Home >without pilot >"Nemo Point": Farther spot from land on the planet
Jul 02By smartai.info

"Nemo Point": Farther spot from land on the planet

There is a spot in the Pacific Ocean more than others from land, and it is somehow of a strange and special nature.

Where can one go if he decides to escape from everything?It is noteworthy that the answer to this question is not easy;If the daily life tensions and pressure pushed you to search for the most remote spot in the world to escape, you may be surprised that you know that the alternatives available to you in this regard are really limited.

But if you can save your balance in the strong waves, there is no comprising that spot in the Pacific Ocean, which is the farthest place from land in the world, and it is called "improvised ocean pole."

And given that this official name is difficult to pronounce in some way, this spot was called "Point Nemo" (Nemo Point), on the name of Captain Nemo;He is the famous hero who was invented by the imagination of the writer Gul Verne for a captain that roams the seas, and is characterized by features that differ from those of the narrative heroes usually.The name appears appropriate to that spot that is rarely visited, as "Nemo" means in Latin "no one".

The "Nemo Point" is located in the heart of a completely equal triangle, formed by the coast of three remote islands, each of which is more than a thousand miles (about 1,600 km).

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The island of Dossi (one of the islands of Beetkirin) represents the northern side of the triangle, while the small Moto Nuwi island (which is part of the series composed of Easter island) forms the northeastern rib, while the southern rib is represented in the island of "Maher" (located off the coast of the Antarctica continent).

The "Nemo Point" appears to be a strange and distinctive spot.Experts have always argued about this geographical puzzle related to finding the point that mediates the ocean, but the matter was completely resolved except using modern technologies, to discover the "improvised ocean pole" to officially reach it in 1992 by an area engineer called Farvay Lukatila.

The puzzle has been resolved, without launching a marine mission that means this area.Lokatila has worked to make his accounts to locate the region, using a specialized computer program, which is not satisfied with just locating on a flat map with one dimension of the Earth, but rather shows it on what is known as the "elliptical" form of the planet, so that its coordinates can be determined with the maximum amount of accuracy.

According to the data, it is unlikely that the researchers discover that this point falls in another place that is far from that definition currently, at least in the near future.

"The location of these three points that are equal to the ribs linking them are truly unique. I do not think that other points can be imagined on the surface of the earth, they can replace any point of them."

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Although it is possible that the "Nemo Point" website can change, whether due to coast erosion or thanks to the conduct of more accurate measurements, its new location in this case will not be far away - as Lukatila says - only a few meters from the site currently known to it.

From excessive after this point about any dryness, astronauts often constitute its closest human gathering.The international satellite station revolves around the Earth at an altitude of no more than 258 miles (416 km), while the nearest site is located on its land, exceeding 1670 miles (approximately 2700 km).No wonder, as the whole area surrounding the "Nemo Point" is well known to many space agencies.

These agencies are officially called the "uninhabited area in the South Pacific".Russian, European and Japanese space agencies have always been used - in particular - as a "landfill", given that it is the lowest population on the surface of the Earth, and free more than other maritime navigation routes.

It is believed that more than a hundred spacecraft that came out of the service are currently in that "spacecraft cemetery", starting from industrial satellites and satellite shipping ships to the "Mir" space station, whose service period has ended.

But such vehicles and satellites do not lie in full body in the ocean, thus representing a memorial that immortalizes the history of space flights, but their remains are scattered on the bottom in the form of shrapnel, says the expert in the history of space trips Alice Gorman, from the University of Flinders in Australia, which shows, which showsBy saying: "The spacecraft cannot bear the re -entry of the Earth's atmosphere" without crushing.

"Most of these vehicles are burning from the terrible hyperthyroidism in the temperature. The majority of the components that survive this fate are usually represented in fuel tanks and pressure compounds, and they are part of the fuel system, as they are generally manufactured from titanium alloys and stainless steel, and often some oftenCover with scheduled carbon fibers, which resist high temperatures. "

As for the smaller fragments, they burn in the atmosphere, without leaving only an impressive width of the lights.

Gorman says it is believed that the waves were swept away by the largest parts of "Mir" - that station that weighed up to 143 tons - on the coast of Fiji, while the rest of the debris drowned to the depths of the ocean.

The researcher adds that this debris, "is the same as the wreckage of ships, constitutes habitats that any beings can settle in this depth ... which should not pose a threat to water life" except in the event of leakable fuel residues to the surrounding waters.

On the other hand, for a long time - rumors about what are living organisms, which may be present in the "Nemo Point".

Before the discovery of this spot sixty -six years ago, science fiction writer Howard Philip Lavaraft chose a frightening nearby area, to consider it a "ralek";That supposed habitat of the legendary, legendary being, which he called Kothulo, and depicted it in the form of a creature whose face consists of a number of sensors.

In 1997, ocean scientists recorded mysterious noise less than 1240 miles (about two thousand kilometers) east of the "Nemo Point", causing a great deal of excitement and some panic and fear as well.

This noise, which was called "Bouba", was the highest alphabet, even from the voices issued by the Blue Whale, which sparked speculation that it may be issued by an unknown sea monster.

Nevertheless, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States confirmed that these noise was only the sound of ice cracking.When large icebergs crack and crumble, this results in strong, low -frequency ultrasound waves.

And subsequent records of voices that are certainly caused by the collapse of ice blocks, have shown that there are almost similar aspects between them and the sound that was recorded near the "Nemo Point".

But the question remains about the nature of the living creatures, which can be present in this remote spot, if this site is not really a home to this superstitious being who invented Lavaraft and collects in its form between man, octopus and dragon?

In this regard, the ocean expert Stephen Done from the University of Rod Island in the American city of Narraganett adopts a pessimistic view, stating that there may not be many of these creatures there.

This is due to the fact that the "Nemo Point" is located in what is known as the "South Pacific" spiral, which is a huge peripheral stream, which is attracted by the continents of South America and Australia in the east and west, while it attracts it from the north the equator and from the south by the strong polar current of the continentAntarctica.

The water is characterized by the "South Pacific" spiral of the Pacific "stability. The water temperature in the" Nemo Point "is 5.8 ° C (42 degrees Fahrenheit), according to data from the satellite satellites of the National Air Navigation and Space Administration in the United States (NASA).

The always rotating air current in this region without reaching the "Nemo Point" is more cold and rich in foodstuffs.

Also, the severe isolation of this spot from the populated areas, makes the winds that they blow suffer from adult poverty in the organic materials it carries.

Therefore, there are no materials that are sufficient for any creature to feed on it, but that life is almost absent at the bottom of the ocean, because it does not enjoy any "free snow", a term indicating the materials that fall from the top of the oceans.

This region is described as "less in terms of biological activity in the world of oceans."Nevertheless, there are a few exceptional places where there are unique beings, capable of facing the difficult conditions in this spot.

The "Nemo Point" is located near the southern border of what is known as "norms of the East Pacific", a volcanic activity line located below the sea and extends to the Gulf of California.It constitutes a limit between the tectonic plate of the Pacific Ocean and its counterpart called Nazca plate, which gradually move away from each other.

The dissolved lava flows in the gap between the two plates, which causes water thermal holes, from which hot water and minerals emerge.

This creates a very cruel environment, but it does not prevent bacteria from being able to live in it and prosperity, as it acquires the energy needed for it from the chemicals that the volcanic explosions release.Bacteria, in turn, use other greater beings and enable them to survive.

Among these creatures is "Cancer of the Battle of the Hayati", which was first seen in 2005, and this name was given because of its poetic appearance, which is mentioned in "Al -Yatti" and it is the name of a massive creature, believed to live in the high mountains of hemalay.

Although there is a lot that is still expected to be discovered in the depths of the "Nemo Point", its distance from urbanization has made it exploration and conduct research in it is costly and difficult.

There are almost visitors to that spot, except for those who participate in a yacht race that circumambulates the world from time to time.This means that it is unlikely to jump the name "Nemo Point" or its image in front of you while you are browsing your accounts on social media, so you have to use your imagination to draw a picture of it.

In this regard, Donant says: "Simply, the surface of the water is in the heart of the South Pacific spiral region - during the quiet days - a beautiful clear blue, with a purple swan, because it contains very limited particles, and very few living materials as well."

But perhaps this spot would have already looks like this, had it not been for the accumulation of waste in it.

In 2010, the "Gorillas" music team - which always presents its works across four virtual animation - released an album called "Plastic Beach" (plastic coil beach).

The team members wrote a dramatic background for the album, in which they assumed that it was recorded in a record of records, which was held on a naval wreck that accumulated in the "Nemo Point".

But this novel is not like a wild imagination, as it may seem.A study published in 2013 confirmed the existence of a mass of waste inside the "South Pacific" spiral.It turns out that the largest group of these dirt accumulates in the middle of this region, about 1550 miles (approximately 2500 km) northeast of the "Nemo Point".

The largest aspect of these waste is plastic waste such as polystyrene (transparent plastic), plastic packaging leaves, and strings used in fishing hunting hunts, along with fragments and granules, washed away by all water, whether from ships or on the coast.

These waste remains trapped in this region due to the constant circulation around itself, which leads to the fragmentation of these materials into very small fragments.

Biologists believe that this garbage may lead to undermining the balance in the ecosystem in that region, as it helps some organisms reproduce, while creating difficulties in front of other beings.

Thus, even in the maximum spot out of urbanization on Earth, it appears that there is no escape from these devastating human habits.