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My profile: Who is Imad Mughniyeh.. and what are the most prominent theories about his death?

Al-Naba' Network: The killing of Imad Mughniyeh, the security official of Hezbollah, was not an ordinary event. This was revealed by the media, as well as by international institutions, intelligence agencies, and political and military leaders, who highlighted the great role of this personality in confronting For American policy and Israeli arrogance inside and outside Lebanon, as well as expressing divergent views on this sensitive issue.

- Who is Imad Mughniyeh:

The biography says that he was born on December 7, 1962 in the village of "Tir Diba" in southern Lebanon, and he lived during his youth in the "Ain Delbeh" area, south of Beirut. His father was a vegetable seller, but not much is known about the details of Imad Mughniyeh's life, as analysts began to know him when, in 1976, he joined Force No. 17 of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

CIA records and information indicate that Imad was involved in the following operations:

- Offensive operations that were carried out against American and Israeli targets during the eighties and nineties.

- The explosion of April 18, 1983, against the American embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, including 17 Americans.

- The explosion of October 23, 1983, which targeted the barracks of the US Marines and French paratroopers in Beirut, killing 241 Americans and 58 Frenchmen.

- The attack of September 20, 1984, which targeted one of the buildings attached to the American embassy.

- The hijacking of Tawa Flight No. 2847 on June 14, 1985, which led to the death of American navigator Robert Stezenm.

- The kidnappings of Americans and foreigners were carried out during the 1980s, especially the American Terry Anderson.

- The assassination of US Colonel William Francis Buckley.

- Imad Mughniyeh's cross-border activities:

Christopher Hamilton, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy who specializes in counterterrorism studies, says that Imad Mughniyeh was the one who successfully supervised the construction of the Lebanese Hezbollah operations apparatus, and therefore his responsibility is exclusively for the operations apparatus and not for the military apparatus because of his excellence in developing plans Complex and possessing high professionalism and professionalism in the implementation of operations.

Some experts point out that Imad Mughniyeh is, in fact, one of the most important secret weapons possessed by Hezbollah. Some leaks also confirmed that Mughniyeh was present at the coordination meeting that took place in Khartoum in the year 1993 AD, which included Osama bin Laden and some senior al-Qaeda operatives in the year 1993 AD. Information also says that he was the mastermind behind the 1996 attack that targeted the towers of the Saudi city of Khobar, which It led to the deaths of 19 soldiers.

The information also says that he was behind the 1998 attacks that targeted the US embassies in East Africa and the US embassy in Dar es Salaam, the Tanzanian capital. Mughniyeh also played a major role in the attack that targeted the US destroyer Cole off the Yemeni coast in 2000.

Magnus Ranstop, a specialist in Hezbollah affairs at the Swedish National Defense College, says that by following the character of Imad Mughniyeh for a period of more than ten years, it became clear to him that Imad is the "engineer" who can launch violent operations in special circumstances and is characterized by the ability He is responsible for planning, coordinating and executing operations beyond the borders of the Middle East. In this regard, Mughniyeh is considered the mastermind behind the explosions in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, that targeted the Israeli embassy and the Jewish compound in Argentina, which occurred during the nineties. Recruitment, organization of cells and networks, management of covert cross-border monitoring and surveillance missions.

- Imad Mughniyeh and the targeting of the United States of America:

The information provided by the American Center for Foreign Relations indicates that Mughniyeh is responsible for the Hezbollah cell that was exposed by the American authorities in Charlotte, North Carolina. Advanced aeronautical equipment and night vision binoculars for the benefit of the party. The US court convicted the group's leader, Mohammed Hammoud, and sentenced him to 155 years in prison. The American security services are still tracking 200 elements that they believe represent elements of the Hezbollah network that are active in the United States and that fall under the direct supervision of Imad Mughniyeh.

- Imad Mughniyeh and the Summer War of 2006:

The Israelis claim that Imad Mughniyeh is the mastermind behind Hezbollah's abduction of Israeli soldiers from within the Israeli borders and their transfer with their families inside Lebanon. Thus, the Mughniyeh operation alone led to the war last summer between the Israeli forces and the Lebanese Hezbollah, and led to the defeat of the Israeli forces, which in turn led to the earthquake of the Winograd Report, which shook the ground under the feet of the Israeli government, its intelligence services, and the Israeli army staff. An intelligence report published by the Israeli newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, also indicated that Imad Mughniyeh is directly responsible for Hezbollah's missile unit in southern Lebanon.

- The most prominent Western intelligence reports about Imad Mughniyeh:

There are many reports and articles that exposed the personality and activities of Imad Mughniyeh, in addition to the famous Wikipedia report. There are also intelligence reports, most notably:

- Report of the American Council on Foreign Relations.

- A report by the Jamestown Foundation.

- Frontpage magazine report.

- Reader Digest report.

- MIBT database report.

- Discover the Network report.

The most prominent person who spoke about Imad Mughniyeh was Robert Baer, ​​a covert operations expert in the CIA for 20 years, who described Mughniyeh as:

- The most dangerous people faced by the American Intelligence

- I am more capable of managing secret special operations than there is no equal in the CIA or in the former Soviet KGB.

- He is distinguished by intelligence and maneuverability, and it is not possible for those who follow him to predict his behavior, as he enters from one door and exits from another, and he never uses the telephone to set appointments.

The intelligence report prepared by analyst Patrick Daveney indicated the following:

Imad Mughniyeh managed to evade many attempts on his life by the Israeli Mossad and the CIA, specifically in Lebanon.

- The ambiguity of Imad's personality made the CIA, the Israeli Mossad, and the Western security services view him as an "asymmetric" security, intelligence, and military threat.

The presence of Imad Mughniyeh within Hezbollah makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to transform the Lebanese Hezbollah from a military movement into a political party.

- The CIA long ago included the name of Imad Mughniyeh in the list of targeted assassinations that the agency must carry out, a list that includes names such as Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi... and others. >

In addition to Imad's activity within Hezbollah, he is also active on the Iranian side. Leaks say that Imad Mughniyeh supervised the smuggling of al-Qaeda leaders through Iranian territory during the American invasion of Afghanistan.

- Imad Mughniyeh supervises the highly sensitive links between Hezbollah and:

- Iranian agencies, specifically the Iranian Revolutionary Guards

- The Iraqi Mahdi Army.

- Al Qaeda.

- Imad Mughniyeh's professional development:

Imad's professional development in the field of covert operations began when, in the mid-seventies, specifically at the beginning of the Lebanese civil war, he joined Force No. 17 of the Fatah movement, which is responsible for protecting the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and also represents the elite unit (commandos) in The ranks of the Palestine Liberation Organization forces Imad Mughniyeh received a lot of types of training and skills at this stage. After Israel's invasion of Lebanese territory in the year 1982 AD and the withdrawal of the Palestine Liberation Organization from Lebanon, Imad did not leave Lebanon and turned to work as a "protection element" for Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, the spiritual leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah. Later, he cooperated with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in the formation of "Hezbollah". Imad also established the Islamic Jihad Group to act as the party's military arm.

In general, it is true that targeted assassinations carried out by the intelligence services against leaders and leaders of movements fall under what is known as:

- Destroying the organizations' infrastructure, because these armed organizations depend, to a large extent, on the strength, charisma, and skills of their field, political, and spiritual leaders.

- Activating psychological warfare losses, because the assassination of leaders or strong leaders leads to broken morale and a decrease in fighting spirit.

- Confusing networks and secret cells, because the assassination of leaders and field commanders often leads to the burial of many details, information, and secret internal and external communication channels.

- Raising suspicions within the organization and activating data of suspicion, fear and conspiracy theory among the organization and its allies and friends.

- Weakening the organization's strength in front of the popular public opinion loyal to it.

- Inflicting material and financial losses on the organization, because much of the organization's money and secret military hideouts are known to the elements of the leadership, and by liquidating and assassinating them, the organization may suffer great losses.

Lebanese: The assassination came against the backdrop of escalating tension between the March 14 forces and the March 8 forces. Hezbollah and its allies are waging a major political battle against the Lebanese government on the one hand, and on the other hand, the March 14 forces and the Siniora government rely on a regional alliance - A large international organization that includes America - Israel - France - Britain - Egypt - Jordan - Saudi Arabia.

The day before yesterday, the atmosphere reached the brink of war after Walid Jumblatt's statements that threatened to ignite conflict and war, and the March 14 forces will conduct a large demonstration in Beirut to commemorate the assassination of Rafik Hariri, and at the same time Hezbollah decided to funeral its leader and military commander, Imad Mughniyeh. In Beirut. Thus, there will be two large crowds in Beirut tomorrow, and the negative mobilization will be at its peak and maximum degree, and expectations say that the Hezbollah convoy will be larger and stronger, which may result in weakening the March 14 forces convoy.

- Will the March 14 forces cancel their convoy in order to avoid exposure and appear weak?

- Will the Lebanese security forces be deployed in Beirut to prevent an outbreak of violence?

- Will violence and conflict break out?

- Will the "hidden hands" take advantage of the tense Lebanese situation and carry out some other secret operations?

- Will the reactions of the fed-up Lebanese street be controlled, or will the reactions of the fed-up Lebanese street go beyond the capacity of the March 14 forces, the March 8 forces, the Siniora government, the Lebanese internal security forces, the Lebanese army and police?

- Regionally: Hezbollah announced that it held Israel responsible for the assassination of leader Imad Mughniyeh. Will the party seek retribution and revenge against Israel, or will it act in another way? In the event of retaliation, will Hezbollah carry out its operation against an Israeli target inside or outside Israel? Or will he resort to targeting Israel through its Lebanese allies, who have become exposed and known to Hezbollah and the Lebanese people? What is the Israeli reaction to Hezbollah's retaliation? And what is the American reaction if Hezbollah's retaliation targets one of the American targets?

My profile: Who is Imad Mughniyeh? What are the most prominent theories about his death? ></p><p><b>Israel refused to comment on the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh. Mark Regev, the official spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, told the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth:

The question is why the Israelis refused not only to hold them responsible, but even to comment. In other words:

- The Israelis did not confirm that they carried out the operation.

- The Israelis did not deny their responsibility for the operation.

Israel is considered the Middle Eastern country most involved in carrying out targeted assassinations using the most advanced technological means, which include aircraft, satellites, and smart technology. Until now, the full picture of the "narrative" of the assassination has not been made clear, until we know the technique by which the "hidden hands" carried out this operation. Was it carried out by Israel alone, if carried out by the CIA, which for a long time included the name of Imad Mughniyeh in its targeted assassination list? Or was the assassination an American-Israeli partnership and therefore Israel does not want to claim responsibility for it as long as there is another partner who refuses to reveal his name because of his other hidden connections in the region and the embarrassment and weakening of the position of his allies in the Lebanese and Arab streets that revealing his name might result in? Or is the assassination carried out by the “agency” on behalf of the American and Israeli intelligence through the elements of one of the “Middle Eastern” groups, which are mostly Lebanese and linked to strategic-tactical-tactical relations with the American and Israeli intelligence? Why was the operation carried out at this particular time? What is the new dynamism that the perpetrators of the operation seek to give to the mobilizing political movement in the Lebanese street? What other secondary means did the killers try to broadcast? In other words, what are the signals required of the March 8 forces and their allies to pick up on? Prior to the assassination, one of the leaders of March 14 declared threatening Hezbollah and the March 8 forces, saying that we are ready to burn everything and everything in Lebanon.

Why did Israel later retract its refusal to comment on the assassination and deny its responsibility for the incident? Did Israel really not do that, or is it trying to avoid Hezbollah's retaliation so as not to get involved in opening a second conflict front in southern Lebanon at a time when the Israeli forces are preparing to wage a decisive battle against Hamas in the Gaza Strip? Or does Israel want that to make Hezbollah in a state of motivation for revenge, and when it launches the Gaza operation, there will be an opportunity available for Hezbollah to carry out revenge, and then the opportunity will also be available for Israel to expand and deepen its operations, including not only Gaza, but also southern Lebanon, and perhaps some areas And in this regard, we refer to the speech of General Kappi Ashkenazi, the Israeli Chief of Staff, the day before yesterday, in which he said that the Israeli army forces are ready to carry out the Gaza operation and "deepen and expand it as necessary"? Or is the Israeli denial seeking to mislead Lebanese, Arab and international public opinion in order to:

- Not to harm the position of the March 14 forces in the Lebanese street, because Israel's responsibility for the operation means, in the eyes of the Lebanese public opinion, the responsibility of Israel, America, and the March 14 forces as well, which brought America and Israel to the region and to Lebanon.

- Lying in wait for Hezbollah because its retaliation without evidence means that the Israelis will respond to it through a major military operation without fear of confronting international public opinion. about the process.

Each assassination has its declared and unannounced, direct and indirect repercussions. Those who assassinated Rafik Hariri succeeded in exploiting the outburst of popular anger and diverting the water into a mill stream to expel the Syrian forces from Lebanon first, but after that they failed to divert the water into a mill stream. The international investigation that failed to prove Syria's responsibility.

Now, after the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh was carried out, it can be expected that tomorrow in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, it will become more and more clear that the mill course will be sought by those who carried out the assassination by directing the turbulent Lebanese waters towards it.

As a result of the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, the prominent military commander in the Lebanese Hezbollah, the political clouds have become more and more cloudy, in a way that threatens to cause more political rains and open more boxes of evil in the Middle East.

- The explanatory theories circulating between "the truth" and the "conspiracy theory":

Just as the Lebanese Hezbollah emphasized that it is not just a Lebanese armed militia, but rather a movement and a transnational political entity, the assassination of its military commander was not just an assassination of a Lebanese militia leader, but rather an assassination that represents an event whose repercussions will reverberate sooner or later. at the regional and international levels.

In such an atmosphere, there are many explanatory theories due to the multiplicity of local, regional and international players and actors. There are explanatory theories according to the data of the hypothesis of the party benefiting from the process, and others based on considerations of the marketing hypothesis of the special agenda, whether those that target a specific party or those that promote feelings The power of self and the ability to exclude the other.

- The most prominent explanatory theories:

Apart from the classification based on considerations of qualitative features, the most prominent theories that attempted to explain the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh can be reviewed as follows:

- The first theory: The killer is Israel.

- The second theory: The killer is the United States.

The third theory: The killer is Israel - the United States.

The Fourth Theory: The killer is a regional party that is an ally of Israel and the United States.

- The Fifth Theory: The killer is a Lebanese party that is an ally of Israel and the United States.

The Sixth Theory: The killer is an ally of Syria, Iran, Israel and the United States.

The Seventh Theory: The killer is a Middle Eastern party (not a state) that is an ally of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

As for the first theory, it represents the official theory circulated by Syria, Hezbollah and Iran, and this theory is based on considerations that Israel has tried several times to assassinate Imad Mughniyeh, in addition to the fact that Imad himself has been able, over twenty-five years, to cause damage devastating to Israel and its allies in the region.

As for the second theory, it is based on justifications that the US administration views Imad Mughniyeh as one of the main opponents in the war on terror, because Mughniyeh succeeded in assassinating a number of American soldiers, as no party could over the past twenty-five years. To succeed in assassinating them, with the exception of the attacks of September 11, 2001 AD. Based on this, Mughniyeh’s name is on the targeted assassination list of the CIA and the FBI, and the US government has allocated a $25 million reward for anyone who can provide any information indicating that Imad Mughniyeh is alive or dead, and thus his danger has become at the same level as that. Osama bin Laden in terms of threatening American interests and national security.

The third theory that the killer is Israel - America is a constructive theory based on the perspective of security-military-intelligence harmony and integration of the Tel Aviv-Washington axis, and unified cooperation and coordination between them in facing the challenges of Middle Eastern files. There is no significant difference in the secret and overt intelligence operations of the Middle East between the Israeli Mossad and the CIA.

The fourth theory, according to which the murderer is a regional party that is an ally of Israel and America, is a theory that casts more doubts on the Jordanian intelligence apparatus, the Saudi intelligence apparatus, and the Egyptian intelligence apparatus, especially since it was in the period after the summer war of 2006 AD and the conferences that followed. And the secret and public meetings between the Israeli, Jordanian, Saudi and Egyptian intelligence. It was clear that the goal of regional intelligence coordination is the "head" of Hezbollah, in addition to targeting Syria, the March 8 forces, and the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements. The information indicated many facts that revealed the movements of the Jordanian-Saudi-Egyptian intelligence trio in the Lebanese arena.

The fifth theory says that the killer is a Lebanese party that is an ally of America and Israel, and it is a theory based on some facts, most notably:

- Walid Jumblatt's recent statements, in which he threatened to "burn everything and nothing" and wage war against Hezbollah and the March 8 forces.

- The leaders of the March 14 forces were involved in many secret political and intelligence operations that targeted not only the Lebanese Hezbollah and the March 8 forces, but also extended to take a cross-border character against Syria, the Palestinian resistance and Iran, the most prominent of which was the operation of the "Fatah al-Islam" militia. And others.

- The increasing suspicions about the role played by Samir Geagea, the leader of the "Lebanese Forces" party and one of the pillars of the March 14 forces, in the "mysterious" assassinations that the Lebanese scene witnessed in the previous period, and about his association with the Israeli Mossad networks that are active in the Lebanese arena as well. American intelligence reports that confirmed his relationship with the plans of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

The sixth theory, which states that the killer is an ally of Syria, Iran, Israel and America, is a theory that accuses Turkey and the Turkish intelligence of carrying out the assassination, due to the activities of the Turkish Hezbollah, of which Imad Mughniyeh is said to be one of its most prominent founders. This theory is based on justifications The American-Israeli cooperation with Turkey in its military operations against the Kurdish movements has resulted in Turkey cooperating with these two parties in targeting Imad Mughniyeh, whose head is wanted by the Israeli Mossad and the CIA.

The seventh theory that the killer is a Middle Eastern party ally of the CIA and the Israeli Mossad is a theory that accuses the political forces and armed movements active in the region, which are characterized by their strong and deep military-intelligence ties with the Israeli Mossad and the CIA.


- Analyzing the explanatory data:

It is clear that the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus represented a great success for the party that carried it out, in addition to harming Hezbollah and its allies. In addition, it will raise the sensitivity of the security and intelligence services in the region and focus on paying attention to the minute details, whatever they may be. Small and seemingly useless at first sight. All the aforementioned explanatory theories are likely, at least in theory, but the practical reality and tracking of partial field data related to the assassination and the totality surrounding the assassination all indicate a number of indicators, the most prominent of which are:

The ability of the Lebanese Forces party to track down and eliminate the Lebanese inside and outside Lebanon cannot be underestimated because of:

- The party and its leader, Samir Geagea, have practiced political assassinations for a quarter of a century, since the days of the Lebanese civil war. And the Egyptian in reaching Imad Mughniyeh as the first desired goal.

- The Lebanese Forces party and its leader, Samir Geagea, embraced the ideology of weakening political opponents through killing and physical liquidation. Until now, neither this movement nor its leader knows any signs or indications of a clear political program other than the struggle over leadership, gathering extremists, carrying out liquidations and eliminating opponents.

- The presence of the strong motive of the "Lebanese Forces" party and its leader, Samir Geagea, to undermine Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, and therefore the success in carrying out the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh is the only way to obtain symbolic power in front of the allies of Samir Geagea and his party, whether the Israeli Mossad or the CIA Or his Lebanese partners in the March 14 forces.

- Massoud Barzani's intelligence service cannot be underestimated, which information says is considered one of the most efficient and effective agencies in carrying out covert operations in the region on behalf of the Israeli Mossad and the CIA. In this regard, we refer to the following strengths of the agency. Massoud Barzani Intelligence:

- Absolute secrecy due to its dependence on the ethnic factor and ethnic loyalty in selecting and recruiting its members.

- The advanced training he received through experts from the Israeli Mossad and the CIA.

- The great experience he gained by working in four arenas: the Iraqi, Turkish, Iranian and Syrian arenas.

- The freedom of movement, the margin of maneuver, and the advantages of coverage available to its members, due to the geopolitical nature of the region.

- The region's lack of attention to the secret movements of Massoud Barzani's apparatus, because the traditional view that has been focusing on linking the activities and movements of Massoud Barzani's apparatus is a view that confines these activities and movements to considerations related to the Kurdistan file, and the source of danger is that this view neglects to look at These activities and movements, as they have long been included in what is known as the agenda of the comprehensive intelligence war in the Middle East, for the very simple reason that the Israelis and Americans will never provide support for the efforts and activities of Masoud Barzani for free, specifically in exchange for political-military-intelligence. The political return was represented by Massoud Barzani’s adherence to adopting the agenda hostile to the unity of Iraq, Iran and Syria, and the military return was represented by Barzani targeting Iran and planning to target Syria by supporting the Syrian Kurdish separatist movements, while the intelligence return is an open return, as evidence has previously indicated the involvement of Barzani’s apparatus in Death squad operations and bombings intended to ignite the Sunni-Shia war in Iraq. It is not unlikely, if not certain, that Masoud Barzani's intelligence apparatus would be involved in the secret intelligence war agenda against Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria, and what is known about secret operations is that they include intelligence gathering and carrying out assassinations and bombings.

- The role of the Saudi, Jordanian and Egyptian intelligence services in the region cannot be underestimated, and if we assume the weakness of the Egyptian intelligence because of its focus on the Gaza Strip, then the Saudi and Jordanian intelligence services are the most active in the region, and in this regard we refer to what was previously referred to by the American journalist Seymour Hersh on the secret war project that began to be implemented in the region with American planning, Saudi funding, and Lebanese implementation. Likewise, on the movements of Saudi intelligence in the region, we refer to what was reported by the Iraqi newspaper Al-Manar in its article titled “Israeli Officers in the Koraytem Square,” which dealt with the incident of the killing of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces officer, Wissam Eid, and specifically the statement of Major Samir Shehadeh (who fled to Canada). In which he said: “We refused to cooperate with Israel, so Wissam and I paid the price, and he paid for his life, and I also fled to Canada.” Then he added, “I have information that makes me accuse the Saudi intelligence led by Bandar bin Sultan of assassinating Major Wissam Eid, and I left Libna and fled to Canada.” Because Saad Hariri's group complained to me about the Saudi intelligence, which runs complex networks of Salafis who are able to carry out complex and dangerous operations in a professional manner because they think they are serving Al Qaeda. We will not go far, and we just wonder: Did Saudi intelligence and American intelligence, if they really carried out the assassination, succeed in proving and presenting evidence to America and Israel that the Amman-Riyadh axis is a real partner in the "war against terrorism"? Or has Masoud Barzani’s intelligence service succeeded in providing evidence to America and Israel that it is capable of providing more services and carrying out proxy war operations in the region, and what the United States and Israel have to do but rely on the separatist Kurdish movements as a real ally that enjoys strength and credibility in supporting efforts and promoting American interests – The Israeli threat from Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas?

We come to the Israeli Mossad, which is one of the strongest candidates, if not the main suspect in carrying out the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, and after the accusations issued by Syria, Hezbollah and Iran, the first indications of the credibility of the Mossad's accusation today came from within America itself, specifically The statement of former CIA officer Bruce Riedel, which was reported by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, and it should be noted that Riedel has worked as an intelligence advisor for Middle East affairs for three of the successive administrations. Riedel says that the evidence in the Damascus car explosion points to Israel and "proves that Israel has been able to infiltrate the Lebanese Hezbollah." Bruce Riedel spent thirty years serving the CIA and based on his previous experience in Middle East and South Asian affairs, Riedel said that the Israeli Mossad was behind the assassination, in addition to the fact that the Israeli Mossad had previously carried out similar operations in Syria. Riedel indicated that whoever was able to reach Imad Mughniyeh can necessarily reach Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, and of course, Hassan Nasrallah's name is also on the list of targeted assassinations of the Israeli Mossad. The Mossad has succeeded in recruiting many Lebanese, Palestinians and Jordanians, and certainly the possibility of using these elements in Arab countries is possible and guaranteed success for the Mossad not because of its extraordinary strength nor because of the weakness of the Arab security services, but because it is the factor of social harmony that plays a major role in providing the advantages of cover and freedom movement of these elements. Commenting on this, we wonder: Did the Israeli Mossad succeed in carrying out the assassination operation, relying on its own capabilities, or on its capabilities that it was able to build in the Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Kurdish, and perhaps Turkish and Saudi arenas? Currently, some parties are turning to criticizing the Syrian intelligence services and holding them responsible for failing to protect Imad Mughniyeh. Commenting on that, we say:

- If an Israeli infiltrated and carried out this operation, the matter would really be the responsibility of the Syrian intelligence, but when there are Palestinians, Lebanese, Jordanians, Saudis, Egyptians and Kurds working in the service of the Mossad, it is not possible, if not impossible, for the Syrian intelligence services to succeed. In controlling the situation, even the Lebanese Hezbollah itself is still making extraordinary efforts to avoid the danger of Lebanese elements affiliated with the Israeli Mossad, in a way that Hezbollah's security and intelligence efforts outweigh its military efforts in confronting Israel. It is known that there is not a single intelligence agency in the world that accepts carrying out any assassination within its scope outside the judicial sphere, and certainly the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus will not pass without accountability and no criminal or judicial investigation. And if it turned out that the one responsible for this assassination was Syria, it would have been possible to place part of the responsibility on the Syrian intelligence services, but if the one who carried out this operation was one of the Mossad agents deployed in the countries and regions that we referred to, then the responsibility cannot be placed on Syria and the Syrians. Nor has it happened that any security or intelligence agency in the world has been able to control the security situation by 100%, because absolute security does not exist in practice except in the “Paradise” that God Almighty preached to His righteous servants, and the data of practical experience indicate that even:

- The CIA and dozens of American intelligence agencies, whose annual budget is many times the size of the Syrian economy and the Syrian national income, could not prevent the events of September 11 and more than 2,000 American deaths in broad daylight and in the heart of New York City, specifically in the World Trade Center Which represents the symbolic power of the American and Western capitalist economy.

- The Israeli Mossad and other Israeli intelligence services were unable, despite the economic and technological capabilities and the support of satellites, to stop and prevent the Palestinian resistance elements from carrying out their armed operations inside Israel, the latest of which was the Dimona operation. Located a few kilometers from the site of the Israeli nuclear reactor and the arsenals of Patriot missile batteries equipped with unconventional warheads.

As for the latest Israeli reactions to the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, which the Israeli Mossad was most likely behind, there are multiple reactions, the most prominent of which is the leak reported by the Israeli Dikah website, which indicated an Israeli speculation that Tehran, Damascus and Hezbollah They are currently planning and preparing for retaliation and revenge against Israel for its assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, the military commander of Hezbollah. Are these parties really preparing for retaliation and revenge, or is the Israeli speculation just a media prelude to a new Israeli intelligence operation that includes the Israeli apparatus carrying out an operation against Israel and then blaming Syria And Iran and Hezbollah open the door to an Israeli military action that ignites the region? In other words, is the region facing a new summer that will start to be hotter this time, especially since a statement issued by the US intelligence today says that Iran has become capable of producing nuclear weapons!!

Hezbollah appoints a successor to Imad Mughniyeh

The Lebanese Hezbollah appointed a successor to its military commander, Imad Mughniyeh. The Associated Press quoted a Lebanese security official in southern Lebanon, who refused to disclose his identity, saying that the appointment took place shortly after Mughniyeh's assassination, refusing to disclose the name of the new military official. The new official is expected to take over the duties of supervising the party's well-trained fighters.

The Lebanese TV station LBC also confirmed the appointment of Mughniyeh's successor. A number of Hezbollah officials, including a number of the party's deputies in Parliament, refused to disclose the name of the new official for security reasons.

As-Safir newspaper, which is considered close to Hezbollah, said that Nasrallah appointed the caliph who would assume the presidency of the "Jihadi Council" that Mughniyeh used to occupy, and he is equivalent to the position of army commander in the regular armies.

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Sources: Agency


*Al-Nabaa Foundation for Culture and Media

