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News about the entry of unknown marches, Iranian airspace and the destruction of the revolutionary guards

Bynourddine1.1K Views

The news of the entry of anonymous march, the Iranian airspace, and destroyed the revolutionary guards' rocket bases.

An Iranian website said that he had received special information stating that anonymous drones entered Iranian airspace targeting tunnels and missiles..

أنباء عن دخول مسيرات مجهولة الأجواء الإيرانية وتدمير قواعد صاروخية للحرس الثوري

The Iranian opposition website added that the drones managed to destroy a number of tunnels that include the Iranian Revolutionary Guards missile bases in the "Three Babai" area in the Kurmanshah Hafshah, in western Iran..And that the drones that arrived in Carmentaha arrived in conjunction with other aircraft to Hamadan Governorate, western Iran.

The opposition website report also indicated that the talk of some Iranian local media about the activation of air defense systems in the cities of the west of the country came after the mission of the unknown drones ended and their exit from Iran.

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