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"ISIS Marches" .. the repercussions and confrontation scenarios

Political experts and recent studies have warned of the danger of the terrorist organization "ISIS" adopting new strategies to continue its operations, after the strikes it received in several countries such as Iraq.

Specifically, experts warned of the adoption of ISIS on drones (Drones), in carrying out terrorist attacks, especially inside Syria and Iraq..

Experts said in separate conversations to "Al Ain News" that ISIS and other terrorist organizations were able to possess "drones" and employ them in an escalating manner to carry out terrorist operations, which requires vigilance and quick security confrontation..

New strategy

This warning started from the Al -Azhar Observatory to Combat Extremism in Egypt, where he warned in its publishing study today, Wednesday, to a new strategy followed by the terrorist organization ISIS to continue its terrorist operations, after the strikes it received.

"By analyzing the data and news of the terrorist organization, it was found that it was approved in carrying out its operations on drones, which constituted a source of concern for citizens, as it is an easy way that allows terrorists in general to carry out dangerous terrorist attacks.".

The observatory emphasized that "drones" are a two -border weapon, as terrorist organizations use it to carry out their attacks, because the security services of some countries - including Spain - use it as a means of combating terrorism.

The Al -Azhar Observatory considered that it is necessary to follow up and monitor the technological development with regard to the "drone" industry, how they reach these organizations, and pressure extremist organizations and besiege them through intensive security operations, especially ISIS, which has proven to be different from all extremist organizations in technological propaganda and promoting themAnd its ability to attract new elements.


In his comment, Major General Samir Faraj, the strategic expert and director of the Moral Affairs Department of the former Egyptian Armed Forces, said: "ISIS has owned drones (Drones) for some time, which is the most prominent weapons that the organization is currently using in its terrorist operations inside Syria and Iraq specifically.".

The strategic expert warned in an exclusive interview with "Al Ain News", "of the danger of ISIS and others to have a drone weapon," and he said: "Drones drones are a dangerous and influential weapon, especially in light of the relative decline in the cost of technology for their possession.".

He continued, "It is possible to use the Drones weapon against important targets, similar to the targeting of the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Qasim Suleiman, in addition to targeting the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al -Kazemi, recently with a plane running in a failed operation.".

Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force at the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was killed in a raid carried out by an American drone in early January 2020, targeting a car that was carrying him near Baghdad International Airport, after his arrival in the Iraqi capital.

Faraj also hinted that Iran is supplying ISIS with the capabilities of the "drone" weapon inside Syria and Iraq.

A possible Iranian role

In this regard, the Egyptian expert said that Iran has succeeded in developing drone -guided aircraft systems, and it has become one of the few countries of the world that possesses the latest group of this system..

On September 18, 2019, the Saudi Ministry of Defense revealed during a press conference, the wreckage of drones and Iranian -made mobile missiles, stressing that it is "evidence of an undeniable Iranian aggression".

In the same context, Major General Samir Faraj spoke about a relative difficulty in the face of the "drowns" weapon, "if it is launched from a nearby site", so he believes that "the confrontation requires the existence of a special defensive system and a full anti -ballistic missile and the Drones".

For his part, Dr. Munther Al -Hawarah, a political analyst and expert on Islamic movements affairs, said in an exclusive interview with "Al Ain News" from Amman, that the possession of ISIS Drones is a worrying, especially with the presence of countries that support these organizations with money and technology and sometimes with political support.

He continued, "The arrival of drones to terrorist organizations means that they are not isolated from the world and its development, and that they have their arms that extend everywhere.".

He went on to say, "The terrorist organizations have drone technology, which may lead to severe results without trouble or a great cost to these organizations," explaining, "Drones enables ISIS and other access to any point easily and without cost them a lot, which requires great vigilance.".

He believed that the war on these organizations begin to dry and follow the sources of supporters, monitor them accurate.

He also indicated that the war on terrorist organizations calls for drying out the sources of intellectual, financial and propaganda support for these organizations and fighting it on the ground, and to tend to read a scientific text of the texts consistent with the concepts of the times and the vision of man of its reality and future.

Satanic endeavors

The BBC website, last December, stated that a investigation investigation revealed the ability of the terrorist organization ISIS to produce drones..

"The investigation concluded that ISIS tried to develop high-speed drones that operate with simple jet engines, such as those used in bombs" in-1 ", which were dropped on Britain during World War II.".

"ISIS has advanced production capabilities for locally and quickly", away from the well -known weapons factories..

Mike Lewis, head of the Investigation Unit at the Conflict Arming Center, said: "No governmental armed group has been matched by the size of ISIS weapons and its ambition.".

Also last December, the European Commission decided to allocate 23 million euros to enhance the protection of places of worship and other public places against potential terrorist attacks, of which 3 million euros are to support the project to test possible solutions to counter terrorist threats resulting from the use of drones, according to a newspaper."No Pangadia" Spanish.

In January 2017, ISIS launched the so -called "The Daryz Mujahideen Unit" as a new way to compensate for the loss of many of its fighters since the Battle of Mosul began in October 2016.

Ahmed Kamel Al -Buhairi, the Egyptian researcher specializing in Islamic movements affairs at the Al -Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, stressed that the organization has adopted during the past seven years a strategy called "brutality management", while during the current period in the regions of Central Asia and West Africa, a new strategy called "periods"Not empowering ".

"Al -Buhairi" said in a previous interview with "Al Ain News", that the new strategy is based on lightning strikes, qualitative operations, the assassination of senior military ranks, relying on small military operations without a great cost.