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The North Korean president imposes a "nuclear" presence in the international arena

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Seoul -ten years after his young man's arrival to power, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has gained sophistication and expertise, and he may challenge the Western powers for decades for future decades thanks to his nuclear arsenal, according to analysts..It is expected that Kim remain in power for several decades if his health status is allowed to do so, because his fate is not determined by elections or a certain number of the permissible states, unlike most of his counterparts.The progress made in the past decade, according to the experts, indicates the future path of the country, between isolation and the development of nuclear technology, which will allow the North Korean leader to impose itself on the diplomatic scene alongside the strongest world leaders."He is unable to feed people, but he is able to keep his political system alive" thanks to his weapon, "and this is more important to Kim.".Kim Jong Un brutally imposed his authority after the death of his father Kim Jong Il on December 17, 2011, so his aunt's husband, Jang Song Tai, executed in 2013 on charges of treason..He was also accused of issuing the order of the assassination of his half -brother Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur Airport in 2017 by toxic nerve gas..In parallel, Kim Jong Un conducted four nuclear tests and the process of launching ballistic missiles in 2017 that could reach the entire territory of the United States, defying the sanctions of the UN Security Council that is getting strictly striking.He adopted a severe speech against former US President Donald Trump for months, which raised fears of an armed conflict on the Korean peninsula..He announced later the North Korea nuclear arsenal "complete".In 2018, Kim Jong Un became the first North Korean leader to meet an American president during his term, at a summit held in Singapore with the help of South Korean President Moon Jae in peace in the region.This meeting was mainly available in the opinion of Su Kim, the Pyongyang nuclear arsenal.Soo Kim considers that "North Korea's development is its weapons program and the credibility of the nuclear threat and missiles, in addition to the alignment of the accidental leaders -Trump, Moon and Kim -, every that contributed to creating the necessary conditions.".In only one meeting, Kim Jong Un was forty years old, who was forty years older than him, and Trump suddenly praised the "special link" that brings them together, but sometimes talked about the relationship of "love" with the leader of his title in the past with the cynicism of the "little missile man".In the same year, Kim spoke with the Korean president, the Jawwas, during a picnic and met several times with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the main supporter of North Korea..The professor of Korean studies at the University of Tuwtz Song-ion Lee believes that this development had an "attractive impact", explaining, "Here is the extremely funny, funny dictator, turning into a Mill's reformer to peace, an agent responsible for nuclear weapons and detention camps, may be ready to disarm nuclear arms“.However, this friendly atmosphere did not last long, as the second summit between Trump and Kim in Hanoi stumbled at the obstacle.Another meeting in the demilitarized region that separates the two Koreas failed to break the stalemate.-(AP)

9:39 م2021-12-15 شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتسابعبر البريد طباعة

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