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Jan 30By smartai.info

The density of curricula topples the dreams of students in high terms

The intensity of the educational curricula this year formed a stumbling block that is not insignificant in front of teachers and students alike, and toppled, as parents see the dreams of their children in obtaining higher grades, as wellThe collective failure that afflicted some students.

Teaching bodies stressed the need to pay attention to the quality, not the quantity, demanding the ministry to remedy these notes by canceling and deleting what is not suitable for the Sunni level of students in a way that does not affect the structure of the curriculum, noting the need to stand on the feedback from the field, especially for the developed curricula and to determine the aspects of strength and support and aspectsWeakness to strengthen it, delete the unnecessary filling, and only the decisions that enhance students' research and cognitive abilities.

The Ministry of Education defended the curricula, confirming that it is suitable for the days of study and leave, as it was placed in a manner commensurate with the quorum of the teachers from the classes, noting at the same time that it is working on reviewing the curricula based on the field opinions of notes to serve the education development process in the state.

Curriculum specialists explained that the educational cadres have to develop flexible plans that are able to absorb the contents of the curricula and align them with the end of the classroom, and they stressed that the textbooks include concepts, which are the basis for moving forward to instill concepts in the minds of students, and the teacher can provide these concepts to students in a record time with what isIt is in line with the time specified for the study days.

Regarding the lessons that the teacher did not address and is included in the textbook and the size of the book, they pointed out that there are lessons under the name of self -reading that asks the student only to read, and another to solve the exercises for the student to benefit from them, and the additional lessons included in the book are they do not harm the student but rather enrich the educational processCognitive, skill, self -reading and enrichment student.And they considered the textbook as a comprehensive reference to the subject that includes information that benefits it in his scientific and practical life.


الدكتور حمد اليحيائي الوكيل المساعد لقطاع المناهج والتقييم في وزارة التربية والتعليم أوضح أن المناهج الدراسية صممت لتوافق الCapabilities الاستيعابية للطلبة في مختلف المراحل الدراسية وذلك وفقاً لدراسات مستفيضة أخذت بعين الاعتبار عند بدء تطبيق المناهج الدراسية الجديدة منذ بداية العام الدراسي الحالي والتي شكلت حجر الزاوية في المدرسة الإماراتية، إذ صممت المناهج بحيث تكسب الطلبة مهارات مواكبة لعصرهم وتجعلهم فيما بعد قادرين على التماشي مع التطورات المتسارعة التي يشهدها قطاع التعليم والتعلم ليس فقط على المستوى المحلي وحسب بل يتعدى ذلك إلى المستوى العالمي.

He pointed out that modern education has become based on the skills and the extent of the curricula's ability to provide students with them through the concepts and knowledge it containI saw modern global experiences in education in order to benefit from them in supplying education in the country with unique and pioneering models in the field of education.

And that the distribution of the curricula in the three classes was based on modern educational standards that took into account the ability of students to absorb their content in accordance with the timetable for the one -semester, as well as training educational cadres working in the field on how to provide the subject to students and focus on consolidating the skills they contain in the minds of studentsAccording to modern education methods based on the interaction and interaction away from the traditional education methods based on indoctrination and stuffing.

Taking into account the days of school

Al -Yahyahi stressed that the process of applying curricula takes into account the number of school days and leave, indicating that how to apply the curriculum and present it to students play an important role in conducive to the time of the end of schooling days with the size of the curriculum, which results in educational cadres to develop flexible plans capable of absorbing the contents of the curricula and aligned with the end of the classroom.

He added that absorbing the map of the concepts of any curriculum is the basis for proceeding with it, reaching his cultivation in the minds and perceptions of students, indicating that if the teacher realizes this, he can provide these concepts to students in a record time in line with the time specified for the study days.

He went on to say that the educational practice and its sober philosophy are based on the teacher and the extent of its ability to manage the time in a way that serves the curriculum in terms of access to the learning outcomes that were singled out by the various curricula, indicating that the Ministry of Education is working on reviewing the curricula based on the notes nominated that will serve the education development processIn the state to reach the era of knowledge -based economy.

He added that the curricula required in our educational system must be characterized by instilling the concepts of innovation, creativity and diversity in their presentation and cognitive value, noting that the wise leadership directed the need to develop education in general, which is a goal that we are working hard to achieve with all the available capabilities.

He explained that it is not necessarily that the student covers a hundred percent of the content and content of these scientific programs..

He pointed out that the lessons are based on the criteria of a subject and not on the book, and the additional lessons included in the book, as they do not harm the student but rather enrich the educational, cognitive, skill, self -reading and enrichment, explaining that the student wants to increase an additional side on a personal level.

studying plan

For her part, Zahra Al -Hashemi, Director of the Department of Early Childhood Curricula and the first grades, said: When developing the study plan in public education schools, a number of determinants include the age of learners, the number of academic subjects and the density of academic content in addition to the number of school days and distribution horizontally throughout the school year.

The study plan approved by the Ministry indicated the number of academic subjects of 7 subjects for the kindergarten stage in its first and second levels and by 22 lessons per week, while the number of subjects for grades (1-3) is 9 subjects and at 35 session per week.

And when distributing the weights of different subjects, the importance and intensity of the academic subject is taken into consideration, and the classes of the subject of the expected educational products for the agent of the learner cover the learner's age, with confirmation that the report of the subject of the subject notes the psychological and physical development of the learner.

Curriculum specialists work to distribute the vocabulary of the curriculum on the number of school days for each subject in each semester, through two systems controlling the curriculum application.The curriculum content is distributed in accordance with the separation time distribution plans, and these plans are of a detailed and temporal nature to comply with the number of school days for each semester..

While these plans are detailed through the implementation of daily study plans, which take a flexible form according to the status of the school day in terms of submission or delay.And when setting the quarterly plans for the article, the days of tests are calculated, whether these tests are short or final tests.

In her question about the failure to complete the curricula according to the plans established and specified in time, she replied sometimes that some teachers do not complete the curriculum or speed up its completion according to the subject schedule, and unexpected conditions may occur from disrupting the study, whether for emergency or force conditions, and in this case the curriculum management works onThe deportation of the subject that was not studied for the next semester wherever possible, and in some cases some lessons can be deleted and that is related to central decisions.

She said that the process of composing or aligning curricula is based on specific learning outcomes within the general framework of national learning standards, which requires the teacher to cover all learning outcomes, and the teacher can dispense with some activities if the learner is able to target the target learning output, but there are cases of delay in the curriculum implementationIt is due to the lack of adherence by some teachers to the schedules specified by the curriculum management, due to the expansion of the completion of all educational activities related to a unit or a lesson, and this comes as a matterTo accustom learners to rely on themselves in learning and thus leave some activities for learners in order to search and investigate themselves.

And it added that the developed curricula applied by the ministry takes a spiral form that observes the knowledge development of the learner and relieves a sufficient space for the process of recovering and reminiscent of the cognitive subject, and therefore the learner can correct what he missed and here lies the importance of the teacher’s understanding of contemporary education philosophy that focuses on a facilitating role for the teacher, participating and interacting with the learner and moving away from the learnerTraditional indoctrine methods that look at the learner as a tool to receive and retrieve the academic content.

Challenges and notes

To that, the Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Media Committee of the Federal National Council revealed the completion of the preparation of a report on the "Ministry of Education policy", which is expected to be discussed under the dome of the Council during the next few weeks, as the Council has corresponded with the Ministry of State for Federal National Council affairs,In it coordination with the government regarding discussing the issue.

Naama Abdullah Al -Sharhan, head of the Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Media Committee of the Federal National Council, indicated that the committee has completed the discussion episodes for discussing the topic of "the policy of the Ministry of Education", which reviewed the most prominent challenges and observations that students, teachers and teachers face in the educational field, and the committee prepared a reportTo discuss the council soon, noting that it was observed during the discussions the density of curricula and its lack of proportionality with the period of time, which constitutes a major challenge for students, teachers, schools and parents..

Al -Sharhan said that the report took into account the observations of the participants and the responses of the Ministry of Education regarding the observations, "noting that the participants put forward their opinions and proposals on all the challenges and obstacles that concern them in the educational field in front of the committee members, and they spoke transparently about more than 25 challenges that impede the process of developing the educational system,And achieving the required success in its career, most notably the lack of activities that attract students in school.

كثافة المناهج تطيح بأحلام الطلبة في المعـدلات المرتفعة

She emphasized that the council will adopt recommendations regarding the density of curricula and reconsider the matter, expressing its appreciation for the relevant efforts made by the Ministry of Education in order to improve the educational system, noting that the final committee's report on the subject of the ministry’s policy includes several axes, most notably the functional burdens and the well -being of the teacher and the studentAnd the educational director.It also stressed the importance that the Federal National Council attaches to educational issues since its establishment, so the sixteen legislative classes of the Federal National Council discussed many educational issues and issues as well as issues related to the educational field, and came out with many recommendations that are all in the interest of developing the education system to reach levelsInternational.

Collective failure

For its part, Aisha Salem bin Samnouh, a member of the Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Media Committee of the Federal National Council, affirmed, touched through dialogue sessions and field visits to schoolAlso, they did not train enough for the new curricula, which put the educational system in front of a major challenge.

Bin Samnouh indicated that the academic year in the UAE is 170 academic days, and after the official leave and satisfactory leave for students, the number of days shrinks between 120 to 140 days, but the current curricula require more than 300 academic days annually as is applied inChina and Japan.

"We know that the change is a government demand, but before the application of new curricula, the Ministry of Education should put it on a specific segment and derive the negatives and positives and work to modify them before it is imposed on a matter of all students and teachers, which resulted in (collective failureAnd schools "No one" that the UAE has not known before.

National expert

Aisha Salem bin Samnouh, a member of the Education, Culture, Youth, Sports, and Information Committee, stressed the need to review the matter of the "foreign expert" and the use of a "citizen expert", saying: The educational system does not need foreign experts, but rather needs citizens experts, and we are ableTo produce strong curricula that make generations that compete globally ».

Aisha bin Samnouh added, "This is in addition to the difficulty of the exams that have become ambiguous, and it is not reasonable that the exam is to be to the point of outperforming the level of students, which constitutes great concerns for students, teachers and parents.".


The Ministry of Education has included the basics of looking forward to the future in educational curricula in a simple way in which the rational leadership is looking to make education more effective by touching the reservoirs of need to the continuous development that keeps pace with modern developments, and in a manner consistent with the growing need to provide students with the skills of the 21st century, not to mentionAbout familiarity with science and knowledge to achieve educational outcomes that enjoy a high degree of science and knowledge.

Private classes

Students in government and private schools complained about the return of the phenomenon of private lessons, whose market recently decreased significantly, and considered it in light of the lack of time and the inability of the schools to complete the curricula in the required image is essential and necessary, regardless of their wages, which thrives significantly and rises in the pre -exam period to reach astronomical numbers.They expressed their fear, which they described as "the project" about the inability of the teaching bodies to finish explaining the curricula for the last semester..

An effort that exceeds our energy

A number of students said that the intensity of the curricula requires us an effort that exceeds our energy and our ability, as the time timing does not serve them for the large number of materials and its time proximity from the moment of the exam, and this explains the low results, which is an annual problem that we collide with, which means that the Ministry of Education must reconsider its study plan and timesExaminations and material content to be consistent and serve the axis of the educational process, which is the student, calling for the reduction of curricula in proportion to the school days, as well as reviewing the quarterly plans to take into account the allocation of space for activities and events.

Continuous development

The Ministry of Education has strengthened its strategic partnerships with leading and international bodies specialized in the field of educational content, and in proportion to the local aspect and national trends, which is therefore what will ensure a continuous development of our curricula

The process of developing the curricula came to keep pace with the global variables that have arisen in the field of modern knowledge and methods in communicating information to the student, and relying on innovation -based learning.

Electronic plan

The Ministry of Education has adopted an electronic study plan to work to guide and guide teachers in the processes of explaining the academic subjects and the academic content, and a plan has been prepared for each subject for all grades that were developed by the curriculum specialist and it was placed on the website of the Ministry of Education and teachers can follow up daily the study plan and benefit from it.

The Ministry invited the teachers to take advantage of the daily study plan.


There is no compatibility between content and age group

رأت مجموعة من الطالبات أن بعض المناهج الجديدة بحاجة إلى إعادة النظر في كثير من الوحدات التعليمية التي تتضمّنها، لأنه There is no compatibility between content and age group التي تستهدفها، مستشهدات بحالهن مع ا لمناهج الصعبة المكثفةالتي أصبحت عبئاً علىالفهم، فضلاً عن كونها عبئاً ثقيلاً علىالحفظ والمراجعة والتقدم بنجاح إلىالامتحانات.

The student, Afaf Anas and Kamel, said that the curricula are very dense and do not only need to memorize, but to understand, while students in the twelfth grade confirmed that their names were mentioned that in light of the data that resembled a time and intensity in the curricula, a state of great fear currently applies among students from low gradesConsequently, the general average is what undermines the chances of accepting them in the universities they dream about and the specializations they hope to register with, and they indicated that the mathematics curriculum, for example, for the eighth grade is very difficult and does not fit with their Sunni levels.

وقالت الطالبات اللاتي يعتبرن حالتهن مطردة في زميلاتهن الطالبات على مستوى الدولة: من الضروري عند العمل على أي محتوى في أي منهج أن تراعى فيه Capabilities الطلبة الإدراكية والبناء على المخزون المعرفي السابق.

School manager:

The accumulation of materials threatens the benefit of students

Sember Mahmoud, Director of Tarim High School in Sharjah, expressed his great fear of students' consumption of materials in a fast, in -depth and in -depth way to ensure success due to the intensity of the curricula..

And he considered that this situation is an unhealthy situation at the educational level because it comes out generations that are not suitable for creativity and innovation, but rather striving to accomplish courses in any way and apply to exams just to obtain the required successful mark, which restores the educational situation to the traditional education box away from the evolutionary development and whichThe wise government seeks it, and the youth call it.

The director of the Tarim High School said that students' abuse with the subjects under the worker of the remaining period of time makes the real benefit vary between one student and another, pointing at the same time to the need to organize the time plan for the materials, with the aim of avoiding the teaching staff falling into the problem of the end of the separation without completing the decisions.

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