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Report: Turkey's options to develop the ghostly combat plane projectLeave

Turkey is seeking to accelerate the production project of its fifth generation ghost fighter planes, after Washington was removed from it from the F-3Kh program because of its purchase of Russian S400 missiles, and in this context a number of options may appear that may be the basis for the development of the Turkish ghost plane project.According to an expanded report published by the "Arab Post" website.

And with Greece seeking F -3Kh aircraft and its agreement with Paris to purchase French Rafale aircraft, and to accelerate the arms race in the region, which included the purchase of a number of its countries for multi -species western planes, Turkey's preservation of its position as the second strongest air force in the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean after Israel needsTo a fifth generation plane or at least a fourth and a half generation.

Turkey has the third largest fleet in the world from the fourth and fourth -and -a -half -generation F -16 aircraft, after America and Israel, with a number of aircraft of about 240 aircraft, a large number of them were collected locally, but they need planes from the fourth and a half and the fifth generation, with the emergence of a scenarioIts a large fleet of F -16.

The United States also rejects the demand made by Ankara in October 2021 to buy 40 new BLOCK 70 and update 80 other aircraft, as the sale faces severe opposition from members of Congress who criticize Turkey's growing relations with Moscow.

Turkey has repeatedly suggested that if the United States rejects this request, it will resort to Russia to buy Su-3Kh Flanker-E aircraft.However, such a move will definitely lead to the imposition of additional US sanctions under the American Enemies Control Law through the sanctions (CAATSA) on Turkey and increase tension with NATO.

Where did the Turkish ghost plane project arrive?

Turkey is on its way to launch its local fighter planes from the fifth generation known as "TF-X MMU", by 2023, according to the manufacturer of it.

The Turkish Daily Sabah newspaper reported that the Turkish Space Industries Company (Tai) produced the first part of its national combat aircraft (MMU).

But Ankara, which has not produced any fighter plane before, will probably need technical support from another country to complete this giant project.

Criticism inside and outside Turkey was raised by the Turkish ghost plane project, as it is an unrealistic project, and it will not be compensated at best the exit of Ankara from the F -3Kh project.

However, it is worth noting that similar criticism faced Turkey's ambition to make drones and now Turkey has managed through these aircraft that was underestimated at the beginning that it was one of the most important countries in this field, and the only one that changed the results of the battles with these planes, and its plane has become a significant military player in SyriaLibya and Azerbaijan.

The second thing is that the Turkish ghost plane project is not based on a vacuum, but rather on the experience of Turkish companies in the field of collecting a number of western aircraft, specifically the F16 and F -3Kh, parts of which are still made in Turkey.

Turkey is the world's only source to produce some components in the 3Khth plane, such as the cockpit show, and the Turkish Aerospace Industries manufactures the center of the fuselage, and Turkey has also chosen a support center for the F-3Kh International Group.

Ayesas is the only supplier of two main ingredients in the F-3Kh, namely: a distance missile unit, and the panoramic cockpit display system.

As for Kale Aerospace, the mechanical structure of aircraft and pieces that install aircraft wheels while landing.

Fokker Elmo is making 40% of the F13Kh voltage electric electrical connection system.

The ALP Aviation is made the mechanical structures of aircraft, parts of landing equipment, and more than 100 pieces for F13Kh engines, including integrated veil codes made of titanium.

Turkey produces 844 parts of the plane, which are high-quality and low-cost parts, and it is being delivered at the time specified, ”said American Maritime Major General Matt Winter, CEO of the joint program for the F-3Kh offensive fighter industry, with Air Force Magazine magazine..

Turkey's expertise from the manufacture of F -16

Large numbers of F -16 aircraft were built in Turkey, including planes issued to Egypt with an Egyptian -Turkish triple agreement.

The Turkish contribution rate reached 80%.In some stages of production.

The production process included the engine of General Electric F110 based on a license from the American company, which is used in the F -16 and F -1Kh.

The Turkish Tei Company, which was building the F -16 engine, is the largest supplier in the world for more than 40 parts of the LEAP engine that operates Airbus A320neo, Boeing 737 Max and Comac C919.

The company produces helicopters, drones, and cruise missiles including Turkish original designs.

The first Turkish helicopter engine was designed and produced by Tea for the Turkish helicopter Gökbey, as accompanied by the first Turkish production of one turbocharging code..

In addition, the front part of the F-16 fuselage and parts of the main fuselage in Turkey were produced.

The Turks believe that they have achieved great experiences in the production of ghosting structures through their participation in the production of the F -3Kh, and they achieve some progress in the field of radars, missiles and software.

But the engine point remains one of the most important problems facing the Turkish ghost plane project from the fifth or fourth generation, a problem facing the Turkish defense industries in general, despite the great experiences that you gained in this regard, and its success in producing a helicopter engine as previously mentioned..

Turkey's options start from Sweden

Turkey's options are really very limited, Turkey's relations with France are tense, and Paris has released its Raval aircraft to the competition of Ankara, Greece.

There is a possibility of Turkish cooperation with Sweden, whether by taking advantage of the technology of the plane, currently strangers or joining the FlygsyStem 2020 Swedish project.

During an official visit by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Sweden, on March 13, 2013, the Turkish Space Industries Company (TAI) signed an agreement with the Swedish company SAAB to provide design support services to Turkey for the Turkish Ghost TAI TFX program.

However, this cooperation hinders the critical positions of Sweden for Turkish intervention in northern Syria, and its war against the Kurdish parties that Ankara sees as a threat to its unity, and Sweden is the most stringent country of Europe in imposing restrictions on the export of weapons and the transfer of technology to conflict areas.

More importantly, Sweden is a small country and its industrial and technological base is limited, and therefore its military projects such as the "Gharibin" fighter, which depends on American technology greatly.

Sweden also seems to have combined its future ghost planes project in the British plane project "Tempest, which also includes Italy.

Britain, the closest European country

There is a Turkish -British cooperation in the Turkish ghost plane project. In the beginning of 2017, the United Kingdom and Turkey concluded a deal that would share the company Bae Systems in the Turkish ghost plane project from the fifth generation.

But this cooperation is slow for reasons related to the requirements of the Turks completely transfer of technology and intellectual property rights.

"As Kale, one of the partners in the Turkish ghost plane project, we note that British companies are working to play an active role in the plane that symbolizes b"TF-X".

"Bae Systems and Turkish Aerospace Industries Tai started working in the plane's structure design.These works have continued in the past few years.On the other hand, there is an offer we made with Rolls-Royce for the fighter engines and conversations with the Turkish government continues on this offer.

He added, "We see a significantly based approach by the United Kingdom on this issue as well.

In response to a question about the reports that the British company Rolls-Royce is planning to withdraw from the project, "Rolls-Royce had no plans to withdraw, and there is no decline at all..When you talk about the production of a jet engine, these are long -range projects.It is normal for it to take a long time. ".

تقرير: خيارات تركيا لتطوير مشروع الطائرة المقاتلة الشبحية | ترك برس

Later reports stated that the two sides are trying to resolve the dispute over the intellectual property rights of the project to manufacture the proposed engine of the Turkish plane..

Turkish defense officials asked Rolls-Royce to transfer sensitive technological data to the Turkish Defense Industries manufacturer..

Rolls-Royce did not want to own the Turkish company TOTOR "all intellectual property rights and manage it" with regard to the program.The company provided information to British and Turkish ministers about their concerns.

Turkey wants to have intellectual property rights, which is the essence of work for it, as Turkish officials say, "We aim to be an independent defensive manufacturer..We do not want to undergo foreign restrictions..

Othman believes that "the British are very excited to enhance cooperation with Ankara after Britain's exit from the European Union, and it is expected that cooperation in the manufacture of players Turkey and the United Kingdom will continue to grow.

On the impact of the Russian missile deal on the defense relations between the two countries, Othman indicated that more than two years have passed since the signing of the contract of Turkey's purchase of the S400 missiles, and the British -Turkish defense relations continued without witnessing any negative development, and he said that work continues on the joint design of the fighter plane with a companyBritish Bae, our negotiations with Rolls-Royce continue with the Turkish government, and this issue has never been addressed..

Britain remains the most likely Western state to cooperate with Ankara in its ghost planes project, especially since the two countries suffer from the policies of the European Union, especially France, but the dilemma remains the possibility of Britain to undergo the American veto against the export of military technology to Ankara.

Pakistan is an option for China

The Pakistani fighter plane can be a transmission option for the Turkish Air Force.

Turkey and Pakistan are closely related to expanding and enhancing their military cooperation.Turkey is in the process of manufacturing the ADA category category for Pakistan while the latter, with the help of Chinese, can help Ankara in the F-16 update program.

Ankara and Islamabad are trying to develop and build fighter planes from the fifth generation.Turkey has the Tai TF-X project, while Pakistan is working on the Azm Pac PF-X project "torque".

Despite the challenges in front of the two projects, defense cooperation with Pakistan can help Turkey to obtain a 4 generation aircraft.Kh capable of completing its F-16 fleet and replacing its older planes.

In 2018, the author, analyst, analyst, and pilot of the Pakistani Air Force Kaiser Topel suggested that Turkey and Pakistan can build a transition plane "instead of jumping directly into a fully -generation Fifth Fighter fighter."

He even suggested that the cooperation "could depend on the development of a plane starting from the" JF-17 Thunder that Pakistan with great support from China.

Despite the criticism of this plane as an old design, its roots belong to the famous Soviet and Autaqi MiG 21, the appearance of the developed version JF-17 Block-3 has sparked global attention, and this plane is seen as a cheap platform, but it has a degree of efficiency.

The new model, which was called the first generation 4 fighter fighter.Kh At the Pakistani Air Force, it is an important upgrade on its predecessors, Block 1 and 2, who were lacking in many basic capabilities.

JF-17 Block-3 includes an ASA advanced Chinese radar, an important feature of any modern jet plane 4..Kh, and all Russian aircraft miss them, for example.

The industrial capabilities between the two countries, Turkey, can integrate with its expertise acquired from the production of the F-16 months of the fourth generation in the world and F-3Kh, with the capabilities of Pakistan that it gained from China in the production of JF-17, this integration can try to cover the shortage of the two countries.

If Turkey and Pakistan work on a more advanced version of the JF-17 fighter, as Support suggested, Turkey can get a strong and wonderful fighter of the 4 generation.Kh by the end of the contract.

The problem of this cooperation is that it will have to do with China, which may raise the ire of the United States, and that China itself may reserve the transfer of its ally Pakistan, its technology to Turkey, although Ankara and Beijing's relations are good, but it is not an alliance, and Turkey is one of the countriesThe few Islamic that have previously criticized China's practices towards Uighur Muslims hosting numbers of Uighur refugees.

The second problems of Turkey in the development of the Pakistani fighter JF-17, is the engine, as the Pakistani plane currently depends on Russian and Chinese engines, the first can expose Turkey to the Washington curse, and the second there are doubts about its efficiency, and it may cause American anger as well.

The alternative to Chinese and Russian engines can be that Ankara and Islamabad seek to cooperate with Ukraine to develop engines for this plane, but it is a matter that needs time.

Korean KF-21 Borami..An ambitious option and previously experienced it

South Korea is developing the KF-21 BORAMAE, a fighter of the next generation, despite the fact that it is still a preliminary model, it is expected that the KF-21 is expected to become advanced combat aircraft.

Indonesia is a 20% partner in the project, and it confirmed its participation after it stumbled for a while in providing the necessary financing.

The KF-21 will be a ghost, but its weapons will carry on external solid points instead of the internal containers that distinguish most of the ghost planes of the fifth generation, which makes it more susceptible to detection compared to other fifth generation aircraft, and it will depend on American engines that are not intended for ghost planes.

Therefore, although it is a promising project, but sometimes it is seen that it will not be a fully fifth generation plane, but will belong more to the generation 4.Kh.

But perhaps in the time in the thirties of the current century, Block 3 variable will be developed with internal containers to carry weapons and other improvements, which really makes KF-21 a fifth-generation plane.

The initial model of the plane was publicly presented for the first time on April 9, 2021, and it is expected to fly on the first experimental flight during the current year 2022.

The plane is 16.9 متر، ومزودة بمحركين أمريكيين من طراز جنرال إلكتريك F414-GE-400K المستخدم في الطائرة الأمريكية إف 18 سوبر هورنيت، ويولد كل منهما Kh7.8 kilograms without subsequent combustion and 97.9 kg Newton with later combustion, and its maximum speed is expected to be 1.81 Mach.

KF-21 will be a mutual operation with American and European missiles such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9X Sidewinder and MBDA METEOR, unlike its Russian and Chinese counterparts.

The next Korean plane has great aspirations, according to military specialist Abraham Ait.He even expects that outside the United States and China will be the most successful fifth generation fighter programs.

تأمل سيول أن تبدأ بيعها في عام 2028 مقابل 6Kh مليون دولار لكل وحدة، وهذا سعر أرخص كثيراً من طائرات رافال وتايفون الأوروبية.

وأعربت أنقرة عن اهتمامها الكبير بـ KF-21 Boramaet قبل عقد من الزمن، ولدى البلدين بالفعل علاقة دفاعية واسعة النطاق، فمدافع الهاوتزر T-1KhKh Frtna التركية تعتمد على تكنولوجيا K9 Thunder.

Turkey is also developing the local fighting tank "Altay", which mainly depends on the design of the K2 Black Panther tank, and South Korea agreed to sell engines to Turkey to use to make local Altai tanks, after Germany retracted its agreement with Ankara in this regard.

يمكن أن تكون تركيا شريكاً في مشروع الطائرة الكورية عبر دمج مشروع طائراتها الخاصة به لتستفيد سيول من خبرات أنقرة في تصنيع أجزاء الإف 16 والإف 3Kh، ولكن أنقرة تريدكاملة، وهي مسألة يبدو أن سيول ليست مستعدة لها.

The alternative may be an exchange of technology with each project remaining separate, such as the cooperation between the Korean Korean Tank Projects and Turkish Altai, and Ankara can buy a number of Korean KF-21 aircraft as an alternative to the old copies of its F-16, and this is a price for the transfer of Korean technology to the project of the Turkish planeGhost.

It may be the biggest obstacle to the possibility of Turkish cooperation with Korea is the United States, which represents the main technical supporter of the Korean plane project, especially in engines.

Some say it is unlikely that the United States and NATO will oppose Turkey's relations with its defensive relations with South Korea, rather than Ankara go to China or Russia.

In one way or another, the project of this plane can be an opportunity for Turkey to enhance its technological base, but it will not eliminate the need for the Turkish ghost plane project.

The Korean project depends on American technology, especially in engines, which makes Ankara hostage to Washington's fluctuations. Turkey may prefer to try to cooperate in the field of manufacturing engines with British who have a similar engine.

But if Washington Veto imposes on the transfer of American and British engines technology, Turkey may enhance its cooperation in Ukraine in the field of engines, and Turkey has already bought a quarter of the shares of the Ukrainian Motor Sich Company for engines.

This company has the AI-222 engine and is a low-power engine.With the rate of post -combustion power of 42 km, it is not possible to use it to run even a lightweight fighter.

ولكن يطمح الأوكرانيون إلى إنتاج محرك جديد يسمى AI-9Kh00F بدفع يبلغ 21000 رطل، أي أكثر من ضعف دفع محرك AI-222 ليكون قريباً في القوة من المحركات البريطانية والأمريكية وأقوى من محرك الرافال الفرنسية، وهي خطوة يمكن أن تكتسب زخماً بالأموال والدعم الفني التركي.

But if Washington Veto imposes on the entire Turkish-Korean cooperation, the option of Ankara alternative may be the direction of Pakistan to cooperate with it, and its Chinese-17-rooted planes are developing, with a focus on cooperation with Ukraine in the field of engines.