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"Qalqilya" model: the apartheid wall destroys the environment and wildlife

Watan- Zahra Khamraj: "Zionist colonialism should continue regardless of the presence of the indigenous population.This means that it can only develop with the presence of a protection force that isolates the indigenous population behind an iron wall, so that the indigenous people cannot penetrate "

Vladimir Zeev Gabotinsky (one of the founders of the occupation entity) in 1923.Humans wake up in the morning, and open their windows to watch the nascent sun and the speeding birds towards its livelihood..And when myself spoke to me to follow their example, my theory collides with a very ugly wall, which blocks the sunlight from my window, and scratches my feelings, recalling me, the truth of the occupation that I could not forget even for some time.

They call it the security fence and call it "apartheid wall".A racist wall that they planted over our lands and in our hearts that do not find tranquility, is a naked wall that will be pursued and remains a black mark in their fateful history.In their country, which they set up by raping our land.

The world's most famous insulation wall was destroyed, the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, although it is not the first of its kind, as it was not the last.The world thought at the time that the time of the buffer walls has ended and its time has passed, and that a new era of humanity shines on human beings with no place for hateful insulating walls that hold people behind and narrow the screws on them..

But as soon as thirteen years and specifically on June 23, 2002, flocks of deadly bulldozers dating back to the occupying state spread, accompanied by high -training teams and military units that are armed with weapons.Occupied since 1948 and rises in its path between the Green Line and the depths of the West Bank and Jerusalem, so he besieged them and devoured with him more of their lands and fields and destroys their lives.They were shocked when they saw it with their eyes expanding like malignant cancer, until its length eventually reached more than 700 km.The racist "Israel" wall, insulating the door for other countries, has set to follow its example and adopts its policy and justifications for creating the insulating walls that have spread in the world the spread of fire in the wildfire.

Just three years after the "Israel" wall, Bush Jr. issued a safe fence law in the United States, and began to create a fence of more than 1350 km, and Hungary also built a border fence in 2016 with a length of 177 km on its borders with Serbia, to prevent the flow of refugees to its lands.

Lebanon built a wall around the Ain al -Hilweh camp in 2016, and Trump promised in his election campaign to build a wall separating the Mexican lands from the United States at the expense of the Mexicans.The number of insulating walls has now become 77 walls that are insulated to humanity, which is violated to the right of humans to live freely and move without restrictions! The justification for the declared occupying state was: “Preventing the infiltration of the martyrs and the resistance to the areas occupied in 1948”, and the real reason that reveals its colonial reality, the siege of the Palestinian areasAnd confiscating the largest possible area of it and cleansing the Palestinian presence from it, to impose new borders that meet part of its ambitions.

The apartheid wall: the bitter truth

The establishment of this wall was approved in the month of April 2002 in a special session of the mini -cabinet (cab.

In the Palestinian areas with high population density, the insulating concrete wall was established, and in the areas free of population or low population density, the concrete wall was replacedPass it by vehicles and pedestrians), dust methods covered with sand are constantly combed to detect the impact, then a double temple road on which monitoring patrols go from time to time, and monitoring towers equipped with cameras and sensors spread here and there.

In a report by Al -Jazeera Net, entitled "The Israeli Chapter Wall", it was mentioned that the separation wall enters 220 km2 in the depth of the West Bank, and isolates 733 km2 of its territory, or 12.9% of its area.In the course of eight Palestinian provinces, it includes 180 gatherings, and is isolated more than 13 population gatherings who find themselves prisoners in the area between the Green Line and the insulating wall..According to the Palestinian National Information Center: "The length of the wall is about 770 km, and is isolated 50 wells, and thus the Palestinians lose 7 million m3 of water, which constitute 30% of the total consumption of a Palestinian from the western basin, and the West Bank loses 200 million m3 of water from the Jordan River.

Is the separation wall really racist?What is its legitimacy?

In an article entitled "The Palestinians are paying" a very big price "because of the Israeli separating Israeli wall," the International Court of Justice in The Hague stressed in 2004 that building the wall is inconsistent with international law, and the Israeli government demanded an end to the checkpoints that started inHer residence on him.The violation of international legitimacy does not lie in building the wall itself, but in the presence of 85% of its path inside the West Bank lands, the Palestinians lose about 10% of their lands, including valuable spaces..On July 9, 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion stipulating the illegality of the wall.

In a report by "Human Rights Watch" entitled "The violated Israeli policies constitute the criminals of apartheid and persecution" and the following and the following: After the term "Apartaid" was formulated in a context related to South Africa, today it has become a global legal term.The ban on severe discrimination, repression and racial separation is a basic principle in international law."The International Convention for the Future and Punishing of the Aparthection Crime" of 1973 (apartheid) and "Rome's Basic System Informed by the International Criminal Court" for the year 1998 (Rome Basic System) defines the apartheid as a crime against humanity consisting of three basic elements: (1)The intention to keep the hegemony of an ethnic group over another, (2) context of the systematic repression from the dominant group against the marginalized group (3) inhuman actions.

In the book "The Apartide System in the occupation state, formerly and southern Africa and its opposition," issued by the Academy of Refugees, by the writer Islam Al -Aloul, racial discrimination is known as "one of the most racisms characterized by its institutional and sedimentary nature, the state through which the state is separated or removed a group of persecuted possibility in separate gatheringsAbout the rest, because of its collective identity (the color of the skin, sweat, or ethnic origin...Etc., and it is treated by a huge treatment, and this racist separation is included in the laws and organizers in force in the state, but rather the state makes it a basis for public policies in the different aspects of life publicly and without directing, so that it does not embrace the border of two different people.

While it was mentioned in a summary of the "Human Rights Watch" organization under the title "Get the limit..The Israeli authorities and the criminals of apartheid and persecution: The inhumane actions defined by the apartheid and the basic system of Rome "forced deportation", "expropriation of real estate", "creation of detainees and separated houses", and depriving people of "the right to leave the country and return to it,And the right to hold citizenship ".The International Court of Justice has indicated that the Zionist entity must dismantle the wall and the associated system and pay compensation to the Palestinians affected by its construction, and stressed that the international community is obligated not to recognize or help build the wall and the associated system, and that it is the duty of the international community to take effective measures to end the violation of the entityZionist for international law.The United Nations General Assembly has almost unanimously approved the decision, but it was not taken seriously, which prevented the movements of the countries of the world regarding its illegality, if many other decisions regarding Palestinian rights violated by the occupation and the world closing his eyes from them and pretending that he did not see or hear.As for Dr. Fayez Abu Shamala, the writer and political analyst, he says: “The apartheid wall of the United Nations and the Security Council was condemned, but the Palestinian Authority has abandoned its duty to follow up the issue of condemnation in international forums and continue to expose racist practices of the occupation, in exchange for allowing its leaders to move and move within the West Bank and obtainingVIP cards and collect some personal gains.The days crossed, the condemnation was approved, and the wall remained in.The occupation leaders continued in all their spectra in their racist policies based on the confiscation of lands and water, double settlement, besieging the Palestinians and restricting them..

What path followed by the apartheid wall?

"I will make them a sandwich..I will make the separation wall strangle and permeate them, and I will cultivate settlements in the West Bank in 25 years so that the United Nations, not even the United States or any other party cannot address or end this situation..Israel Sharon-In a press interview in which he was asked about his way of dealing with the Palestinians.

The apartheid wall divided the West Bank into separate cantons from each other, isolated them from agricultural lands, confiscated large areas of land and annexed them to the occupied entity, as a result of that, two longitudinal belts appeared, a belt in the east of the West Bank along the Jordan Valley and another belt in the west of the West Bank along the green line in depth5-10 km, in addition to cross belts between them created a material separation between the blocs of the Palestinian areas that were divided into 4 main blocks under the control of the occupation, with settlements remain the same..The racist isolation wall surrounded cities such as Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Jerusalem, and many Palestinian villages, and isolated it from its natural environment, and pushed the residents of the areas adjacent to the wall to the displacement to other areas safer more.

And cutting the methods of work, life, treatment, education and other services, putting obstacles in the way of children and teachers and held from their arrival at their schools, and from the arrival of patients to hospitals, and hindered ambulances from reaching patients, so women were born at barriers and patients died before reaching the emergency departments.

The Battellem organization indicates that the occupation installed 84 gates in the wall, but in reality it is for publicity only. In 2016, for example, nine gates were opened only daily, and ten of them were opened in a few days of the week, and in the strategic olive harvest season for the Palestinians, only 65 gates were opened!The city of Qalqilya is a model for the racist semester practiced by the city of Guava, orange and irrigated vegetables..The beautiful that is expanding close to the Green Line, in 1948, the occupation accused its lands within the armistice line that was drawn under the Rhodos agreement at the time, and how does it not do so and its water ambitions have no limits, and Qalqiliya sits over a sea of fresh water?

After the June 1967 war, its territory was complete..Fourteen settlements established on its soil, looted above the land and under it..The occupation was not satisfied with that, but rather made an urgent decision to create the wall to besiege it from three sides, while the remaining part was left for a settler settlement that besieged it, and a camp for the occupation army surrounds the region with barbed wires, so that this suffocating city becomes a narrow outlet from the eastern side that resembles the neck of a bottle, opened by the occupation whenever he wantsAnd closing it how he wants!One patrol is sufficient for his army to perform this job.

"The separation wall cuts a path of about 56 km on the lands of Qalqilya Governorate, isolating behind it 35 thousand dunums of fertile agricultural lands.And the isolation of 12 arterial wells located on the western underground tank.He also isolated 3 Bedouin gatherings between the wall and the Green Line are the northern Arabs of Al -Ramadin, the southern Ramadin Arabs and the Arabs of Abu Farda, so the population of these gatherings has become their homes and the introduction of their daily and seasonal needs depends on the security approval of the occupation authorities, except for the difficulty of reaching teachers and medical staff to them..

Engineer Tayseer Balasat, director of the Agricultural Census Project in Qalqilya, says: "The occupation has drew an area of 3,700 dunums of land in Qalqilya Governorate to establish the wall, and uproot 20 thousand olive trees, and 180 thousand other trees varying between fruitful and forestry trees.".Agriculture is a major source of income in Qalqilya Governorate, and it was negatively affected after the establishment of the separation wall, and the deterioration of the economic situation of families living on agriculture and its lands are located in the separation wall area;He pushed it to the poverty line, so that the agricultural lands adjacent to the wall to the east of it were carried out, destroyed, and the perennial trees were uprooted, and the farmers were prevented from using them, cultivating them and grazing livestock in them because of their proximity to the wall.

Environmental effects of the apartheid wall

The environment nor the other living organisms did not escape the effects of the devastating wall;Thousands of dunums were pushed from the land, and the entire vegetation was removed in the areas through which the wall.We know very well that part of the importance of trees and plants lies in being a safe haven for birds, animals and insects and an ideal place to establish nests and nests, which led to the eradication and undermining of food places and housing for wild animals, insects and reptiles.Also, wild trees and plants are an important part of biological diversity and have a detailed role in preserving it.And to attend in our minds that the thorny wall is electrified, it is a direct killing tool for wild animals that pass from the vital movement corridors that you take in mating and migration seasons.

The environmental expert, George Karsam, said in a report entitled "The Racial Isolation Wall is a terrible sabotage of environmental systems in Bethlehem."Western province.Indeed, increasing numbers of wild animals spent while trying to move between the rural areas in the separation area, which is the area that some call: the death area..

The racist insulation wall formed a physical barrier that cut off wild animals, which they transported, such as wild deer and the hyena that took resort to the inhabited areas after it became unable to pass the wall, which made them vulnerable to killing and put them in the circle of threat..41 km2 of the forest area, approximately 50% of its total area in the West Bank.The wild plants were affected and the wall was without the transmission of their seeds to the other side.

Also 49.9% of the Herbal and Agency Groups in the West Bank is located in the isolation areas.Thus, it seems clear that the separation wall threatens the biological diversity and wildlife in Palestine, and it doubles the danger surrounding rare and endangered animals..The flow of surface water was also affected;The insulating wall prevented the surface water walking naturally and changed it, and destroyed springs, eyes and torrents..

The trenches established on the aspects of the wall had a catastrophic effect on the path of surface water, which became gathering in large quantities in the rainy seasons and running in the form of a devastating flood that isolates the living organisms present in those areas from their habitats, young and food sources, deprives them of drinking, and exposes them to drowning.

17 years have passed and more on the condemnation of the racist isolation wall from the Hague Court and its demand for the occupation to remove it and compensate the Palestinians for the damage to them, but the wall is still standing and hateful and abhorrent and nothing has changed except that its presence increases humans, trees and stone, and we do not know any abyss that will reach them.!

Prospects for environmental and development prospects