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Sep 02By smartai.info

Israeli expert: Kochavi failed in Gaza and destroyed the army and did not develop it

A prominent Israeli security expert attacked the "failure"; Chief of Staff of the Israeli Occupation Army, Aviv Kochavi, stressing that he showed his weakness, shortcomings, and numbness of his senses in most of the events he faced. Yossi Melman, an Israeli commentator expert in security and intelligence affairs, confirmed in his report to the newspaper "Haaretz", that "General Kochavi turned out to be one of the very weak chiefs of staff in the history of Israel, especially when we take into account his bravado and his self-image." Entering his fourth and final year in office, it can be said that his achievements so far do not particularly impress, and here are some of his resounding failures: pushing ahead with the appointment of failed and corrupt leaders, not taking into account the economic and social needs of the public in Israel, avoiding addressing sensitive issues, and being slow in dealing. With Jewish terrorism.” The approach that distinguished his predecessor Gadi Eisenkot, but here there is a gap between his statements and what is being implemented on the ground.

Israeli expert: Kochavi failed in Gaza and was destroyed The army did not develop it

Read also: Kochavi, the "bloodiest", gives full sponsorship to the settlers. Melman pointed out that "Kochavi, who was raised in the paratroopers, spoke that the army should fight more and seek victory, but practically, in the recent aggression on Gaza in May Last May, the attack on Hamas men failed, and after two months a Hezbollah cell infiltrated the borders. During two years in Benjamin Netanyahu's term, Kochavi was warning against taking a position regarding the army's relationship with civil society, and tried to evade every statement that could have angered and implicated the right. He pointed out that "the current chief of staff does not see that every incident that exceeds standards should be answered, even if it includes a disgusting insult by demonstrators to the family of pilot Tom Farkash, who fell in the Second Lebanon War," explaining that "Kochavi avoided confrontations with the rabbis." in matters of gender and religion. failures and defects

The security expert stated, "During the Kochavi era, several incidents occurred, including an exchange of fire that ended with the killing of soldiers in selected units, such as the Paratroopers' Patrol Battalion and the Commando Brigade, due to failures that stemmed from disregard for procedures, safety instructions, and regulations, and instead of working hard to eradicate weakness." Discipline in the army, he supported and promoted a number of officers who were corrupt and evaded responsibility, and this week we got another example, when he rejected General Noam Tevon's recommendation to dismiss the commander of "Egoz", and downplayed the seriousness of the incident in which two officers were killed in an exchange of fire.

Read also: An Israeli expert talks about 3 years of Kochavi's tenure Among the shortcomings in Kochavi's performance is that he "is working to increase retirement benefits for those serving in permanent service, and has forgotten the succession of regular service soldiers who bear the burden day after day, and has also neglected the issue of support logistical, and improved the quality of food, treatment, housing, and district training bases, only after public pressure, and when it became clear to Kochavi that the army walks on its stomach and sleeps on mattresses, he backed down.” For former US President Donald Trump, for selling F-35 aircraft to the Emirates, and no less dangerous than that for his tolerance of settler terrorism in the territories against the Palestinians. He stressed that the "Zionist gangs", including the "Hill Youth", continue to attack the Palestinians and celebrate in front of the helplessness of the police, the "Shin Bet" and the Israeli army and turn a blind eye to them. A few days ago, he clashed with the Minister of Internal Security, Omer Bar Lev, and claimed that stopping these phenomena is not the responsibility of the army. Melman said, "When we examine his tenure, we take into account the mitigating circumstances, the Corona outbreak and the political crisis that accompanied the 3 election rounds and the replacement of security ministers," adding, "Although he has not yet been challenged in a real military confrontation, Kochavi has not been able to Exploiting this in order to improve and develop the army, and let it stagnate.” And he believed that “the Chief of Staff, in most of the important events and exams, showed lack of leadership, defective judgment, and numbness of the senses, and when they say about the 22nd Chief of Staff in Israel that he is a political chief of staff, they mean that he He is not politically biased, but the point is that he has ambitions to enter the political arena after his dismissal, and there he may meet with Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, whose behavior is very similar to Kochavi's.