Home >without pilot >The Atlantic: This is how American special operations units have been made and worked
Jan 08By smartai.info

The Atlantic: This is how American special operations units have been made and worked

"The Atlantic" magazine published an article by writer Mark Boden, translated by "Arabi 21", in which he said that huge ships, strategic bombers, nuclear submarines, and heat torches "to protect aircraft from anti -missiles" and huge armies, are these images that reduce the image of the American power and absorb 98% ofPentagon budget.

However, on the other hand, there are the special operations forces that are surprising to their smallness, yet they are now responsible for many operations on the ground in areas with real problems around the world and led by the Special Operations Command or SOCOM, which belongs directly to the Minister of Defense, and it has obtained its central position insideThe American army, despite the resistance of its traditional army branches.

He said: "I saw myself the development of this special elite, so it was one of the first books of the book" The Fall of the Black Falcon "on the mission of the disastrous special operations forces in Somalia.Another book, "Guests of Ayatollah", on the American hostage crisis in Iran, which separated the failed but articulated rescue mission for special operations.

As well as a book that killed Pablo, about hunting the special operations of the head of the drug gang, Pablo Escobar, and the end book on the task of special operations to end Osama bin Laden.By choosing to write about these dramatic missions, I transferred special operations from driving corridors to the public square.

The leadership of special operations dating back to the hostage rescue team in 1979 was established to fill the difficult areas in the world, as these forces, whose members are chosen from the various forces from the naval special forces, the Delta forces, the vegetable hats and the air combat control units, are active in more than 80 countries and inflated to reachThe number of its members to 7,500 people, including civil contractors.

It performs offensive operations such as those that took place in Syria in 2019, during which the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr Al -Baghdadi.Done -made aircraft attacks such as those she carried out in Iraq in 2020 to assassinate Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani.It is also working to search for nuclear missile sites in North Korea.

And the use of traditional powers is similar to the use of heavy hammer.Special operations forces are like a Swiss army knife (multi -use).

Over the years, America has discovered the diversity of this knife.And the flexibility and efficiency of special operations proved that it is invaluable.

At the same time, the isolationism and elite of these units were born a culture with the elements that some of their leaders described as worrying, and in some cases showed contempt for the traditional values of America..

He pointed out that many SOCOC special operations driving work is done in secret.Most Americans are ignorant that they were active in a country until the announcement of the withdrawal of its forces.Or until a mistake occurs - as happened in Niger in 2017, when four soldiers were killed in an ambush -.

What raises attention is that the growth of special operations was urged by success and failure alike.It enables America to act abroad without the need for a comprehensive strategy.

Just as the invention of nuclear weapons in the 1940s put the leaders at stake regarding the identification of strategic and ethical necessities, and requires defining the uses of such weapons to think about a new way of the solid rules of democracy, the secret nature of special operations did not push the same accounts and may lead to a feeling that there is no need for a frameworkstrategic.

How did special operations occupy a central role in US military operations and even foreign policy?

There was an institutional aversion to a long time from the idea of a separate elite power, that force that acquires experience and talent and is the first in difficult tasks.

President John Kennedy disagreed with this tradition when he stood with green hats.It was a great idea that faded in Vietnam, as the initial use of green hats consultants - who did more than providing advice - turned into an all -out war, America was forced to deploy more than 500,000 American soldiers.The green hats, as an elite unit, were able to continue, but many ambitious army officers considered transportation to the Special Forces as a job killing.

Then the Iranian hostage crisis came in November 1979.Two days after Iranian students stormed the American embassy in Tehran, where senior American officers met in the "Dababa", an underground conference hall in the Pentagon, to consider how the army responded if President Jimmy Carter ordered him to act..

There was a so -called Delta power already on paper.She was a daughter of the ideas of Colonel Charlie Piceth, a drunkard officer and Anid, who served shortly with the British Air Service in Malaaya.

He moved long to create a similar multi -purpose commando unit within the American army to the point that it has alienated many in the Series of the Supreme Leadership of it, explaining the reason for his survival when he retires.

But in the mid -seventies, the great rescue mission topped the news headlines.A special Israeli unit stormed an airport in Anteby, Uganda, in 1976, and saved more than 100 passengers who were transported from a kidnapped plane..A year later, a special German unit rose up in the same thing in Mogadishu, Somalia.Bikwith's share increased suddenly.

When the Tehran embassy was seized, the Delta Force's force had not yet undertaken a mission, and the challenge was greater than any perception for it.

The rescue of dozens of American hostages from an enemy city in which they gathered regularly to chant "death to America", and is located hundreds of miles from any potential launching zone, similar to storming a parked passenger plane.But Carter wanted a military option.

"It is clear that we do not want to do so," said Major Luis Borus, a Picetyet operating officer, who is in the tank..The summary was clear: We are not ready.

A few months later, they had to be prepared, there were no options in front of Carter.A new plan has been developed, but in a more traumaticly reasonable way.

Where the helicopters will deliver the Delta team to Tehran and then transfer the team and the hostages who were rescued from a sports stadium near the embassy.

They will all be transferred to a believer airport by a division of the army.The name of the operation was the punishment for the punishment, but it was unable to overcome the first obstacle - reaching Tehran.

The only large helicopters cannot be provided enough for this task with fuel while flying, so the helicopters had to have a complex night meeting in the Iranian desert with fuel -carrying planes.An accident at the site of the landing led to a fiery ball that killed eight soldiers.

The task is still one of the most insulting failures in US military's records - a failure has become a motivation to expand special operations.

An investigation known as the Holway Committee found that the Pentagon was not regrettable to carry out bold, shared and accurate tasks.

He revealed a disabled deficiency in cooperation between different branches and government institutions.Esperance planners had to obtain plans for the embassy complex in Tehran.

The marine pilots who drive helicopters across the desert did not even make the exercises requested by the planners.

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The Holway Committee recommended the establishment of the Joint Special Operations Command, as it became known.Once created, JSOC was treated like the son of the poor husband, where no one wanted to do it.

In the end, a team of 70 employees was sent to the Prague Base to deal with administrative work.The group was granted the Delta force, a team from the Special Navy.Special operations helicopter unit has been created.

But the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) relied on random financing and relied on a chain of incompatible leadership for tasks.

In October 1983, President Ronald Reagan ordered the invasion of Greenada after the fall of its government, the killing of its leader, Maurice Bishop, the rescue of 600 American medicine students at the University of St. George on the island.

Saving the hostages was the focus of its main focus, and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) was a major player in the invasion, which ended quickly.

It was celebrated as a great success by the White House.But within the army, it was seen as a source of embarrassment.

General Thomas, who is now 62 years old, had an interlocutor entered with the first wave.He said that Grenada's invasion was "clowning offer".

JSOC had to rely on tourist maps mostly, because military topographic maps were not available.Four of the Special Navy drowned on a survey mission before the invasion.

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It was known that the Cuban and the Guardians were present on the island, but no one knew exactly where or how many weapons they have or their type.

The different teams were unable to work together because of the inability to communicate as the radio frequencies were not coordinated.Thomas admitted, "We were lucky because we did not face the elite team.".

The disaster in Iran led to the leadership of joint special operations.The errors in Greenada led to the leadership of the US SOCOM, thanks to the auspices sponsored by Senator Sam Nun and Senator William Cohen. Special operations got their own management and special budget.

Its annual budget today is about 13 billion dollars, and it constitutes 2% of all military expenses (almost equals the cost of building a aircraft carrier).

Nun-Kohn's SOCOM amendment also granted influences.From then on, he has headed four stars or princes, and her mission began to expand.

In 1987, Stavidis was an associate and a pilot of Tarrad stationed in the Persian Gulf and part of the Ernest Whale operation, the largest mission of marine convoys since World War II.

She was guarding Kuwaiti oil tankers, which served as a lifestyle of Saddam Hussein, who was in a seven -year war with Iran - and with the support of America, his future enemy.

The carriers were hunted by the Iranian forces.Special operations teams used American ships as platforms to disable and face Iranian attacks.

Special operations sparkled in Panama's invasion in 1989, which was the operation that went smoothly as Greenada walked badly.

The Delta team has set the place of dictator Manuel Noriega, and helped his arrest and bring him to America for trial on charges of drug smuggling and money laundering.

Thomas was then commander of the goalkeeper.He described the process as a "Panama Graduation Ceremony" for joint leadership.The leaders began finding new uses for special operations.

In 1990, when Saddam Hussein occupied Kuwait and the traditional war was on the verge of calamity, Israel threatened to search for the places of Scad missile that Saddam was fired from it from mobile platforms in the large Iraqi desert and destroyed it..

America feared that the Israeli intervention would anger the Arab countries and affect the alliance.The Chief of Staff, General Kulin Powell, asked General Win DongondThe rocket caravans, and the question that was then asked is whether these raids destroy the real missiles or the deceptive missiles that Saddam was deploying.

However, those forces photographed their operations and found that within days they had begun to achieve results in the destruction of Saddam's missiles, and the search and destruction operations became a SOCOM specialties..

In December 1998, Thomas had another task.In the closed back of a truck near the village of Farasani in northeastern Bosnia.

He was with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and he was leading the Square of Delta and the mission tracked Radislav Cristvich, the Serbian leader who was one man in the Yugoslav wars, to which an indictment was charged a month before the International Criminal Court of Yugoslavia, in The Hague.

The Thomas unit was watching Cristic for several days using a helicopter with a high -speed camera that feeds the live photos of Sony TV in Thomas's bosom.

His truck was hidden in a forest, about 200 yards from a road known that Cristic will use him.Special German forces have provided an ambush - a network made of a strong and flexible rubber material that can capture even a speeding vehicle.

When a Cristic's car approached, a Russian convoy approached first, then a military vehicle - a local police.Finally, a school bus entered the picture.

Finally, Thomas watched on the school bus surpassing the ambush area, so he ordered the launch of the network and captured a vehicle without accidents.

Thomas's colleagues were then disintegrated, telling him that he needed the entire Delta team to arrest a single man with one man.

Live video nutrients were just the beginning.When Stanley Macriles took responsibility for the leadership of joint special operations, in 2003, the American invasion of Iraq had passed eight months..

Special operations teams were still chasing Saddam and other "high -value targets" when a new enemy appeared, Abu Musab Al -Zarqawi, whose followers were blowing up bombs in crowded places, attacking American soldiers, kidnapping "infidels" and beheading in horrific videos posted on the Internet.

Macristal was known as strict and very disciplined and turned his team into the most efficient hunting and killing force in the world, and a model for the entire driving, so he reshaped the leadership of joint special operations..

He realized that the ability to dig information - audio files, video files, maps, texts, email messages, phone calls and documents - can be directed quickly towards the target.

Despite the resistance of the military establishment and the leadership leadership itself, he continued to develop its tools, sometimes using civil contractors.

His team, using the technology, ended Zarqawi himself in an air strike on his hideout in northern Baghdad in June 2006.

But the rebellion continued and eventually turned into the Islamic State.The successful efforts of McCristal were noticeably a lesser factor in reflecting the direction of the war from General David Petraeus in 2007.

But what Macristal did is to give US Special Operations Command (SOCOC) a stunning new tool.

Special operations have turned from teams that land from silent helicopters to carry out operations to an integrated network of intelligence information and attacking forces.

It also became one of the most prominent special operations..

A team of the Special Navy penetrated the Pakistani defenses and attacked the complex in which he lived.Thomas was the deputy commander in the operation led by Admiral William Macravin, who became the commander of the Special Operations Command later that year.

Despite his background in the leadership of the shooting teams, Macraphine encouraged the most softening side of the leadership - green hats teams of people who are perfect for local languages and culture.

This approach found approval from President Barack Obama, who was trying to eliminate emerging terrorist threats while lowering the levels of American forces abroad..

Small SOCOM units will run the battle against jihadist networks in Africa and Asia, and are mainly operating through the local armed forces.

And its intelligence network and air assets will give Kurdish, Iraqis and Syrian fighters an overwhelming advantage against ISIS.

Using SOCOM, America was still in the battle, but it was not in the forefront in public, and no longer bears the full burden.

This Obama has exposed political attacks under the pretext of "leadership from behind", which revealed a basic misunderstanding of the ongoing change.Obama was happy to keep the American forces under the radar, and he was keen to move when it was time.

Special operations leadership was very active during the Obama period - in addition to the large deployment operations in the Middle East, there were smaller units in Niger, Chad, Mali, South Korea, the Philippines, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru and dozens of other countries - the Pentagon was afraid of opening new main fronts.

When the youth movement in Somalia showed signs of its growing strength, there was some concern that Obama might want to interfere strongly.

But after hearing the military leaders, he said that first we do not know enough about the problem and a second may be the best we can do is cut the grass, that is, working calmly to manage the problem from its edges.