the movement's leadership after the American invasion.It was somewhat pragmatic, especially since he tried to open negotiations with the United States in 2001, and entered into secret contacts with the Karzai government in 2010.One of the few Taliban members belonging to the aristocratic Popolzai clan, the clan to which Karazai belongs, was arrested by Pakistani and American agents in the city of Karachi later in that year, and has been in Pakistani prisons since then.

In September 2018, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo led a delegation to Islamabad to start joint cooperation and demand the release of Baradar.Pakistan approved and moved to Doha after weeks to take over the presidency of the Taliban Political Bureau, and gave the leader of the movement, the gift of God Akhund Zadeh, who did not appear in the media, his orders to Badader to start negotiations.

The negotiations were initially stumbled, and some obstacles faced, the most prominent of which was the impatience of former US President Trump and his desire to return his country's forces to the United States, which raised the concerns of American negotiators that Trump might announce at any moment an unconditional withdrawal.

With the start of the representatives of the United States and the Taliban representatives in the Doha negotiations, the American ambassador in Kabul, John Bass, tried for several months to persuade the president rich in forming a comprehensive negotiation team that is ready to start talks with the Taliban, but the Afghan president refused on the pretext that this matter undermined his administration's control of the negotiations.

Khalilzad says that "the negotiation model adopted by the President Ghani is what toppled his government, and that what he had to do was to negotiate with the gift of God in person, but this of course was impossible from the beginning."

By the summer of 2019, the Khalilzad team managed to determine the outline of agreement with Bradar in Qatar.However, the Taliban quickly changed its decision and became demanding the release of the prisoners, which is a new big concession.To get out of this impasse, the United States was satisfied and signed a item calling Kabul to release up to 5,000 prisoners of Taliban held in Afghanistan..It was allowed to read the draft of the agreement without maintaining a copy of it, and preventing access to the secret attachments of the agreement.

On the anniversary of the events of 11/11, while preparations in full swing to host Trump, a large signing ceremony, a car bomb exploded near the American embassy and Afghan security complexes in Kabul, killing 12 people, including an American soldier.The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.In a tweet, Trump expressed his anger, stressing that he had "canceled" talks with the Islamic movement and canceled his plans to hold a meeting with the Taliban leaders and rich in Camp David.

This development in events seems to be a rich hope for the American administration's review of the withdrawal issue, which Trump was rushing to implement.His adviser to national security, Hamadullah Moheb, complained that America "is whiten the Taliban" because it was fed up with the war and demanded a review of the agreement..For his part, it was not Nadri optimistic about this.In September, he watched a series on the Netflix platform on the fall of South Vietnam, and he noticed that what happened to the government in Sigon was repeated with the Kabul government, as both were kept by the United States on the sidelines.

In Washington, John Bolton, the National Security Adviser at the Trump Administration at the time, expressed a similar opinion.Bolton, who resigned that month because of differences with Trump about Afghanistan's policy..Vietnam analogy is already correct.Either way, everyone and each other meaning can see that the main goal of the United States is to withdraw..

The transactions between the two parties did not last long.Trump wanted to leave Afghanistan before the US presidential election.Within weeks, American diplomats began talks to exchange two professors at the American University in Kabul, who were held by the Taliban as hosts in exchange for Anas Haqqani, the younger brother of the Taliban leader Sirajuddin, who was arrested by the Afghan government..The United States has previously classified the Haqqani terrorist network since 2012 because of its association with al -Qaeda.

By February 2020, the Taliban agreed to a short ceasefire with the aim of showing goodwill, and Trump agreed to sign the agreement, which was officially named as the "Peace Replacement Agreement in Afghanistan", although the Taliban did not commit to stopping military operations against the Afghan government and security forces.

In the text of the agreement, the United States promised a full military withdrawal by May 2021 in exchange for the Taliban to prevent terrorist groups from using Afghan lands to threaten other countries.The Taliban agreed to open peace talks with a rich government.The American withdrawal was not conditional on the success of these negotiations, and this is partially attributed to the fact that Washington did not want to grant a rich argument to slow the withdrawal process.

In February 2020, Pompeo went to Doha to attend the signing ceremony.A few minutes before his arrival in Qatar, the Taliban organized a victory march in which the white flags raised their Islamic women, which raised fears among the Qatari hosts of the possibility of embarrassment that may cause the agreement to be canceled at the last minute..The Qataris were ready to prevent the Taliban from entering the luxurious Sheraton Resort with flags, and they urged them to leave them in their cars.

Pompeo shook hands with the Taliban leader Bradar after his assistants failed to dismiss him from the Taliban in the room.Khalilzad signed on behalf of the United States, while Pompeo then made a bleak speech to journalists in another room.The members of the Khalil Zad team felt comfortable because that day passed without accidents and remained abroad until late in Doha, and they drank expensive cocktails..

Initially, the richness of the commitment imposed by the Doha Agreement that the United States signed without its consent, which included a clause, resisted Kabul's release from thousands of Taliban elements..He also continued to reject the American pressure to form a negotiating team that includes its political opponents in Kabul, such as Karzai and his rival in the 2019 presidential elections, Abdullah Abdullah.This is due to the fact that any agreement to share power with the rebels will be conditional on a rich step.Cuar to leave his position, the Afghan president has instead hoping that Washington would reflect the decision to withdraw, especially if Trump failed to obtain a second term.

When he was asked what was the biggest mistake made by the Afghan administration, Moheb, who was a national security consultant in a rich government, was asked until both of Kabul fled on August 15: "We, the Afghan government, had to read between the lines.It was a withdrawal, not a peace agreement.Democratic values were not priority as we believed.The gains of the past 20 years were not priority as much as we thought. ".

The leaders of the Taliban's military wing were upset with the Doha Agreement.From Qatar, Mullah Mohamed Fadel, the Taliban negotiator and was among the five former prisoners in Guantanamo who were released during a detainee exchange deal between the United States and the Taliban opposite the American army sergeant Bergdal, through various fronts to attend a meeting with rebel leaders from all over Afghanistan to clarify their conditions.

For some of the Taliban leaders, who were bearded and wearing black turbans, the agreement was naive- according to what some of the attendees narrated.How could they trust that the United States would already leave Afghanistan next year?Why should they stop attacking the American forces in exchange for Washington's retaining their right to launch air strikes on them?

"During the negotiations, many claimed that the United States deceived us, and that everything that happens is only a trap for us," said Mahmoud, the military commander of the eastern region of Taliban, who attended the meeting in the city of Musa Qalaa in the state of Helmand Province..He added, "Many military leaders wanted to resume attacks on Americans.The suicide bombers, in particular, were very sad: they cried and saddened not to obtain the testimony..

However, Mahmoud pointed out that the argument of political negotiators from the Taliban that Washington will fulfill the pledges that I made in Doha and withdraw from Afghanistan that ultimately prevailed in the end..The message that he carried to his forces was "It is a victory treaty".

Shortly later, the Taliban's advertising department for the Islamic year 1442, which started in August 2020, published.An American and other Taliban hand appeared in it that the Doha Agreement - which was described as a "agreement to end the invasion" - appeared - and Afghanistan was liberated from the restrictions of foreign occupation..In a quote from the supreme leader of the Taliban, Mullah is the gift of God, in which he says: "We do not want to monopolize power.".

Failure to make progress in Afghanistan before the US presidential elections made the patience of Trump implemented, so in June, he ordered the reducing in the number of American forces to 4,500 without the Taliban of any concessions..

كيف خدعت طالبان الولايات المتحدة وتغلبت عليها؟ الطريق إلى الدوحة انسحاب أم سلام؟ التراجع انهيار الجمهورية

At that point, the Taliban did not fulfill any of its main promises except to stop the attacks on American forces, with the refusal to meet the Afghan government delegation.. وفي محاولة للإفراج عن السجناء وكسر الجمود، قدّم برادر تأكيدات شفوية للمفاوضين الأمريكيين بأن وتيرة العنف ستنخفض ​​بمجرد إطلاق سراح 5000 سجين من عناصر طالبان.

Khalil Zad sent a telegram to Washington, in which he confirmed that Badader promised a semi -full shooting stop.Ross Wilson, who was the largest American diplomat in Kabul, delivered the message to Ashraf Ghani.Wilson said that the promised ceasefire "was part of a deal that was considered a very difficult decision for good reasons.".He relied reluctantly to the release of Taliban prisoners in stages in exchange for the movement to release 1,000 government employees.

With the end of the release process in September 2020, the Taliban and Afghan negotiators have recently met in the eastern resort in Doha for peace talks.The resort overlooks a shore frequented by tourists in Bikini, and loud sounds of pop music that infiltrate into the rooms of the Taliban delegation members.Kabul asked the Afghan government delegation to hold negotiations away from the beach.

The two delegations were eating breakfast in separate places and rarely they met.Senior leaders in the Taliban delegation were rarely appearing in the eastern resort.

While the Afghan delegations began its negotiations, an American military team monitored the levels of violence in Afghanistan to assess whether the Taliban committed to what Bardad promised.The team documented a rise in the rebel attacks, and Colonel Bradley Moses, who served as the American Military Commander in Afghanistan, General Scott Miller, the White House, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the CIA and other other American government agencies, informed regularly on this concern data about the exacerbation of violence.

"These operations have never decreased," the colonel said, adding that when the Taliban are confronted with these data, you will claim that these attacks were carried out by saboteurs or criminals.

At the same time, the Afghan government issued instructions to its forces in isolated bases and sites, to stop offensive operations during negotiations, and to be satisfied with defensive operations..General Imam Nizar Bahbud, who was leading the Kandahar Corps in the Afghan army, said that the loss of the initiative gave the rebels a great superiority.

He added: "This means that you had to stand there and wait for the Taliban to attack you.Whatever happens, you have to wait just.There were great losses.The forces were exhausted, and no support from Kabul arrived, and they lost their confidence in the central government..

By October, Kantalban had gathered a tremendous force in the south and launched a large -scale attack on the capital of the Helmand region.The United States interfered with air strikes to prevent the fall of the city.After weeks, the Taliban headed towards Kandahar, and seized the province of Arganab, which is located close to the second largest city in the country..The intensive American air strikes stopped the Taliban's progress, and the two parties exchanged accusations of violating the Doha Agreement.

However, Taliban leaders held their promises not to launch any attack on American targets, and showed their ability to seize their fighters when they wanted to..Although they were subjected to heavy losses due to the air strikes, the Taliban leaders saw that they were not in their interest to disrupt the American withdrawal that was inevitable.

"We have convinced our fighters that we will not shoot a single bullet to the Americans during the negotiations.We have proven that we can adhere to our promises.We confirmed to each other at the time that it was a victory.When the Americans began to close their sites and evacuate their bases, we learned that this country is our country, sooner or later..

US officials are still wondering if Bardad may have manipulated them, or whether the Taliban Senior Service has been used by the real leadership of the movement to calm the situation with the United States.

"It was always difficult to know whether or not the Taliban was about a political settlement..It is likely that they never intended to do so.They used to say what we would like to hear.Perhaps we know, as we learned previously through negotiations with the Vietnamese, that they had no intention to give up..

The US presidential elections were held on November 3 and lost Trump.While he was struggling to change the results, he issued his orders to the Pentagon to withdraw the remaining forces from Afghanistan and appointed a new defense minister, Chris Miller, one of the skeptics of the war, and his authorization to implement the plan.Miller, along with other advisers, persuaded the president to keep a small force of 2,500 soldiers in Afghanistan to avoid the collapse of the country, which they claimed would harm Trump if he wanted to run for the presidency again.

At that time, Khalilzad published proposals to form a new transitional government that includes the Taliban and a rich government, but he did not clarify who will lead the government.

Miller said that the undeclared goal to keep a small force in Kabul is eventually a rich obligation to make a power -sharing deal.He added: "Let's be honest, perhaps the Taliban would have about 14 seats in the cabinet.Perhaps Ashraf Ghani would have four seats..

The Afghan president was hoping for the American side to decline the idea of withdrawing from Afghanistan after Trump's defeat, and he was very convinced that the new Biden administration would not continue in the Doha Agreement, until he refused to meet Khalilzad when he visited Afghanistan in January..Later, Ghani rejected Khalilzad's plan to share power, which was leaked to the media, and he continued to refuse to do the Doha talks..

"The Taliban were much more flexible.Negotiations require taking and giving to reach an acceptable settlement for everyone.But we did not do that, we were trying to earn the time waiting for Biden's arrival.I don't know why they believed that Biden would create a miracle..

Khalilzad submitted his proposal to Bradar, who agreed to look at, but he did not make any official response.

At that time, the Taliban leaders, who were encouraged by their imminent American military successes, had a great desire to share power with their enemies..Ansari, a member of the Taliban Military Committee, said: "The strategy of the occupier, when he is forced to leave a country, is to leave its customers until he does not lose its influence.The Americans wanted to maintain a parallel government here, so that the Taliban and others have equal powers.We did not agree with this from the beginning.We said we are the rulers of the country.This country is our homeland and we do not accept a second ruler in our country..

The hopes that he was stung by President Biden, who called for withdrawal from Afghanistan, were dispelled when he was Vice President Obama, because he showed a little preparedness to walk the opposite of the direction that Trump took regarding the agreement with the Taliban.

A few months after Biden took office, agency officials held an endless series of meetings on how to alleviate the risk of withdrawal.According to the White House estimates, abandoning the Doha Agreement to force the Taliban to resume attacks against American forces, which requires raising the number of forces in the absence of signs of the end of the conflict..With the peace conversations supervised by Khalilzad in Doha, the White House concluded that the chances of reaching a solution were very small, and that there is no reason to justify the delay of the withdrawal.

According to a high -ranking official in the Biden administration: "There was not many evidence that any of the two sides dealt with negotiations in Doha in good faith.".

On April 12, the Taliban rejected at a peace conference that the United States tried to hold in Turkey under the auspices of the United Nations for fear of being forced to make any concessions.

Two days later, Biden announced the withdrawal of all American forces from Afghanistan by September 11, regardless of the Taliban and the Afghan government reached a political agreement or any other developments on the ground, in a clear transgression of the conditions agreed upon in the Doha Agreement of 2020.

While he was in the White House treaty, Biden stressed that "we will not hurry to withdraw from Afghanistan, but we will do so...Responsible, careful and safe, "adding that" providing more American military power cannot create or preserve a permanent Afghan government ".

The next afternoon, Ghani called the senior Afghan security officials to discuss the "shocking news".The Chief of Staff of the Army asked how the Afghan army continued to use its aircraft after the departure of American advisers and contractors.According to one of the officials participating in the meeting, he was calm and working to secure continuous American support.

The Vice President, God, Saleh, was working closely with the CIA, and he could not believe the Biden Declaration of the withdrawal of all American forces from the country.He asked whether Biden's announcement was just a tactic to pressure Kabul and force her to make concessions to Taliban in Doha negotiations.

In a statement to the newspaper, Saleh - the former Afghan intelligence chief - said that his American interlocutors were confirmed until the last minute that Washington would not give up his administration..He added that after the fall of Kabul in the hands of the Taliban: "I asked the diplomats, intelligence officials, generals, and members of the American elite on several occasions whether the United States would receive Afghanistan to the Taliban.The answers were the explicit negation 'no', and even with clarifications of the nuances at a later time, they mean no..

While the members of the inner circle continued to rich in adherence to delusions, the field leaders in the Afghan army and police reached a different result: the end was close.The survival meant the conclusion of special deals with the Taliban, while preparing for the worst in the future meant the sale of their units of ammunition, food and fuel on the black market.

By May, the Taliban began controlling one areas after the other without resorting to fighting often, and allowed government forces to withdraw without a clash while handing their weapons and obtaining some money in order to return to their homes.According to the oral obligations given to Khalil Zad, the rebels did not seize any of the 34 capitals of provinces in the country..In Doha, the Taliban negotiator Muhammad Nabi Omari, another former prisoner in Guantanamo affiliated with the Haqqani Network, offered a transitional proposal in Doha with a narrow circle of Afghan government representatives.

Under the proposed agreement, the Supreme Leader of the Taliban Mulla Heba Allah will become the President of the State of Afghanistan, and the country will turn into a constitutional monarchy that is run under the 1964 constitution issued by King Zahir Shah, with an elected parliament.Gilani, who participated in these negotiations, said, jokingly said that Mullah Heba Allah - who has not appeared publicly for years and is supposed to be dead - is the ideal head of the state..For his part, her axes assured her from the Taliban that the gift of God is still alive.The two sides agreed on the necessity of maintaining a confidential agreement.

Gilali stated that the Taliban assumptions "were not easy to go, and that there are things that they will never give up..They will not accept the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.They will never accept our constitution.But we can save our knowledge and at least 60 percent of our values..

Mohamed Masum Stanikzai, head of the Afghan negotiating team in Doha - a former defense minister and head of intelligence, who was rich in conversations regularly - believes that the plan presented by my life was just an individual idea and not a strong proposal supported by all Taliban leaders..

In late June, Ghani traveled to Washington in a recent attempt to persuade the United States to continue to support his government.Biden agreed to a rich reception in the White House, provided that he came with Dr. Abdullah, then he held the title of Chairman of the Supreme Council for National Reconciliation in Afghanistan.Biden promised him, "We will stay with you.We will do our best to ensure that you have the necessary tools..

Mr. Ghani announced that the withdrawal decision made by the US President in April "made everyone repeat their accounts.The Afghan people in their endeavor to defend the republic resemble President Lincoln, the moment of his inauguration in 1861.It is a choice of values, either adopting the values of an exclusionary system or a comprehensive system ".

During that trip, Gilani met the President Ghani in Washington and briefed him on the proposals that were discussed with my age and the rest of the Taliban negotiators..She indicated that Ghani encouraged her to continue the talks."I thought, he decided to be like De Clerek for Afghanistan, not like Saddam or Gaddafi.It was clear that this was the end, but it could have been a decent end.At least, the institutions, the army and the police were not collapsed..

But in the following weeks, he continued to rich dodging to earn time.Commenting on this, Gilani said: "He tried to cling to his position, which made things more difficult.".

In July, a great foreign envoy visited in Kabul.The richness of the spirit of challenge and pride in the power of government forces gathered in the city, indicating that the Taliban would lose 50 thousand elements if they tried to attack the capital.According to this envoy, Ghani recommended his personal guard to give him a deadly injection if the Taliban surrounded him.

General Kenneth McKenzi, commander of the US Central Command, traveled to Kabul later that month to meet Ghani, and publicly promised to support the Afghan forces with extensive air strikes..At that time he said: "The Taliban's victory is not inevitable.".Individually, General McKenzi told President Ghani that Biden is still evaluating options to continue providing air support to the Afghan forces from the bases in the Persian Gulf after withdrawal..

In early August, the head of the Taliban Military Committee, Mullah Abdel -Qayyum Zakir, gathered the military leaders in the rebel stronghold "Ayoub Zazi" in the province of Eastern Baktia.He announced that the time to seize the capitals of the provinces has come, but the Taliban should take their time and not hurry.

"It was decided to seize the cities with caution, and target the provinces that are easy to enter." He added: "We did not enter Kabul, because we promised the Americans to do so.".

As it turned out later, almost all cities were easy prey for Taliban fighters, and after only one week, they reached the threshold of the Afghan capital.Dr. Abdullah Jawa held another link from the meetings in Doha and returned to Kabul to see Ghani and other political leaders on the transitional arrangements that would save at least some of the Afghan Republic institutions, and tells him that this is still possible.The Taliban had a strong incentive for cooperation.The United States reassured the rebels that this transitional government will obtain diplomatic recognition and billions of dollars from the reserves of the Afghan Central Bank and the ongoing foreign aid..

Dr. Abdullah, Karzai and the Emir of the Islamic War, Dhuddin Hekmatyar, and other Afghan leaders, planned to travel to Doha to conclude an agreement, but they first needed a commitment from the president rich to step down.But again, the Afghan president overlooks for some time, and bargained to form the delegation and insisted on his close assistants like a lover.It was initially scheduled to leave the delegation on August 16.

Amin Karim, a prominent member of the Hekmatyar Party and the former adviser to Jani, went to meet the Afghan president in the palace that week."The game ended!", Thus, the meeting began to meet in English and the turmoil is clear, accusing Karim in Al -Hazama, and assured him that Kabul is safe and that tens of thousands of elite forces from all over the country are ready to protect the Afghan capital.

On August 14, the American envoy Wilson met President Ghani, and at that time, the main cities of Kandahar, jewels and Ghazna had fell in the hands of the Taliban..The American envoy stated that he was shocked by the calm that the Afghan leader appeared.Correspondents were invited to cover the meeting unusually.Taliban leaders in the mountains surrounding the city had no idea that after a few hours they would be in control of the Afghan capital.

"We were sure that the provinces would fall without any resistance, but we were not sure about Kabul, the deception by the government gave us a feeling that there would be fightingAnd he added, "We were concerned that the Battle of the city of the city was concerned.".

On the morning of August 15, some of the Taliban's sympathetic militants began to appear in the city.At the request of Washington, the Taliban issued a statement in Doha, in which all the Taliban units demanded that the capital remain away from the capital.Wilson ordered all the remaining employees to move from the American Embassy Complex in the Green Zone in Kabul to the airport, which later became under the control of the US military..

The remaining employees were asked to leave their personal belongings behind them and they were only allowed in one bag.Wilson left his suits and shoes at the embassy and the necessities of necessities only, including a book that he just received via Amazon.As he climbed on the helicopter to go to the airport, the pilots told him that Ghani had been seen fleeing from Afghanistan with a helicopter about 30 minutes ago.

Wilson mentioned that Ghani did not hint that he would leave the country.Ghani said, in a statement issued after weeks from the United Arab Emirates, where he is now residing, that his departure was unexpected, and that it was the only way to avoid a battle and save Kabul from destruction..

The senior representatives of the Taliban gathered on the 21st of the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the capital, Doha, to meet with the special envoy of Qatar, who supervised Afghan affairs, Mutlaq Al -Qahtani, where they saw unbelievable people of rich escape, and they asked about the extent of the American army's desire to secure Kabul for two weeks to guaranteeRegulatory transition.

Bradar, Khalil Zad, General McKenzi and other officials in Doha met that afternoon.Khalilzad said: "The situation predicted a coming political chaos. The law and order were collapsing in Kabul.".After a rich escape, the remaining ministers of the Afghan Republic, including the Minister of Defense, rushed to the airport to flee the country.

The Biden administration was not interested in taking an open responsibility for what might happen in the besieged Afghan capital and the fate of its five million residents..According to Khalilzad, General McKenzi responded to the Taliban's proposal, saying: "This is not my work, my job is to withdraw my forces safely, if we are attacked, we will defend ourselves.".

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Taliban units, most of which belong to the Haqqani Network, began to crawl towards the capital, reinforcing the first row of secret elements that seized strategic sites from the city.

Instead of negotiating the transfer of power with obtaining international recognition, which was discussed with the United States, the Taliban found itself running an empty treasury and subject to US sanctions and deprived of obtaining a seat at the United Nations.

For Burdad, who was widely expected to become the new head of the Taliban government, he was marginalized to be one of three deputies of the Prime Minister, and then disappeared from view of weeks.His oral promises to American negotiators and other international negotiators, such as commitment to guarantee girls' education, are no longer binding on the new Afghan regime.Instead, the elements of the Haqqani Network and the Southern Military Commanders, led by Mullah Muhammad Yaqoub, son of Mullah Omar, emerged to have the true authority in Kabul..

The Islamic Taliban Calendar, the newly published, which begins in August 2021, no longer carries the promise of Mulla, the gift of God not to seek to monopolize power, but rather promised to establish a purely Islamic system.The Americans left behind a pile of Himafi vehicles, and the Xinok aircraft flying away with torn flags, thus the message is clear..

Source: Wall Street Journal