Home >without pilot >Laftit: The Ministry of Interior approved 616 requests to import drones, after making sure that they do not constitute a “threat to public security.”
May 15By smartai.info

Laftit: The Ministry of Interior approved 616 requests to import drones, after making sure that they do not constitute a “threat to public security.”

Abdelouafi Laftit, Minister of the Interior, revealed that the number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which were approved to be imported into Morocco, reached a total of 616 requests, including permanent and temporary requests.

In a written answer, in response to a question by Parliamentary Member of the Progress and Socialism Party, Khadija Aruhal, about “the effects of not licensing the import of drones on the completion of some public transactions,” the ministry in charge of the trade sector has subjected the import of flying devices since 2015. Motor-driven and remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles, such as unmanned aircraft, and miniature aircraft models, for a prior import license, in accordance with the applicable requirements in this regard.

لفتيت: الداخلية وافقت على 616 طلبا لاستيراد طائرات “درون” بعدما تأكدت من أنها لا تشكل “تهديدا للأمن العام”

In his response, the minister indicated that the import is either permanent or temporary, as he explained that requests for permanent import of drones are placed through the electronic platform “portnet”, which is affiliated with the interests of the General Directorate of Trade at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, through which the Ministry of Interior’s opinion is requested. Since 2015, the Ministry has approved 329 permanent import applications.

As for the temporary import of aircraft, the Minister of Interior explained that its requests are deposited with the customs administration departments, which in turn seek the opinion of this ministry, as the number of requests that have been met since 2015 has reached 287 temporary import requests for this type of aircraft.

Abdel-Wafi Laftit indicated that the Ministry of Interior approved the aforementioned import requests after making sure that the use of the imported drone does not pose a threat to public security or facilities of a sensitive nature, and that it will actually be used for specific professional purposes, and the devices that are imported or used are confiscated. without a license.

The minister’s answer came to the written question sent by parliamentarian Khadija Aruhal, who indicated that some contractors in various regions of Morocco are demanding a solution to the problem caused by the decision not to allow the import of drones by the central departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, what she described as “the decision that surprised them.” It shocked them.”