Home >without pilot >The plane that provokes the anger of the Canadians, although it did not see the light
Jun 26By smartai.info

The plane that provokes the anger of the Canadians, although it did not see the light

Canada is famous for the aircraft capable of carrying out the difficult landing and the horrific takeoff that the body shills in rugged lands and jungle.In the thirties of the last century, Canada began the manufacture of aircraft designed in Britain to equip allied armies, among which was many of the most advanced warplanes at the time, such as the "Hker Horikan" fighter and the "Aphro Lancaster" bomber.

However, this did not meet the aspirations of the ambitious Canadian politicians and engineers, so they decided to take advantage of the skilled workforce and factories that were constructed during the war to establish the best aircraft manufacturing sector in the world.This new generation of Canadian leaders is tired of manufacturing aircraft designed by other countries and determined that Canada will design its planes themselves.The "Afro" company for the manufacture of Canadian aircraft, which was established after the war, contributed to these aspirations.

The engineers of "Afro" were freed from the traditional methods of thinking of engineers in competing companies, and they were able to design jet fighters, passenger planes, plane dishes, and even previous space planes for their era, and placed Canada in the ranks of the leading countries in the era of the new jet aircraft.

These engineers have proven that small countries, such as Canada, are able to compete in the track of advanced technological industries, although persuading the Sassaians to finance their projects was not easy.

In 1957, 14,000 people gathered to see a huge aircraft barn on the outskirts of Toronto opening its doors to remove a wonderful, bright white plane with a triangular wing, the "Afro Arrow" interceptor plane.This plane was longer and more width than the European fighter "Typhoon", its speed reaches 1,500 miles per hour, and it has the ability to reach larger speeds.

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Canada has invested 250 million Canadian dollars (now equivalent to about $ 1.58 billion) in this project to become a great power force.

The "Arrow" project was a boom in the world of aviation, as the company unleashed engineers to manufacture a plane that achieves record numbers without sacrificing any of its other characteristics.However, the Canadians soon realized that the aircraft industry, in the era of the fastest aircraft, became expensive, and that only a handful of countries could implement it, and Canada was not one of them.

On February 20, 1959, the president of the "Afro" airline announced a hearing from thousands of factory workers that the newly elected Canadian Prime Minister John Devinbaker canceled the entire "Arrow" program.At the end of this day, the company had 14,500 skilled employees, and many of them immigrated to work in companies in the United States.

32 engineers of those who were released from "Afro" played decisive roles in the Apollo program launched by NASA satellite agency.

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Kane Barring, the engineering painter of the project, was annoyed when he heard the decision to cancel the work on the "Afro Arrow" plane, as well as many Canadians, and when he was asked to destroy the designs and plane plans, he hid it in the cellar of his house, and his nephew found them only last year.

This discovery revived the hopes of the Canadians with another miracle, as if one of the planes that did not appear appear.

In a shocking step for the Canadians, all the initial models of the "Arrow" plane were damaged in front of the factory, and this moment documented a black and white image that still raises sorrow and sorrow in the hearts of Canadians.

It did not pass three years until the "Afro" aircraft company collapsed and about 50,000 workers lost its job.

"It rarely finds a country related to this limit with a plane that has not seen the light. The Canadians have a feeling of sorrow for lost opportunities, and many of them see that Canada, despite its lack of residents, has the spirit of innovation that helps itAchieving goals that exceed their size and financial capabilities in many areas, which was and limited to them.

Amy Shera Tittle, the Canadian spacecraft historian, says that the Canadians are passionate about everything related to Canadian culture and history, and the "Arrow" project was a revolutionary, as the speed of the plane was equivalent to the speed of American aircraft.Then the unjustified decision was issued to cancel the project without warning.

The conspiracy theories between the Canadians spread and many of them blamed their southern neighbor for the failure of the project, but the truth is that advanced defensive projects were expensive, according to Joe Colls, the owner of a blog on flying, and cannot be implemented without the support of the state.

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Gregory says that the cost of the program at the time of cancellation was 250 million Canadian dollars, and this amount in the fifties of the last century was tremendous, and the project would need additional millions, and for this the decision to cancel the project was taken in order to save expenses.

The "Afro" company was the result of the British strategy for the distribution of aircraft and tank production and other war hardware in separate areas in preparation for the Second World War.During the war, the company made the most famous planes such as "Hooker Horikan" and the "Lancaster" launcher.

When the Allied victory became imminent, Canadian Minister of Ministers Clarinis Decaator Hawi announced the importance of taking advantage of this opportunity to establish a Canadian aircraft sector.In 1949, Afro's engineers produced the "Afro-C-102" jet plane, the first Canadian jet plane and the second jet plane in the world.One year later, they unveiled the first "CF 100 Cannok" jet fighter.

Efro's secret group developed a plane in the form of a vertical flying plate, and another group developed a manufactured vehicle to reach the edge of the space.A feasibility study was conducted on the manufacture of a faster than the Atlantic sound plane.

Randal Weklam, a history professor of the Royal Military College in Canada, says that Afro has achieved a precedent change and played a pivotal role in achieving Canada's aspirations to become the center of the aircraft industry in the world.

In 1950, the Cold War intensified after North Korea invaded the south.Hawi asked "Afro" to cancel the jet project and give priority to the manufacture of the Kanok fighter.

In 1954, the Canadian Royal Air Force published the specifications required for a new fighter.The Afro plant began manufacturing the "Arrow" plane, but soon it was proven that the project requires superior scientific knowledge and exceeds the ability of Afro to manage it and the government to finance it.As this interceptor plane was supposed to fly and fire the shells at an altitude of 50 thousand feet, its speed exceeds 1.5 Mach, bearing the harsh environmental conditions in the Arctic region and flying long distances.

To achieve these goals, Afro engineers have devised the first computer control system to replace traditional manual control, and as a shipping computer that uses data that speaks first.One of the companies affiliated with the Afro Group was designed, a strong, light and faster new engine, and the new "Astra" program for weapons and new shells was developed to benefit from the capabilities of the plane.

The "Arrow" plane was so sophisticated that Canada did not possess the necessary facilities and equipment to try it, and then the engineers were forced to conduct their experiments at the fastest vehicle research center of the audio consulting committee.American engineers were surprised by the skill of their Canadian counterparts and the development of their plane, and it was barely long until the Air Navigation Consultative Committee turned into NASA satellite agency in 1958.

"The fighter" Arrow "was highly performance and used advanced technology, and its designers did not agree to sacrifice any of its characteristics to reduce expenditures."

Engineers used to manufacture the preliminary models of the plane, methods of widespread production that were not used before, and the plane was supposed to be completed only 28 months after drawing it on paper.

At a time when the project was canceled, five preliminary models of the plane were flying in the air.There were proposals to develop models from the "Arrow" plane with a speed of 3 Mach or 5 Mach at the graphics table, as well as models that can be launched from a high launch platform.

The Devinbaker government ordered the dismantling of all preliminary models, despite receiving offers from the United States to buy all complete planes and asked Britain to use some aircraft to research in the field of fastest aircraft.The Astra weapons system met the same fate of the plane.The government gave Britain one of the plane engines to help it in the fastest sounding project.

However, NASA did not waste the opportunity, and after the project to cancel the project, I called the engineers of "Afro", and 32 of them worked on projects such as "Mercury", "Jimini" and "Apollo" satellite.

Tittle says that a large number of engineers from Afro participated in the group in charge of managing the NASA's manned space missions, and laid the foundations of the NASA spacecraft center.

It was rumored shortly after the "Aro" project was canceled that one of the pilots smuggled one of the first models of the plane for fear of destroying it.By comparing images of the initial models' destruction in front of the factory, the "RL-202" model of the photos was observed.

Canadian writer John Collod, who lives near the station, stated that he heard the sound of the "Aro" take off on the announcement of the cancellation of the project.

After discovering some traces of the "Arrow" plane in the UK, some questioned whether the smuggled plane had settled in the United Kingdom.One of the eyewitnesses stated that he saw a plane that matches the "Arrow" specifications in the 1960s at the British Royal Air Force base in Kent County.

Perhaps Ken Barnes was not the only employee to escape an invaluable, "Afro" company.After losing his job in the company, Barnes worked in the Canadian team, which designed the NASA spacecraft.

Gregory says that American companies were designing huge numbers of aircraft based on contracts with the American government, which had enough money to finance these projects during the Cold War.But the Canadian government was unable to finance the "Afro" projects until it remains until the 1980s or even the sixties of the last century.

But the only aspect of Canada's vision during World War II is that Canada now has the fifth largest air and space sector in the world.

You can read the original topic on BBC Future