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Israeli historian: Iran cannot be prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon

An Israeli historian, the head of the Israeli "Mossad", attacked, because of his statements about the Iranian nuclear project, which it has been promoted to prevent Iran from owning the nuclear bomb, which makes it "a recipe for a catastrophe" may take "Israel" by creating a justification for Iran, in order to withdraw from the charter of the non -spread of weaponsNuclear.

The military historian Avner Cohen, in an article in the Hebrew newspaper "Haaretz", said: "It is very embarrassing in his ignorance, the hollow world statement of the Mossad president, David Burnaa, in which he said:" Mossad pledges that he will not be a day for Iran as a nuclear weapon. ".

He stressed that "this is a credible statement, a childish, a chauvinist and the narrow horizon in its formulation and in its timing, everyone who hears such a statement is a little experience in the affairs of the atom and Iran, knows that it has no importance."Intelligence (Mossad Awal C..Any.A) or the army, it can prevent nuclear weapons from a country where 85 million people live, and there is a nuclear and industrial infrastructure..

Step to a small step

He said: "Yes, by virtuousness, the damage and postponement of the end can be caused, and in the best cases, earned a few years or more, but it must be given to them that any external force cannot prevent Iran designed from obtaining nuclear weapons, except with a comprehensive geographical military occupation and the overthrow of the regime, but disability and postponementEven after extensive military activities, she cannot eventually prevent this..

Cohen said that "through a forced supervision system, and after a defeat in a real war, it can be adhered to that this country will not have a weapon, and this pledge will not be valid forever."Long ago ".

He pointed out that "a historical analysis shows that Tehran has very sought to approach the nuclear capacity, but it did not do so in a firm price, Iran is determined to reach the nuclear capacity, but at the same time it has a balanced element that is cautious and moderate, in order not to deteriorate the situationTo a confrontation with the great countries, she examines all the time the world's opposition to its nuclear aspirations, and every time she searches for an opportunity to advance another small step forward..

Also read: Israeli officials: arrogance and vanity towards Iran. Their product of failure

مؤرخ إسرائيلي: لا يمكن منع إيران من الحصول على سلاح نووي

He added: "Iran after 2003, which is the year in which it abandoned the very strange project of the Revolutionary Guard, which is the production of six explosive nuclear heads, was very cautious in accelerating its way towards the bomb, and also in the last two years, that is, even after the withdrawal of former US President Donald TrumpNuclear agreement ".

The historian stated, "Although there is no doubt about Iran's aspirations to approach the bomb as possible, it is not known what is the most distant point that Iran aspires to reach in its current situation, and it is likely that the Iranian leadership itself does not have an agreementOn this issue ".

He suggested that "in the meantime, Iran does not have any intention to pass the nuclear edge; that is, implementing an experiment and reviewing capabilities, and it seems to aspire to approach the nuclear edge, but with obfuscation to the degree of its approach to the edge, especially in everything related to things that exceed the production of explosive materialsWith the nuclear weapon level.


According to Cohen, "It seems that Iran was able to want to resemble Israel in the late 1960s; that is, to be a state that is not subject to any nuclear agreement, and not to say what exactly it has and how it has it, but the world is very accustomed to seeing it to see a nuclear edge state, and most importantly,The world understands that there is no point in fighting it because it approaches the nuclear edge, and in this case, Iran is likely to come out with a declaration that is fundamentally different from the formula of Israeli ambiguity, such as: "Iran will not be the first country that enters the nuclear weapon of the Middle East region".

Cohen warned, "Iran is not in the situation that it can resemble Israel in the late sixties, and as long as it has the nuclear weapon, it knows that it cannot do so, and in its situation now it is to see how Iran will reach understandings with the countries of the world, so that this state recognizesThat it is a nuclear state, and of course, Iran's proximity to the edge will be linked to the credibility of the new agreement to be reached with it, if this is done..

On the other hand, "If the nuclear establishments are attacked in Iran, especially if this is by Israel alone, it is possible that there is a scenario, that Iran decides to implement Article 10 in the Charter that allows the withdrawal of the Charter within three months, and if its national security is threatened in a related wayEssentially in the field of charter ".

Also read: Israeli criticism of the "meager" Biden threats to Iran.."It has no trace"

بكلمات أخرى، "تعهد رئيسالموساد ليس تصريحا غبيا وصبيانيا ومتفاخرا فقط، بل هو أيضا خطير أيضا، وربما سينقلب إلىApostate"، بحسب المؤرخ الذي تابع: "تعهد رئيس الموساد مدعوم بتعهد إسرائيليمتشدد وأحادي الجانب ولا يتمتع بأي شرعية دولية، يمكن أن يكون وصفة لكارثة يجب علىإسرائيل أن تخاف منها جدا، بخلق المبرر والشرعية التي ستمكن إيران من الانسحاب من الميثاقوالتحول لدولة حافة نووية حقيقية، على بعد مسافة أيام أو بضعة أسابيع عن القنبلة".

He said: "Now, after three years of Trump's withdrawal from the agreement, there is an almost complete security consensus in Israel, as this hasty step was a threatening strategic mistake.".

And Cohen, that "the pledge of the Mossad, can turn into a similar error, which is an ignorant, reliable and stupid pledge, and not so, but its results can be opposite to our goals.".