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Oct 01By smartai.info

Main menu US Air Force - Airmen Heroes or War Criminals? Post navigation

Abdullah Al Samer

The notorious American armed forces carried out operations to eliminate the leaders of terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The Western media is active in highlighting the results of all these operations, and it commends the US military leadership for the successes it has achieved in combating international terrorism.

Thus, in the period from 2006 to 2016, as a result of the US Air Force strikes, the leaders of terrorist groups were eliminated, including: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, and Abu Omar al-Shishani. At the beginning of February of this year, a ground operation succeeded in eliminating the leader of ISIS, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashemi al-Qurashi, who blew himself up in his house in the vicinity of Idlib.

Main menu USAF - Airmen of Heroes Or war criminals? Post navigation

However, it is worth noting that the western media as well as the US high command do not publish the mistakes it made during the military operations. Thus, in cases where civilians are killed as a result of air strikes, the United States prefers to remain silent, deceives this information, and sometimes distorts it and attributes the civilian deaths to representatives of terrorist groups. The United States has committed such crimes more than once during its military presence in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq.

An illustrative case of civilian deaths occurred in the Syrian village of Al-Baghouz in March 2019. Thus, according to the American newspaper “The New York Times,” dozens of Syrian civilians were killed as a result of a mistake committed by the international coalition during the aerial bombardment of the locations of ISIS terrorist forces in the vicinity of Deir Ezzor. Dropping two aerial bombs weighing 500 and 2000 kg respectively, the American pilots killed more than 70 people in just 12 minutes. For the first time, the US Supreme Command acknowledged this incident and commented on it, saying that the number of victims of the air strike amounted to 80 people, and 60 of them could not be clearly identified as militants or civilians.

January 20, 2022 US Congress Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to President Joseph Biden accusing the Department of Defense of killing civilians when armed drones were used to eliminate terrorists. During military operations on the territory of seven foreign countries from 2002 to 2022, more than 48,000 civilians were killed and 2.2,000 people (including children) were martyred as a result of the use of drones (with a total of 14,000 air strikes).

It is also necessary to note the fact that in seeking to destroy the leaders of terrorist groups, the US high command is not solving the real problem of international terrorism. And every Islamic leader who was eliminated by the Americans is replaced by new leaders. In addition, it is not always possible to say with certainty that US forces have destroyed the head of a typical terrorist group that at the same time still exists and does not incur significant losses while remaining combat-ready. The US military presence in Syria is also about defending its geographical interests. – political in this region and to maintain illegal control over the oil fields.

Thus, despite all the successes that have been achieved in eliminating the leaders of terrorist groups, this approach to combat missions and the negligence of the US army proves the criminal nature of US actions in the military field in general. It is clear that the White House, which has the military unit in Syria, does not have the real goal of destroying terrorist groups. Being far from current events, the American leadership is only looking for any opportunity to show all over the world its military capabilities and weapons, as well as to simulate its participation in the fight against international terrorism on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. They find such an opportunity in destroying targets and facilities with no information about their exact affiliation with the militants and not realizing them without realizing the crimes against humanity that they are committing.

Syrian freelance journalist

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