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The latest articles of the writer Share your opinion, Biden's strategy towards the Middle East, are violent riches

Foreign Policy Magazine published an article by writer Stephen Cook, in which he says that the White House approach to the Middle East is a single Bragmian approach, starting from Syria through Yemen, ending in Saudi Arabia..We show from the following.

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It is amazing that the US president has a strategy for the Middle East.This means that Biden and his advisers studied regional problems, how they intersect with the interests of America, what resources are available to the United States, and what are the costs of following a variety of policies.The result is a strategy that can be described as "merciless perglar".Therefore, it is no wonder why both human and right -wing human rights activists hate this strategy.Perhaps this harsh rifle is clear in the policies of the Biden administration in Syria and Yemen.Based on the president's statements during his candidacy for the White House, one expected him to play a more effective role in Syria.But Biden and Harris did not present in 2020 a detailed plan to deal with the civil war in Syria, instead the candidate spoke about the case and pointed to a strong approach.Biden attacked President Donald Trump for not understanding the geopolitical environment, explaining that Trump's intention to withdraw American forces from Syria will benefit the Assad regime and Iran, as well as let Israel depend on Russia for its security.But the campaign's letters are rarely in line with politics as soon as the president is sworn in!.Instead of the hard -line approach to Syria, which Biden referred to, it seems that it seems that the de -escalation of the escalation better serves a set of geo -strategic targets related to the Syrian conflict..The strategy in Syria is based on the conscience that President Bashar al -Assad has won because the Biden team believes that through reconciliation with this reality, the United States will have a better opportunity to provide Syria with the aid it needs, and to help the Lebanese people who suffer from poverty, and change relations with Russia (butIt seems that this end is far -reaching because of the Ukrainian crisis), and to remove Syria from Iran.To achieve these goals, the Biden administration did not criticize the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah when he called the Syrian President or when the UAE Foreign Minister visited him in Damascus in early November 2021.It seems that the Jordanian leader's plan to restore sovereignty and Syrian unity is in line with Biden's comprehensive view, although the White House did not agree to the king's plan.According to what was reported, American diplomats participated in efforts to establish the gas line to send Egyptian gas to Jordan and then to Lebanon via Syria, which provides relief to the Lebanese people who were forced to deal with intermittent electricity among many difficulties.This approach left the members of Congress from both parties, who sought to hold Assad accountable for the war crimes he committed, they wonder loudly about the reason for the Biden administration standing alongside the Arab countries, including Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Oman, Lebanon and Tunisia, in addition to the UAE, in addition to the UAE.United Arab and Jordan, to rehabilitate Syria.Initially, Biden's harsh bullies in Syria are in line with the American interests in combating terrorism, strengthening Israeli security, and human rights by searching for ways to increase the flow of aid..But does that approach address the root cause of the problem?of course no.Is the approach a cause of doubt?Yes, of course.Any observer must admit that Assad has never dealt with the issue of aid in good faith, and often do enough to keep his opponents in trouble while retaining the ability to continue the malicious policies.Accordingly, Biden's strategy may be bad, but at least has a strategy.••• Yemen is the other place where Biden Biden's cruelty is clear.Where there was a lot of anger among human rights groups and progressive members of the Congress when the Senate voted in favor of a $ 650 million weapons deal for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.The administration said that the sale was for "defensive weapons", but the opponents and opponents of the deal shouted.The Houthi group, which participates in taking responsibility for the suffering of the right people, says that its attacks with missiles and drones on Saudi lands are defensive.As the Saudis, who are also responsible for the suffering of the Yemeni people, say that their air strikes in Yemen are also defensive.This type of ambiguity is the one that contributes to the cruel Berglamet.Even the major critics of the Saudi war effort, such as Senator Chris Murphy (democratic from Connecticut), voted for the arms deal;Because, as he claimed, weapons to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will help the country defend themselves.But let us be clear, cut off the weapons supplies from the Saudis will not stop the war in Yemen, but may make it more difficult after some time, just as the conflict in Yemen will not end with a law of Congress..Biden administration policy is based on recognition that it is extremely difficult to turn Saudi Arabia into a pariah country.The prevailing opinion between the foreign policy analysts in Washington and the members of Congress is that there is an opportunity to change the relationship of the United States and Saudi Arabia;Because Riyadh needs more than Washington than Washington needs to Riyadh, and this fact gives the United States an influence.In a more clear phrase, the conflict in Yemen is terrible.However, when it comes to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Biden has another problem that worries about the free flow of oil and the ability of the Saudis to influence the price of that oil, and in return what American consumers pays..Analysts raised their concern about the stability of the Arabian Peninsula and the threats of strategic waterways such as the Strait of Mandab and the Red Sea as a result of the Houthi victory, especially given their prayers in Iran.All this is true and important, but in the context of arms sales, there is a need to obtain Saudi assistance (oil).Biden would like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pump more oil because it is killed politically due to inflation and high gas prices.For climate change activists, there will be no change in the energy scene at the speed or smoothness that the environmental protection advocates want until a cultural transformation occurs in the United States..In the sense of the need for Americans to stop the belief that they have a divine right in driving large trucks and four -wheel drive vehicles filled with cheap gas, and until this happens, Saudi Arabia will remain an important country for the United States of America.••• The elite of the saying, there is no heroic thing in the harsh pragmatism of Biden, but foreign policy often revolves around making morally suspicious decisions.However, the credit for Biden and his team is because they are involved in strategic thinking, unlike their critics - without a strategy!.

Prepared by: Yasmine Abdel -Latif Zarda