Home >without pilot >The benefits of self -driving cars on the environment
Jul 23By smartai.info

The benefits of self -driving cars on the environment

Expectations indicate that the future of transition to self -driving cars is almost completely very close. With the famous Autopilot feature from Tesla, a self -driving Google, the Uber from self -driving cars, and even whatApple is rumored, as self -driving vehicles are about to become an essential part of our daily life.

Beyond the fun of self -driving cars (where you can follow your favorite movie on Netflix while driving), there are many other social and environmental effects that make the future of cars without a driver exciting to the advocates of environmental protection..

This article takes a look at the positive jumps that will be achieved by self -driving cars in the future.But let's first take a look at what a self -driving car is.

What are self -driving cars?

Self -driving cars, they are compounds that do not require man to control them manually, you do not need to put your hands on the wheel, and in some cases, there is no driving wheel to catch them.

Driver -without cars are available in a few different shapes today, which range from fully self -driving (such as Google) to self -driving technology with the help of the driver that only requires the driver to control the car for some time (for example "automatic navigator" in Tesla).

First of all, reduce emissions.

Most of the self -driving vehicles (and tested) today already operate with electrical energy already.

But however, unless your car battery is running with clean energy, you still indirectly contribute to emissions (although it is not as much as the fuel engine)).

Self -driving cars use a significant fuel and energy that is significantly less when driving, compared to the vehicle driven by a person.

Most fuel is burned in traditional cars when driving at high speeds, use of brakes, and excessively re -acceleration.

Self -driving vehicles exclude these factors from their driving style, which means burning less fuel or battery energy, which leads to reducing air pollution.

فوائد السيارات ذاتية القيادة على البيئة

ومن المتوقع أيضاً، مع تقدم تقنية السيارات ذاتية القيادة، أن ينخفض ​​وزن السيارات نتيجة تطوير بطاريات أخف وزنا، وتقليل الحاجة إلى تعديلات أمان ذات وزن كبير تضاف إلى السيارة، وهذا سيكون له أيضاً تأثير إيجابي على استهلاك الوقود أو الطاقة.

Reducing accidents

Most car accidents occur for human causes such as reckless driving, driver error, preoccupation with telephone conversations and text messages, or alcoholic drinks while driving.

It may be difficult for a person to make a decision in a second part of deviation to the right or left when the collision is imminent, but for a computer he conducted thousands of simulations (or has a collective driving experience for hundreds of thousands of similar accidents), the most secure path can be chosen immediatelyAnd avoid any collision.

For example, the video below shows how to avoid the Tesla Model S using automatic navigator a truck that interferes in its path that the human driver did not even notice:

Increasing the safety of self -driving vehicles will rescue countless human lives - whether in cars, bicycles or on foot - as well as saving animals that may collide with a car.

Reducing traffic congestion

In addition to gas emissions and smoky fog in cities, traffic congestion is generally a nuisance for most of the population.

In many cases, highways and streets in cities occupy large areas of land, and leaves only a few or non -existent space to allocate pedestrians, bikes or gardens..

The video show below shows the "Smart Traffic Model" system that researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

Traffic moves more stable, which opens new chances to re -plan the city in favor of pedestrians and green spaces instead of traffic flows..

The process of entering the city and leaving it will be easier with fixed traffic flows, and many people will not have to live in the city center next to their workplaces..

In conclusion.

Self -driving cars are undoubtedly a blessing of the planet, it will not only help reduce emissions, reduce human deaths, and allow urban planners to focus on green spaces more than roads, but will also provide a lot of time that can be used in more economic and social benefitsFor man and society.

Preparation and translation

Zahir Hashem

Disputing from Greneer Ideal