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NATO and a flying ban in Ukraine ... horror from a "third world war"

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Abu Dhabi-NATO (NATO) is still categorically refusing to impose a flying ban in Ukraine despite the armed demands by Ukrainian officials, led by President Voludmir Zellinski.Ukrainian Defense Minister Olexi Residence Once again, NATO for refusing to announce a flight ban on Ukraine, and said in a video message published the day before yesterday that "reactions are insufficient about murders, bombing and missile attacks on residential buildings, hospitals and kindergartens.".A third world war, and experts attributed the decision delayed by NATO for several reasons, most notably the fear of repeating a third world war, and also the lack of readiness by the member states to implement it at the present time..The strategic expert and director of the European Center for Studies, Jassim Mohamed, believes that the ban on aviation in Ukraine's airspace against Russian aviation may be an adventure with a direct military conflict with Russia that can escalate to a global war with a nuclear armed force..In a statement to "Sky News Arabia", Mohamed says that the declaration of a flying area may compel NATO pilots to shoot down Russian aircraft, but the matter exceeds that, in addition to combat aircraft, NATO will have to deploy tankers with fuel and electronic monitoring aircraft to support the task to protect these slow planesRelatively flying high, NATO will have to destroy surface-to-air missile batteries in Russia and Belarus, which may again lead to a wider conflict.In the context, US defense officials said that even in the scenarios less than that, the presence of hundreds of aircraft will increase the risks of miscalculation or errors that lead to unintended consequences..The lack of readiness, the director of the European Center, until the refusal of the "NATO and the United States to establish a flying zone over the sky of Ukraine, can be due to the lack of" NATO "being ready because the imposition of the ban needs normalization mechanisms and continuous monitoring operations, and NATO at the present time is unable to confrontWith Russia, air, land, and even sea, monitoring requires air breasts and monitoring aircraft.An American message, Muhammad says that the American rejection sends a message again to Russia and Ukraine as "NATO and the United States abandoning Ukraine", but there are no doubts until the moment that NATO is keen to enhance his combat capabilities in neighboring countries to Ukraine.The European expert believes that Russia's goals remain at this stage centered on the inclusion of the eastern parts of Ukraine to Russia, and the formation of a new government in Kyiv loyal to Russia, ensuring that Ukraine does not join NATO.Since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war on March 24, Ukrainian President Felodimir Zellinski called on NATO to implement a flight ban over his country, and the matter reiterated the Foreign Minister, Dmitro Coleba..On the other hand, NATO Secretary -General Yenos Stoltenberg ruled out the establishment of a flying area over Ukraine, justifying that the alliance fighters should not enter the Ukrainian airspace, or forces of the alliance on Ukrainian lands because this means that Russian planes are shot down, which may cause a full war.Argan in Europe.The statements of the alliance members agreed with the Secretary -General, and the US State Department confirmed that the support provided to Ukraine is supplies and equipment without addressing the implementation of the flying ban imposition.-(Agencies)

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