Home >without pilot >Russia raises the West's concern and spreads horror with the experience of dropping a satellite and launching a missile that turns keywords
Feb 25By smartai.info

Russia raises the West's concern and spreads horror with the experience of dropping a satellite and launching a missile that turns keywords

London - “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: Russia has returned to causing more anxiety these days in the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after conducting two unique military experiments, namely, destroying a satellite with a missile, and then testing a hypersonic missile ten times in hitting Nautical target.

There are some experiments that are announced to highlight military superiority and send messages of shield to those who are supposed to be enemies, and there are other experiments that take place in silence in order to be among the weapons of surprises during conflicts. There are known and unknown weapons, and the history of the military industry is full of such examples.

Russia conducted an experiment to destroy one of its satellites in space, and did not disclose this experience. The United States condemned Monday last week this experience, which Moscow tried to hide. The latter had to confess the next day, Tuesday. Washington, through its Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, described the experiment as “dangerous and irresponsible,” as it plunges the world into a new conflict, and threatens the lives of astronauts on the International Space Station ESS because of the remnants of the satellite.

A number of countries, as well as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, joined in the condemnation. The Secretary-General of this military alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said on Tuesday of this week, “The Russian experience of destroying a satellite with a missile is a source of concern and confirms Russia’s endeavor to develop weapons capable of destroying satellites as well as space infrastructures of ground use such as communications, air navigation, or missile launch notification systems.” ".

Russia is alarming the West and spreading terror with a toppling experiment Satellite and Tsirkon missile launch</p><p>The Atlantic Alliance issued an official statement on Saturday, condemning this experience in harsh terms against Moscow.</p><p>While the West is still protesting against this experience, Moscow announced on Thursday a new military experiment, according to which the

The Russian Ministry of Defense added, "The Admiral Gorshkov frigate of the Northern Fleet fired a Tsirkon missile in the White Sea, as part of carrying out the tasks of a combat training course."

In light of the military experiments and maneuvers, the news may be considered normal, but the nature of the news and the quality of the experience once again aroused great concern in the West, especially in the Pentagon. The matter is related to the superior ability of this missile and its destructive power, as the Russian “Zircon” is considered the first hypersonic winged “cruise” missile in the world launched from the sea, with a speed exceeding the speed of sound by Mach 8-9, equivalent to about 10 thousand kilometers per hour, according to the data obtained. Published by Sputnik citing the Ministry of Defense.

Last summer, the same frigate had conducted a similar experiment that aimed at hitting a ground target, and another experiment was conducted in the Barents Sea from a submarine, while the last experiment destroyed a marine target.

This experience is considered one of the worst military news for the West, especially after the Kremlin's decision to introduce this missile into service on nuclear submarines, starting next year. Russia will be the first country to arm its submarines with high-speed missiles. Last September, the American magazine Forbes wrote about the first test about the American concern because the Pentagon does not possess a similar missile, and Tsircon is capable of destroying American aircraft carriers, and the most dangerous thing is the lack of an anti-intercept system.

To highlight Russia's superiority in the field of hypersonic missiles, President Vladimir Putin had jokingly commented, "If the United States is concerned about its security, we can sell these missiles to protect itself."