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Space 2071 is an Emirati superpower

The UAE space sector stands today in an advanced stage in terms of capabilities and expertise that must be utilized and built upon in the most advanced future space missions, which will reflect positively on the national space sector system, and the efforts to raise the efficiency of Emirati astronauts, and other Ambitious strategies for which specialists and academics presented a number of visions.

In this context, it was proposed to establish a satellite launch base in the Emirates, which industry specialists call a “space port”, and to use the desert as experimental grounds for spacecraft and robots that are sent to some planets to explore their surfaces and atmospheres, and to expand the national industry with results. And mega projects to enter into larger goals in the field of space science and technology.

Qualifying a generation passionate about space through the existence of comprehensive and specialized curricula, building professional national cadres in various disciplines of the sector's sciences, expanding in astronomical and scientific centers and specialized academies, supporting the International Space Station and partnership in its management, and allocating a free space zone to attract investment in the sector. And the ideas that make the UAE, in its centenary 2071, a superpower in the field of space.

A call to establish a spaceport and mega projects with professional staff

The Emirates Space Agency and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center, within their strategy, aim to establish an educational structure for the space sector through educational programs to spread awareness and knowledge of this important sector, while these activities that enhance this aspect varied, through 15 thousand participants in local and international forums and events related to space sciences.

And scholarships for 48 male and female students through scholarships, educational scholarships, bachelor's and postgraduate programs inside and outside the country. The activities also included the launch of 25 programs and training workshops in cooperation with educational bodies and local and international universities.

Twenty talented students were selected to develop their skills in space-related sciences, in addition to including programs related to space sciences in educational curricula for kindergarten through high school students, and organizing a number of space competitions for school students.

The next ten-year strategy «2021-2031» launched by the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center also targets a number of important axes that enhance its implementation and implementation, including inspiring more than 22,000 students in the field of space and contributing to making the UAE a destination for experts in space technologies. The activities organized by the center varied to inspire and educate students about the importance of the space sector, including the “Scientific Week of the Hope Probe,” in addition to the “Space Science Research Program for University Students.”

Many projects also fall under the "Mohammed bin Rashid Space" strategy for the next ten years, including the "Emirates Moon Exploration Project", the Emirates Mars Exploration Project, the "Probe of Hope", and the "Satellite Development Program", to enhance the expertise of this industry on The national level, the sustainability of providing data through Emirati satellites, and the "UAE Astronaut Program", in partnership with NASA, to prepare and qualify Emirati astronauts, and enhance their expertise for future space missions.


Dr. Hamid Majul Al Nuaimi, Director of the University of Sharjah and President of the Arab Federation for Astronomy and Space Sciences, stressed the importance of investing in what distinguishes the UAE from many other countries in the world, especially the advantages of the flat desert that extends over its entire land.

It is connected to the sea and calm, stable weather that is devoid of storms, weather lightning, snow and heavy rains, which enables it to build bases for launching space missiles of all sizes, thus becoming a country rich in global space missile bases, for its national projects, the countries of the Arab world and the developed world.

Al-Nuaimi explained that the consolidation of this advanced position must urge institutions, universities and engineering institutes to increase the construction and manufacture of small “cubic” satellites by students, professors and researchers and to work on using them for developmental, scientific and technical purposes so that the scientific space benefit spreads among the segments of society, and it is possible to sell such satellites satellites for many countries seeking to own space projects.

Working to include universities in modern programs in space science and technology, which provides an opportunity to qualify scientists, specialists, researchers and technicians skilled in these scientific and vital fields, in addition to updating university programs in basic sciences and their harmony with what is new in this field, and changing the methods of teaching them. To the latest international methods and to continue updating them within annual and five-year plans that are compatible with what is new in the scientific and technological arenas.

He pointed out the need to focus on the existence of large electrical, electronic and mechanical factories and workshops for precision manufacturing (precision industries), on which most of the devices, means and tools of modern technologies that have entered with a very high intensity, mainly in space technology, depend on these factories, in one way or another, with institutions. Scientific, academic and industrial, providing microcomputers technology components.

In addition to using the desert as experimental grounds for spacecraft and robots that are sent to some planets to explore their surfaces and atmospheres. These projects need budgets to create a solid base in the field of space science and use them in universities to develop future youth.

Mejul said that with regard to space research, within 50 years all thinking will focus on space technology, and that all modern technologies are considered space, whether unmanned aerial vehicles or medical robots.

In the fields of medicine and simulating celestial bodies, there will be a great revolution in the sciences of space technology and its impact on the daily life of mankind, such as the use of solar and wind energy in the production of electricity and water, just as space research is always accelerating and must be in harmony with it. Allocating a budget for space technology research, not just a budget, but continuous cooperation with international space institutions and making them strategic partners to benefit from their expertise.

Mjoul added that a trained Emirati generation must be found to be qualified in the fields of astronomy and space sciences, to study the stars, galaxies, and upper atmosphere layers, especially the study of the ionosphere, the sun and the solar system, stellar planets, lunar meteor strikes, and observation of astronomical phenomena, And cubic satellites, meteors and meteorites, and other specialized topics, in addition to qualifying him in the uses of remote sensing techniques.


Dr. Hamid Majul Al-Nuaimi confirmed that space technology uses all modern technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, smart devices, interactive laboratories, and precision industries.

Therefore, these disciplines must be in harmony within the academic programs offered in schools and universities, with the aim of keeping pace with the next fifty years so that the UAE can find a young generation and a technical cadre of citizens who carry out these tasks in order to build factories for precision manufacturing such as the precise things that are used in satellites Mobile phones and so on.

In addition to manufacturing small cubic satellites, by involving university students in research that qualifies them for that.

An interactive course on space

Engineer Sakhr Abdullah Saif, former deputy of the Emirates Astronomy Society, called for the inclusion of a space-related subject within the school curricula. University majors motivate this sector. Seif stressed the importance of activating the (steam) program.

It is a program that focuses on teaching mathematics and science in innovative ways, because it will be our goal to reach the highest levels in the field of space, as the student will be able to discover, experiment, conclude and practice, and it will give him a wide scope in space.

He stated the importance of the presence of a specialized government body that sponsors and follows up young people studying space science in educational institutions, and follows up on training those involved inside and outside the country, so that they work in the future in private stations in the Emirates.

Stimulating investment and encouraging the private sector

Hamza Issa, a research engineer at the Yahsat Space Laboratory, stressed the importance of stimulating investment and encouraging the private sector in the space sector and related activities. He stated that qualifying young generations who are passionate about space sciences starts from schools and introduces them to space sciences and its research, and the gradation in detailing comes with every student seminar.

A culture of creativity should also be instilled in them, by introducing them to a group of tasks such as the missions of Mars and astronauts, and the roles of satellites. When young people see these tasks, they aspire to become part of them. He added: It is not a requirement for the student to study the exact details of space science, but to get acquainted with the general principles, as this matter enhances his ambition, while universities are required to study applications in the research field.

Space 2071 Emirati superpower

Farouk El-Baz: Reassured of the UAE's leadership in space science and research

Dr. Farouk Al-Baz, space scientist and geologist at NASA, head of the Remote Sensing Center at Boston University and member of the Advisory Committee of the Emirates Space Agency, confirmed that he is reassured about the future and leadership of the UAE in the field of space research and science, more than any other Arab country. He attributed this leadership and aspiration to a broad future prospects, to the interest of the wise leadership in the country in supporting and empowering youth.

In addition to adopting and implementing successful experiments by launching the satellite "DubaiSat 1", followed by the launch of the satellite "DubaiSat 2", which is more advanced than its predecessor and was manufactured in the UAE. Efforts continued to enhance the field of space manufacturing by launching the satellite "KhalifaSat". It was manufactured by 100% Emirati hands, which means that the UAE is on the right track, and these are the basic steps that lead us to great success in space science.


As for the importance of the private sector's role in space science and research, Dr. Al-Baz emphasized the great and vital role of private companies and institutions in promoting space science, pointing out that the Arab world lacks the role and contributions of the private sector, based on the wrong idea that the development of space science and research is primarily a government competence.

However, if thought is taken deeply, the private sector will benefit greatly from the development of space science. He explained that the private sector is responsible for developing minds, because it includes manufacturers, for example, but not limited to, “cameras, factories, computers, and computational software.” Therefore, private institutions must say their word in space research and science because they will benefit from it.

distant thought

As for continuing the success story in the field of space science, and promoting this science among school and university students, Dr. Farouk El-Baz, the importance of creating a distinguished role for schools and universities in order to create new generations who are passionate about space and its sciences, pointing to the importance of developing and creating a love of distant thought, and not adhering to the curricula, meaning that if the student has different ideas, and they come outside the textbooks, then we must listen to him and discuss it.

He emphasized supporting young men and women and trying to implement their ideas, because human history, which carries creative and often different ideas, comes as a result of “new thought.”

Dr. Farouk El-Baz affirmed that “new thought” mostly comes from young generations, generations that carry a distinct intellectual style, driven by the enthusiasm of youth, and unlike the non-young generations, which do not look seriously at change or move slowly in this regard, in front of young people, and they have the factors of change. And the love of adventure and self-affirmation, and this is what is required towards future change and transformation.

He stressed the importance of concerted efforts by state institutions, and the creation of multiple roles in supporting research circles and space science in general, because space science requires a large financial budget, which requires important roles for governmental and non-governmental institutions, in order to strengthen the circle of research and development in space science.

Quality academic majors and scholarships for students abroad

Dr. Khaled Al-Hashemi, Director of the National Center for Space Science and Technology at UAE University, said that the next fifty-year plan needs to prepare qualified national cadres, and this is what higher education institutions in the country are working on by offering qualitative academic specializations in space science and aeronautical engineering, as well as sending Students abroad to study exact scientific disciplines in the fields of space science.

Al-Hashemi said: UAEU has started offering aeronautical engineering courses, which is witnessing a great turnout of male and female students, which will be the main lever for preparing qualified national cadres who are able to enter the world of space technology in various aspects, and keep pace with the scientific acceleration in exploring the world of space and the extent of its reflection. This is based on the projects of upgrading, growth and development, which makes the UAE side by side with the developed and pioneering countries in space science.

He stated that the National Center for Space Science and Technology at UAEU contributes to the development of the space science sector and works to build an integrated infrastructure that contributes directly to achieving research and the requirements of precise space sciences.

He pointed out that the center, along with other national institutions concerned with space science, will be a starting point for the next fifty years, and will play a major role with strategic partners to develop work mechanisms in applied and theoretical sciences through space projects through the post-launch of the Hope Probe, which was crowned with success.

Expanding astronomical centers and allocating a free space area

Dr. Hassan Ahmed Al-Hariri, CEO of the Dubai Astronomy Group, presented a package of ideas that would place the UAE on the list of countries specialized in the field of space, including the expansion of astronomical and scientific centers, the allocation of a free space zone to attract investment in the field of space and astronomy, and increased support for the astronomical industries. In addition to establishing international astronomical observatories in the country, and supporting global astronomical projects, such as the Thirty Meter Telescope project.


He stressed the importance of supporting the International Space Station and partnership in managing it and conducting research in it, building an Emirati space launch station for the Doula satellites, and building a new system of missiles to launch satellites and astronauts in Doula.

He called for expanding the establishment of academies of space and astronomy with future specializations, and opening new horizons for the future generation, in addition to building a huge station for receiving and controlling satellites. He pointed to the importance of supporting amateurs and professionals in astronomy and adopting the International Astronomy Group project, as well as supporting astronomical initiatives aimed and supportive of spreading astronomical culture in the world.

Amal Al-Afifi, Secretary-General of the Khalifa Award for Education, suggested launching plans and programs to train male and female teachers to master innovative teaching methods and methods in space science and engineering, in order to enable students to interact with these subjects efficiently and effectively.

She emphasized that preparing for the next fifty years requires all of us to contribute ideas and proposals to draw a map of creativity, excellence and leadership for our country.

She stressed the importance of the family's role in consolidating and strengthening the love of scientific disciplines, and providing the necessary tools for that matter. There is no doubt that the student's awareness of the importance of these disciplines pushes him to engage in the study of mathematics and science, and to employ technology for excellence in space science and engineering.

With regard to the roles required of schools in qualifying and creating generations passionate about space sciences, Adnan Issa Abbas, Deputy Director General of a private school, stressed the importance of making an independent student who knows what he wants and draws his future independently, and that making this professional future student must provide him with an environment Digital education, serving him in this matter, pointing out that the traditional teacher may not have a future role in this system.

He added: The student industry, or the so-called digital expert, will serve students in future projects and the direction of space science and artificial intelligence, provided that students are trained in a range of projects, for example, space navigation, how to communicate between individuals, and preparing meals in outer space.

He pointed out the importance of organizing interviews with students of schools in other countries at the Arab, Asian and European levels, for projects related to space sciences.


Amal Al-Afifi saw the importance of launching a strategy to educate students and introduce them to the scientific disciplines that will be offered in universities and the labor market during the next fifty years, and with the aim of educating young people about the importance of these disciplines and their involvement in them at various educational levels, noting the importance of student awareness of the importance of strategic disciplines such as space science.

Insights and Ideas

01 - Establishing a base for launching satellites of all sizes from the UAE desert. 02 - Using the desert as experimental grounds for spacecraft and robots that send to planets. 03 - Qualifying a generation that is passionate about space science through comprehensive and specialized curricula. 04 - Increasing the budgets allocated to space research. 05 - A free space zone to attract investment in the field of space and astronomy. 06 - Encouraging the private sector in the space sector and related activities. 07 - Supporting the International Space Station and its management and research work. 08 - Expanding the establishment of local astronomical centers and establishing international astronomical observatories in the country. 09 - Increasing the establishment of specialized academies in space sciences and astronomy. 10 - A specialized body that follows up and sponsors young people studying space sciences. 11 - Expansion of virtual space centers in educational institutions. 12 - Encouraging institutions and universities to manufacture satellites with Emirati competencies. 13 - No to building a new system of missiles to launch satellites. 14- Expanding the national industry with results and giant projects to reach bigger goals in space science. 15- Empowering amateurs and professionals in astronomy and intensifying initiatives to spread astronomical culture. 16- Increasing support for scientific research in the sector, especially for postgraduate students and their scholarships abroad. 17- Expanding innovation in Space science technology. 18 - Develop knowledge and technology transfer programs with specialized global partners. 19 - Introducing more academic disciplines in space sciences. 20 - Concerted efforts by state institutions to support research seminars and space sciences.>

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