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Jul 27By smartai.info

The signs of the nomination of General Corella for the Central Leadership*


The American cosmic strategy has become its inherent hostility to the Soviet Union, and then to Russia, since its adoption of the "Truman principle" and the Marshall plan for "the reconstruction of Western Europe", after the Second World War, and the evolution of it in the structures of the military establishment, in all its arms, and its formation of the Staff AuthorityThe joint, in light of the experiences learned from a series of wars since the First World War.

The current direction of that strategy, which is an exaggeration in hostility to Russia, first and automatically for China, in its political and military faces, was agreed upon since 2014, according to the American military, during the mandate of President Barack Obama, and the administration of President Joe Biden maintained the level.This strategy has adopted the tendency of tension in the international airspace, launching endless wars since that date, and renewing the formation of its essence alliances to restore consideration to Washington's global leadership, by evoking what the American policy strategy considers to "consolidate the doctrine of nuclear deterrence and strategic bombing".

Those higher tasks and goals necessitated the introduction of fundamental amendments in the structure of the unified military leadership, which comes as a natural product of the principle approved by Congress in 1986, known as the "Goldoyre -Nichols" law, as a metaphor for a joint effort for the Senate members at the time, Barry Goldoter and William Nichols, stating that the mission is to be important.The operational decision to a central "unified combat leaders", and its removal from the previous tradition of strategic branches (ground, sea and aviation forces).

According to the "Goldutoter -Nicoles" law, the hierarchy of the pyramid of the military decision was defined, starting with the President of the country (the White House), followed by the Minister of Defense, then the unified combat leaders, which took about two years of study and consultations to amend the pyramid of the "National Security Law", for the year 1947,Which formed the "legal" framework for the management of Cold War and other regional wars.

The first task was entrusted to the Minister of Defense, then the multiple branches.In other words, these "strategic branches" are currently subject to the US Central Command, according to the scope of its specified operations (a report by the "Congress of Congress", July 2012, on the "unified leadership plan" and subsequent updates made every two years, according to circumstances).

This background presents a realistic view of the US Central Command axis, its scope and responsibilities in the Middle East, which includes “21 countries that extend from Egypt to Kazakhstan in the east”, its theater of Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan, and the management of the Fifth Fleet works in the Gulf region, the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea,And cooperation with the sixth fleet in the Mediterranean Sea.

دلالات ترشيح الجنرال كوريلا للقيادة المركزية*

One can say that the choice of General Michael Corella to head the "Central Command", came the fruit of in -depth military and political discussions, "and it was expected for a few months," according to the Pentagon generals..

Corella was granted the fourth star medal in the military custom, and he will succeed current general Mark Millie, and he is also the three stars.What distinguishes it, hierarchically and militarily, is his long -term combat and leadership experience, and "fighting terrorism" operations, starting with the American invasion of Panama in 1989, the intense aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia 1999, the successive Middle East wars: "Desert Storm" against Iraq in 1991, and the American invasionIraq in 2003, through the aggression against Afghanistan in 2001 and the global war on Syria since March 2011.His official biography indicates that he was seriously injured during the battle of Mosul in 2005..Then he assumed the position of the commander of the 82nd Band, and the permanent attendance in the multiple American invasions across the world, which qualified him to obtain the Medal of the Fourth Star, "The Barage of his Courage".He was his most recent position as commander of the 18th mobile Corps.

The world introduced the mentality of the new Central Central Command, Michael Corella, and his orientations, during his appearance in an interrogation session before the Senate Armed Forces Committee, on February 8, confirming a number of American strategic positions, especially in the Middle East.

The American liberal elites, "Washington Post", said that Mike Corella is the most experienced in the Middle East, and that "he will be assessed by the military options that can help the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its missions.".Among the most important thing in his testimony and answers is the following positions:

The necessity of continuing to involve the United States in the affairs of the Middle East due to its importance in the competition of China and Russia; Tehran is the number 1 to destabilize the Middle East; Any implementation agreement must ensure that Iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon; Opposition to Iran's sanctions exempting in exchange for its pledge to stop its path to acquire a nuclear weapon; Paying the highest importance of artificial intelligence technology and harnessing it in the face of Iran; Iran provides financial support to the Ansar Allah movement and other militias in Iraq and Syria; The necessity of America's initiative to develop an integrated air defense and prosperity system in the Gulf region; The Russian invasion of Ukraine will enhance the role of Russia, especially after its success in expansion and influence in Syria, where the Russian bases and forces are there.

It was also remarkable, during his testimony, his kindness to the sympathy of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the accompanying controversy that did not decline except due to the renewal of strategic priorities towards confronting Russia in Ukraine.The members of the adult committee mentioned the influence of the political decision that "the central leadership theater includes 9 out of 10 of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world.".

In this regard, Corela focused on not being considered a legitimate Taliban regime and accusing him of rejecting its condemnation of al -Qaeda and ISIS - Khorasan branch, and their ongoing endeavors to reorganize their ranks, and the direct threat they represent, guided by what he called "the Taliban released the detainees of the Bagram base"After controlling the capital, Kabul.

Corella explained that the operations of "air reconnaissance over Afghanistan are no longer the same as the same as the same as the same as the length of the distance that flights take, and consume about two -thirds of the supposed time, and the field repercussions of changing the destination of the target resulting from it".

Based on his directions that he disclosed, sometimes, Corella considered that there is an urgent necessity to create a joint air and radar defensive system, which merges the capabilities available to the “Gulf Cooperation Council states, Jordan and Israel”, and coordination with the entity entrusted with the tasks of launching air defense missiles ”from their arsenal..

These continuous statements and trends are condoned on the field experience of candidate Corella, qualifying him to ratify the axial committee, then the Senate session in its entirety, for assuming the position of commander of the US Central Command, without obstacles or visual obstacles.

*بالتعاون مع “الميادين”