Home >without pilot >Self-driving trains conquer the world.. trips of the largest robot in history Japanese train Australian experiment Dutch train automated China test monorail
Apr 22By smartai.info

Self-driving trains conquer the world.. trips of the largest robot in history Japanese train Australian experiment Dutch train automated China test monorail

In the midst of talk about the technology of self-driving cars, trains set off on the same track in preparation for a qualitative leap in the world of transportation.

القطارات ذاتية القيادة تغزو العالم.. رحلات أكبر روبوت في التاريخ القطار الياباني   تجربة أسترالية   قطار هولندي آلي   اختبار الصين قطارا أحاديا ذاتي القيادة

East Japan Railways Corporation, OGR East this week revealed the trial operation of a train equipped with an automatic train operating system on its Joban Line.

Back in East Asia again, in November 2020, the China Railway Industry Group Corporation conducted a test drive of the self-driving monorail in Wuhan, Hubei Province, after it underwent the test to become the first test line of the monorail.

The length of this test line is 800 metres, and the monorail trains are placed on tracks supported by steel or concrete poles and can accommodate 300 to 400 people per trip.

The train has a capacity of more than 10,000 passengers per hour.