Home >without pilot >On Valentine's Day .. This is what Asala Nasri did with her husband Faek Hassan !!Pictures
Jan 20By smartai.info

On Valentine's Day .. This is what Asala Nasri did with her husband Faek Hassan !!Pictures

What Asala Nasri, the famous Syrian actress, did with her husband, the Iraqi poet Faeq Hassan, kidnapped breaths and invaded social networking sites.

في التفاصيل، إنتشرت صور جديدة للفنانة السورية ​أصالة​ نصري مع زوجها فائق حسن عبر مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي.

Read also: melodies and dreams that excite controversy together..This is how they provoked Asala Nasri !!

In pictures, Asala appeared accompanied by her husband from her home in a romantic state, and they appeared in a state of joy. They were touring the garden on the scooter..

The picture spread through social media and transmitted by the pioneers and expressed their admiration for it, as they expressed their love for them.

Asala had sent a message to the followers on the occasion of Valentine's Day, where she published a video clip that includes the first clip of her new song, "Tabghani", and commented on every day of love and loved ones, and she confirmed that she held a true love when he visited her, and she called all her followers to not be ashamed of the feelings of adolescence because life is without loveDo not deserve to live.

Asala added: With all the teenage, I enjoyed it, and with all the maturity that I have arrived in, the life of it, life without feelings you deserve to live.

Asala continued: Live love with all its details without caution without fear, the vibrant heart and love is a blessing, and my death creates its knowledge with the Lord of love and mercy.

في عيد الحب.. هذا ما فعلته أصالة نصري مع زوجها فائق حسن!! – صور

His authenticity concluded her speech: We created to know our hearts and preserve them, because if you get dead, every Valentine's Day and our hearts are fine.

Asala Nasri with Faek Hassan on Valentine's Day

On the other hand, Emirati actress Ahlam Al Shamsi collapsed, after the UAE explosions that led to several victims.

في التفاصيل، أدى انفجار وقع في ​أبوظبي​ ب​الإمارات العربية المتحدة​ إلى مقتل ثلاثة أشخاص وإصابة ستة آخرين على ما أعانت الشرطة الإماراتية اليوم.

The painful incident resulted from the explosion of tanks to transport fuel and a fire broke out at Abu Dhabi Airport.

The Emirati Capital Police indicated today, Monday, to "monitoring small plane bodies that may be drones.".

وتفاعلت الفنانة الإماراتية ​أحلام​ مع على الحرائق والانفجارات التي شهدتها منطقة ​الصفح​ في العاصمة أبو ظبي وتمنت الأمن والأمان لبلادها.

وكتبت أحلام في صفحتها الرسمية بموقع للتواصل الاجتماعي مرفقة منشورها بصورة لمنطقة الصفح على خلفية العلم الإماراتي وصورة لولي عهد أبو ظبي، ​محمد بن زايد​، قائلة: “رب اجعل هذا الوطن آمنا مطمئنا”.She also changed the image of her profile to the Emirates flag with the phrase: “Lord, make this country safe”.

أما ​إليسا​ فكتبت :”الله يحمي الامارات وشعبا من ايادي الارهاب والاجرام”.

Read also: After Ahlam Al Shamsi exposed him..Fahd Al -Kubaisi with the grip of the Kuwaiti police, is he imprisoned?

فيما علق ​ناصيف زيتون​:”الله يحمي دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة ويحفظ فيها الامن والاستقرار”.

The artist, Wissam Al -Amir, interacted with a picture of the fires in the forgiveness area, writer: “Mercy and eternity for all the victims, this beloved and brother country, and my Lord will be patient with their relatives and have mercy on all the dead ,,, may God protect all our beloved in the beloved Emirates from all bad and hatred.”.

The godfather

الوسومأصالة نصري فائق حسن