Home >without pilot >Morocco offers a naval base for the American army as an alternative to the Spanish "Rota" base
Aug 28By smartai.info

Morocco offers a naval base for the American army as an alternative to the Spanish "Rota" base

Rabat - “Al -Quds Al -Arabi”: Spain has a competitor in the army, and whoever thinks that it is its neighbor and its friend Morocco, so the newspaper “Espanyol” opened its report, in which it said that less than a year before the agreement that Spain concluded with the United States to allow the use of a base"Rotta" by the American forces, the state in North Africa offered its naval pocket "small palace" to be the new "Rota"..وإذا تم إضفاء الطابع الرسمي، يمكن لسفن الجيش الأمريكي أن تتوقف قبل دخول البحر المتوسط ​​ومغادرته، وسيسيطر على المضيق، ويجبر إسبانيا على تقديم تنازلات إقليمية، وكل هذا ينظر إليه بقلق من قبل البحرية الإسبانية، وفق تقرير الجريدة الإسبانية.The neighboring state’s offer is close to the end of the agreement between Spain and the United States, signed in 1988, to allow the use of the “Rota” base, and the preservation of the rules and negotiations that must be held before May 2021 will depend on the contract..

المغرب يقدم قاعدة بحرية للجيش الأمريكي بديلاً عن قاعدة «روتا» الاسبانية كلمات مفتاحية

The base of the small palace

This must be added to the failure of the American demand to increase 600 of the sailors, and from four to six destroyers in the Spanish port, which will force the bilateral agreement to change, and by becoming an international treaty, it passes through the House of Representatives."The defense policy will always be based on what the Spanish parliament says," Defense Secretary Margarita Robilels told US Secretary of Defense Mark Speer, "clearly", which must agree to a possible expansion of the rules..It will be the fourth amendment, and it will have to be approved effectively in the House of Representatives.However, Robles, in his appearance in the Senate last May, denied that the United States had not submitted "any official request" to expand its bases in "Rota".Spain is competing with the ambitious Moroccan military plans with four fully working bases in the north of the country and three projects to build new military bases: Grsif, Taourirt, the small and Arab palace, and these two, in the growth stage, “not only control the strait, but will compel Spain to make regional concessionsAnd according to what was stated in the report "Al Espanyol".The option in Morocco is the small palace, the first exclusive Moroccan military base, a kilometer from Cadis, Spain, the Moroccan monarch, Mohamed VI, ordered its construction in 2008, and after five years he started work.After that, it was already shown to the United States, but the Pentagon rejected it because it had no base for large ships and aircraft tankers.However, "in the past eight years, they have developed the base and are already equipped even to accommodate submarines ... In addition, its size will be expanded to four times," according to a Moroccan military source told "Espanyol"..This rule, the Americans visited it at the beginning of its construction, and also provided it with the first radar that discovers all kinds of marine targets from the air, in a way that controls the ships that sail across the strait..In fact, the United States is its great resource for arms materials.Morocco is now testing a second opportunity to take the American battalion from Spain, and by taking advantage of the margin of the short time to negotiate and friction between Madrid and Washington, it can join at least to 600 sailors and the two destroyers that the Americans want to increase at the Rota base..Consequently, the maritime base in the small palace will become an attachment to the Spanish base, and in fact it will be the least headache of the Spanish government when it comes to signing the extension of the agreement with the United States and relying on Congress support.

Drones and helicopters

According to the newspaper "El Espanyol", the rules of Al-Arwi and Grsif in Nador near Melilla have drones (Dron), and it has just received about twenty AH-64E attacking helicopters.In late 2019, the US agency, which issued military equipment for Congress, recommended that 36 Apache to sell to Morocco recommended that experimental and mechanical training be during the next two years in Morocco and the United States..In that eastern part of the country, it is planned to build a military detachment in Jaradah and convert it in the future into a base, just one kilometer from the Algerian border, and a decree was published by more than 23 hectares of land to establish this military infrastructure on May 21 in the newspaperThe official for Morocco.This re -armament, - at a time when Madrid negotiates with Washington to preserve the Americans in rules in Rota (Cadiz) and Moron (Seville) - worried the Spanish naval policy, and for this reason the Spanish army expanded patrols and monitoring in the strait.Despite the good relations between Rabat and Madrid, Morocco is still demanding the pockets of Ceuta and Melilla, and plans to implement maritime controls in the two cities..In any case, the mentioned newspaper says: "Morocco no longer needs to support the military forces for these cities in a state of revolution, because it has spent decades in obtaining accurately supported weapons from the United States.".Moreover, with the support of North America and Great Britain in the strait, "Morocco intends to close the airspace of Spanish cities in the future," according to the same source..This will not be the first time that Morocco has won the military battle against Spain. The Moroccan state was able to confirm the leadership of the American forces in Africa (Africom) on its territory, which was established by the US Department of Defense in 2007 under the pretext of humanitarian protection in the so -called "war on terrorism», But it is already trying to compete with China in the African continent, and at that time he believed that he could settle the headquarters of the forces in Spain, but in the end the Morocco with which Washington has been chosen in the field of security and defense for decades.With the approval of Mohamed VI, the Pentagon built the largest military base for North America in Africa, in the coastal city of Tantan, (located on the border between Morocco and Western Sahara). Since then, the Kingdom of Morocco has regained the role of military cooperation with the Americans, which it obtained after independence from France."Morocco is a major military ally for the United States and a strategic partner in the region", as he highlighted "Morocco's role in regional security, especially in the Sahel region" and describing military cooperation between the two countries as it"Rich and varied".The United States had already stabilized in Morocco in 1951 and established four military bases at the time of protection, including the Nawasir Air Force Base, where Mohamed V International Airport was built at a later time.After Morocco obtained independence, the Americans remained until 1963 even after King Hassan II's visit to the United States, and the Quneitra base remained the Center for Communications to the Americans until 1978 as well as the abandoned base in Bin Jarir, designed to control satellite satellites, has become the site of NASA's space shuttle down.In 1987.وتم تعزيز التعاون الأمني ​​بين البلدين، لكنهم يحظون أيضاً بدعم فرنسا، المهتمين باستقرار الجنود الأمريكيين في المغرب لتعزيز قواتهم المنتشرة في منطقة الساحل.And at all this time, the various agreements of the American army allowed reaching and crossing the Moroccan Air Force bases, as is the case during the Gulf War.At the present time, the United States asked Morocco to deploy the "Africom" military forces in Tunisia with the aim of the potential option to intervene in Libya.The Sanchez government will have to take a smooth step with the Donald Trump administration to sign the renewal of "Rota" and "Moron".Foreign Minister Aransha Gonzalez Laaya called for the "dialogue" and held a meeting in February with Defense Minister Margaret Robiles and the American Ambassador to Madrid, Duk Bokan.Defense issues and commercial problems between the two countries were discussed, because Trump wants to collect customs duties in exchange for the controversial tax on large technologies..In any case, Spain and the United States have continued since the withdrawal of Minister Robilis in 2019 from the Gulf Fighter Group, from which the United States controls Iran..Later, the Ministry of Defense did not choose the Navantia public shipbuilding basin to design the construction of frigates for the American navy, and the Italian company chose the Fincantoeri, then the Spanish minister justified that "the Italian offer was much cheaper.".Hope was placed in the call of the American President of the Kings of Spain who were planning to travel in April, accompanied by commercial representation and a group of ministers, but they were not able to do the visit, due to the global health crisis imposed by the coronary virus..