Home >without pilot >The autonomy of the desert in Madrid agendas ... a political maneuver or submit to the fait accompli?
Nov 14By smartai.info

The autonomy of the desert in Madrid agendas ... a political maneuver or submit to the fait accompli?

Madrid does not want to give the impression that it has permanently accepted the justifications for Rabat over the Sahara conflict;It does not recognize the proposal of self -government, and does not want to value the recent American position on Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, but it is awaiting international initiatives to end the conflict without assuming any responsibility in a mediation contract.

The Spanish Foreign Minister, in an interview with the newspaper "Lavanguardia", tried to exceed the stagnation of her "historic" country regarding the desert, and to show that in her statements on "autonomy" a shift at the level of discourse, and that this transformation comes in the midst of the most dangerous diplomatic crisis that passed inHistory of relations between the two countries.

When asked about the extent of Madrid accepting any solution proposed by Rabat, including granting a special autonomy to the Sahara in the context of Moroccan sovereignty, Spain's Foreign Minister replied by saying: “I insist: We are ready to consider any solution that Morocco proposes at the negotiating table.”.

Spanish diplomacy admitted that Morocco has a great sensitivity to the Sahara issue, and said: “We want a negotiating solution within the United Nations framework..In this context, we are ready to consider any solution that Morocco proposes, taking into account that mediation does not depend on Spain, because this role must be played by the United Nations..

الحكم الذاتي للصحراء في أجندات مدريد .. مناورة سياسية أم خضوع للأمر الواقع؟

Mohamed Al -Tayyar, a security and military expert, believes that “the recent statement of the Spanish Foreign Minister, is greatly different from her statement after the United States of America announced her recognition of the sovereignty of Morocco.Its endeavors were very provocative for Morocco, and she publicly demanded a review of America's new position..

The pilot said, in a statement to Hespress, that "everyone knows that Spain is the largest financier of the Polisario Front, and it is still continuing to send support convoys to the Tindouf camps continuously to this day, as it works in coordination with Algeria to embrace the various Polisario activities and take care of its leadership.".

Therefore, an analyst specializing in international relations believes that "the exit of the Spanish Foreign Minister regarding the latter's willingness to hear Morocco's proposals without playing the role of the mediator for the dismantling of the conflict, and without getting out of the framework of the United Nations' endeavors, is only words that fall into the circle of Spain's attempts to overcome the diplomatic crisis withMorocco".

In this regard, the pilot explained that "Morocco has become asking European countries to get out of the duplication of practice and discourse in the issue of the Moroccan Sahara, and that just welcoming the proposal of Morocco related to the establishment of a self -government, is no longer enough.".

He added, “After the weight of Algeria decreased in the African Union Organization and its economic and social crisis, and the American recognition of Morocco's sovereignty over its desert, and after the changes in the political and economic balances in the region, it became required from European countries, especially Spain and France, to bear its historical responsibility in the rootsInteracted conflict. ”.

The security and military expert stated that the recognition of the Spanish Foreign Minister regarding the American position and its approval of lining up to Morocco in the crisis and the Spanish Prime Minister's failure to organize a meeting with Biden, factors that make Spain in a more vulnerable position, which makes her statement merely a maneuver in front of its failure to drag Europe intoIts side, in transforming attention from the main problem of receiving the Polisario leader with a forged identity and smuggling him from justice after that, to the problem of irregular immigration..

“The only way remains for Spain to publicly correct its policy in support of secession in the southern Moroccan regions, and to stop supporting the Polisario, which is a claim, and behind it European countries, to re -read the new balances, and end the policy of denying Morocco's right to protect its true territorial borders and in the stretchHis full sovereignty at home, ”the pilot stresses at the end of his statement to Hespress.