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Feb 05By smartai.info

Iran reveals the suicide bomber.

Bynourddine1.9K Views

After appearing informally several times, Iran decided to show its suicide bomber, "Watch 136" in wide maneuvers this week.

It is a wilderness of air munitions, and its range is said to be 2000 km with a heavy warhead weighing 50 kg.

إيران تكشف عن المسيّرة الانتحارية شاهد Shahed-136 (فيديو)

The launch platform contains 4-5 marches, according to the form offered to a civil truck.

Iran has carried out training on the 136th Suicenal Suicide.This drone is developed to destroy air defense systems, military vehicles, tanks and other targets of enemies.Each truck can carry 5 unmanned drones to launch at the same time.

This drone at its best cost does not exceed 50 thousand dollars and the most expensive is the Chinese engine MDR-208, which amounts to $ 30,000.The rest of the ingredients such as the body, control systems, the antenna GNSS, the Self -Deficiency Navigation System, the warhead, and the fosses to activate the shipment will not exceed 20 thousand dollars.

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Written by Nourddine


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