Home >without pilot >Putin is now doing what America was accused of. Regime change.
May 20By smartai.info

Putin is now doing what America was accused of. Regime change.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine changes the course of history, but not the way Western powers understand.We are witnessing the end of at least three decades, from the American and Western domination of the world's military and economic affairs, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.What is a substitute for that is a world run by the great powers.Besides the United States, one bloc highlights - the European power mass that China stands at one side and Russia stands at the other side, and between the two parties there is the largest land block in the world, including unlimited resources of energy and manpower, military and cyber power and industrial intelligence.This is a tremendous rearrangement of the furniture on a titanic size while the ground blocks around the world quietly drowned in the sea, and that the new red lines are drawn, the world will not be more stable than it was.There are many indicators on the collapse of the global system led by the United States, and it is the system that has been called many names, such as liberal intervention, alliances of those wishing, and the regime governed by rules.The last year witnessed Kabul in the hands of the Taliban, and the lengthy conversations with Iran in Vienna, from which Tehran is expected to highlight the biggest winners, and here is Putin now invading Ukraine.What can come very after is that China seizes Taiwan.All of these four things are related to each other.He took one of these events. Washington took Washington on time.The United States did not have the slightest idea, how quickly the country's collapse would be in Afghanistan, as soon as the withdrawal was announced.Among the neighboring countries, the armed of the correct intelligence information was only the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which was present on the ground on the ground..In the same way, the United States was forced to withdraw on all fronts - especially with regard to sanctions - in front of the resilience of Iranian negotiators in Vienna, as well.Each of these events has forced politics to retreat without Tru, and this is what is useless behind it.Take, for example, the impact of the Western financial siege that is about to be imposed on Russia, although it will most likely continue to provide Europe with gas, on Iranian oil fields.All that will happen is that it will raise the price of oil for them.There is no doubt that this will be an opportunity for Iran if we take into account the needs of Europe's oil thirsty.Was that the desired result of four decades of penalties that reached its climax during the reign of Donald Tramabinah, the policy of "maximum pressure"?Until recently, the research centers and thinking of the new conservatives in Washington believed that the change of the system in Tehran.From the point of view of those countries benefiting from the existence of the American international system, there are two distinct attributes of Washington's behavior that can be considered annoying, while the first is the lack of ability to see the world except through their eyes - and many people in the Middle East consider this a colonial view.As for the second, it is the lack of flexibility and insistence on adopting the course that was adopted without any turn.America is the one who settled in the specifications of democratic behavior and then issued exemptions for the authoritarian rulers loyal to the West to forgive to ignore those specifications.Thus, the human rights or foreign policy that are based on the values have become a very selective matter - which is famous for a country like Venezuela, but not in the face of countries represented by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.Likewise, Tony Blair and George Bush were from the Ghazra Ghazalq in the meeting that brought them together in Krufford a full year before the invasion or before the United Nations weapons were smoked..Bush was the first to tear international treaties, and he called the 1972 ballistic missile deployment treaty a phrase "pardoned time"..Bill Clinton was the first to re -draw the borders of a European country during the Kurdosovo war with Serbia.These leaders themselves considered the masters of the world, but their strategic decisions are not logical.It seems that everyone forgets, including Care Starmer, who threatened to punish eleven deputies of parliament members because they wanted to sign a demand to stop the war, that Tony Blair demanded the scientist to forget Ukraine in 2014 when Russia seized the Crimea and focused on the war against the Stockput Islam.A failed competitor, Washington considers Russia an enemy, and even the worst of that, from Putin's point of view, that it considered Russia as a failed competitor..Over the past three decades, Washington has not said to Moscow: "We hear what you say, but we will work for us anyway."The list of endless Western interventions, which was ever to failure, which Russia or China did not have to stop, had a cumulative impact on the Russian and Chinese psychology.While Russia filled the treasures of oil, it also began to rebuild its military power.At that time, the British and American generals considered this a joke, but it seems that they accelerated the judgment.You have many tales circulating about the infertility of the Russian army, such as saying that the Russian pilots spend a few hours of flying in one month because no one had the payment of the cost of fuel, and that the sailors who were mutual visits were involved in shopping and spending on their purchases the sums of the daily expenses allocated to them by the host countryAnd that every ship sailing must be accompanied by another ship in anticipation of its disruption of malfunctions, and finally that Russia does not have the ability to send survey power.That evaluation changed quickly when Putin began to interfere with Syria, a intervention that was decisive to keep Assad in power.Throughout that time, Putin was a kind of reaction in his mind.This was often an interpretation as an attempt by a small officer in Russian intelligence..No, it is not the case, but the federal Russia governed by Putin is capitalism to the core, and the man who stands at its head is the richest man in Russian history - the richest even than the Caesars themselves.It is true that the Soviet leaders enjoyed great privileges, but they were not rich.It is sufficient for you to wander around the areas that were preceded in the previous forests surrounding Moscow to see with your own eyes the evidence for that.The resorts of officials in the Soviet era were modest, a dilapidated wooden huts, with a fragmented green, compared to the multi -roles that the rich rich owned by the Russian..I calculated that the road leading to these settlements is spreading advertisements that have been learned to sell lamburgini cars and apartments that are suitable to accommodate mistresses.Russian nationalism is oligark, not a general secretary.As the Soviet Union is a global power, Russia is in its best regional power.And the ideology that motivated Putin to invade a country that does not believe in its existence in the first place, what the Bolshevis was doing as much as the Russian and Russian Orthodoxy of the Orthodox.In his beginnings, Putin was not hostile to the West. He took it seven years old, between his emergence as prime minister in 2000 and his famous speech at the Munich Security Conference in 2007.He tried all that time to communicate with the West and even join NATO, but it was met by bitter repulsion at one time.Likewise, the position on his ideas was about the European security alliance, because this also explained that it is an attempt by Russia to control policies and freedoms in the subtle eastern countries..The turning point in his journey from Oligark is loyal to the west to a Russian national tyrant that was the fall of Gaddafi in Libya, not because he was a fan of the Libyan dictator.Russia has declined to vote on a decision of the International Security Council that allows the use of force in Libya, a decision for which the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev, deserved the resolution of Russia, when it turned out that the result that would lead to interference in Libya is to change the regime..At that time, an unknown Russian video clip appeared, and with a high quality, he condemned the Medvedev as a traitor - using the same words that are used today to describe the heroes of the last Russian reform from the Western point of view, Mikhail Gorbachevuris Yeltsin.Libya happened in 2011 and not the invasion of Iraq in 2003 that decided the Russian intervention decision in Syria in 2015.What will happen now? The first major change will take place as a result of the Russian -Ukraine invasion is that Russia will now become involved in the same practices that accused the United States - the change.After condemning over the decades of Western interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya as interventions to change systems, and even considering the Arab spring a conspiracy from the CIA weaving, Russia is practicing the same work in Ukraine.Rather, it has used the same logic that was used by two years over the past thirty years.It penetrates into Ukraine because it can do this, and because it knows that NATO cannot move against it without risking the bombing of a nuclear war.Last month, Dmitry Treenin, the veteran expert in Russian military affairs and foreign policy, said: “Perhaps a separate project was currently being formed, a project that does not expect to integrate into a world where the Western continues to play a leadership role in it, even if it is not a dominant role.As a result of what might follow this, a break between it and the West, Russia may move towards establishing closer relations with the important countries, the non -Gharbia, led by China, as well as Iran, in addition to strengthening relations with the opponents of the United States within the western world such as Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.Under this scenario, Russia may pursue a more active foreign policy, and Moscow may begin to do the same thing that the West has long accused of doing..Within this scenario, Russia will aim to establish its own sphere."I do not tolerate my end, no other war is excused.None of this is justified or the tanks are excused from Ukraine.I was present in Grozny in 1994 when Russian tanks tried to enter the city, and Chechnya tackled her with fierce resistance and they could temporarily support her..However, Putin soon invaded the city and crushed the resistance completely in 2000, and he did not refrain from destroying the buildings from the reel of its father and the inauguration of a mentally disturbed head on the Republic.My Russian colleague Anna Politicovskaya carried out the bodies of the second war in Chechnya, and when I asked her why she risked her life to reveal his characteristics of Russian war crimes she said she was fighting for the spirit of Russia.Its lunch soon was a professional killer at the entrance to the building, which was inhabited by one of its apartments.I do not have the slightest idea if the Ukraraniusciacon was as it resisted Chechnya or to what extent will the Russian army go to fight it.But I am grateful, the more human losses, the more the Russians use artillery and air strikes against civilians in densely populated places..It may be a hybrid blood that we will witness in the coming days and weeks.Soon in the war fades the concept of "court strikes", not to mention that the tight strikes in the hands of the Russians mean the use of empty grenaders as they did in Grozny, so the air pulled out from the main field in the city center.This war was not necessary, and it was possible to avoid Putin's dispute with NATO, and it was possible to agree on new security entities with Moscow that preserves the independence and sovereignty of states, which in turn respects human rights and the speakers of Russian speakers.This is not a missile science, and it has been accomplished elsewhere.However, it was a basic component of as long as it was lost in Western behavior towards Russia - humility.When the Soviet Union collapsed, the winner of everything, and he did not feel the need to listen.What NATO should not be expanded.At the very least, he should have involved Russian forces in which he would be involved and fixed.This would have eliminated the central contradiction in reform, which says that what is good for the West is bad for Russia.Instead, there was no state building, only a demolition process.Leave it to a person like Putin until he rebuild Russian military force, with all the repercussions of this today.

بوتين يفعل الآن ما كان يتهم به أمريكا.. تغيير النظام

And now Putin reflects that logic when he says that what Hujid to Russia is bad for NATO.Only the resistance that Ukrainian fighters will make it so that it convinces it that the cost of continuing with this invasion will be very fatal..But facing the huge numbers that will conquer them, the greatest possibility is that they will not be able to stead.The tragedy is that while Russia considers that the cold war has ended, we in the West continue to fight its battles.And here we have prepared the creation of the vowel, which we thought we left behind.

(Middle East Eye)