Home >without pilot >هيونداي تختبر سيارة ذاتية القيادة من المستوى 4 فى النصف الأول 2022
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هيونداي تختبر سيارة ذاتية القيادة من المستوى 4 فى النصف الأول 2022

Hyundai Motor announced;The largest auto industry company in Korea, today, Thursday, will conduct a test of a 4 -level self -driving car in the Korean capital Seoul, in the first half of next year, as it seeks to demonstrate its presence in the service of future mobility, according to Yonhap agency..

Hyundai revealed her plan in a 2021 -year -old movement in Seoul..

Hyundai: The planned process will help verify and enhance self -driving technology

Hyundai said that the planned process will help verify and enhance self -driving technology, as it unveiled the image of the self -driving car, which will be manufactured based on its electricity "Ionik" electricity..

The fourth -level self -driving car means that the car can work almost independently with a little intervention or control by the driver, and is designed to deal with unexpected situations, such as the failure of the system, although the human driver can still restore the wheel manually.

اقرأ أيضاتوقعات بارتفاع إيرادات السيارات الفاخرة عالميًا إلى 551 مليار يورو بنهاية 2021

هيونداي تختبر سيارة ذاتية القيادة من المستوى 4 فى النصف الأول 2022

"We are developing the entire self-driving technique that will not require the driver's intervention, based on the technique of authenticated self-driving technology and applied to the current models," said Jang Aung-John, head of the Hyundai Self-Leadership Department..

Hyundai: We work to add more jobs to the fourth level of self -driving

Hyundai also revealed that she is working to add more functions to the fourth level of self -driving, such as the ability to contact a remote control center to obtain support in the state of emergency on the road.

Hyundai said that the self -recognition system that discovers school buses or ambulances either through their shape or sound to make room is also among the technologies that are being developed.

اقرأ أيضا«الصناعات المغذية» تبحث مع هيئة معارض فرانكفورتالكيانات المحلية فى «أوتوميكانيكا»

On the next year, Hyundai said it is planning to launch the "Ionik 6", and the heavy "Axent" truck with fuel cells and a low -ground "Ecsee" electric bus in the local market.

Last August, the Hyundai Motor Group revealed the self -driving taxi -based taxi "Ionik 5" before it was shown at the International Motor Show held in the German city of Munich during last September.

The group said, in a statement, that it has developed the taxi "Robo Taxi" equipped with a 4 -level self -driving system in conjunction with the joint "Motional" project between Hyundai and Aptiv Company (APTIV).

Hyundai plans to provide self -driving taxis to the American company Lyft

The group said it is planning to provide self -driving taxis to the American company Lyft, which specializes in riding applications, in 2023.

اقرأ أيضاموزعو 15 علامة تجارية يتفقون على زيادة «الأوفر برايس» على سياراتهم

Vehicles equipped with a fourth -level self -driving system can lead themselves under limited circumstances, but they do not work if not all the necessary conditions are met.

At the fifth level, the system can drive the car under any circumstance.

Hyundai Motor and the American startup company formed a joint venture of $ 4 billion in March 2020, to cooperate in the field of future mobility solutions.

Last February, the South Korean company unveiled the entire "Ionik 5" electric model based on the global electrical platform of the Hyundai Motor Group (E-GMP), in line with the direction of the competing companies towards electric cars.