Home >without pilot >The Polisario War in Western Sahara: Design to the defeat of Morocco despite the ghost cities and missiles
Jan 27By smartai.info

The Polisario War in Western Sahara: Design to the defeat of Morocco despite the ghost cities and missiles

The British "Middle East Eye" website, in a report, shed light on the conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front, noting that the movement is determined to defeat the Moroccan army - but it risk where the Kingdom's technology and the capabilities of the army be superior to it.

Western Sahara Paradise

According to the report, the Western Sahara, which is controlled by the "Polisario", was a paradise, a calm land and a boundless sky..Today, this silence is broken by a missile attack, in the latest raid in a year of intermittent conflict between the Polisario and Morocco.

The Sahrawi army, affiliated with the Polisario Front in Morocco, announced yesterday that new attacks on Moroccan army gatherings, at separate points from the separation sandwall.

"We are fighting to liberate our land from the Moroccan occupation," said Mohamed Salem, commander of the battalion, who leads the operation..

It is noteworthy that the Polisario -controlled Sahara is a country that is barely recognized known as the Democratic Arab Republic.

It is located in 20 percent of the Western Sahara, which the movement extracted from Morocco and Mauritania after the exit of Spain, the colonial power in 1975.

During the past decade, the Polisario has been keen to encourage some of the people of 176,000 Sahrawi refugees living in camps on the border in Algeria to settle in this small piece of the desert..

This land was far from the war and the ongoing conflict - as more than 10,000 people lived in an area of about 53,000 square kilometers, which is an area the size of Greece.

But then the Polisario announced the war on Morocco and began evacuation.

"Hundreds of families lived here, but more than 90 percent of people have now returned to the camps," says Mohamed Beja, the Polisario military commander, but more than 90 percent of people have now returned to the camps, ".

Sahrawi scheme for attacks on the dirt curtain

Since the start of the ceasefire in 1991, Morocco began to develop the towns and cities of Western Sahara and work to stabilize its citizens there.It earns support from several African countries and the Trump administration on his demand for the region.

The natural resources of Western Sahara and its main urban centers and the coast are all under the control of Morocco or rather occupied, according to international law.

Meanwhile, the Sahrawi refugees waited for the promised referendum on independence that never came, and they were in a dilemma of the forgotten camps in a corner of the arid Algerian lands..

Also read: “Ribelion“: Morocco intensifies its human rights attacks in Western Sahara, amid the silence of Spain

Where the weather there is crazy in the summer and a fate during the winter, and a few fresh products make their way to these settlements run by the Polisario.

It is not surprising, then, that the news about the collapse of the ceasefire agreement was warmly by the majority of the Sahrawis in the Tindouf camps and the "liberated lands".

The Middle East Eye report continued: “For those who fought in the 1975-1991 war.There was an opportunity to restore the previous glory.For young people.The resumption of the conflict was an opportunity to write their own history.“

ونقل الموقع شهادات حية من هناك، وذكر التقرير أن “مالفوث حميد“ وهو عازف الطبول البالغ من العمر 30 عامًا.He fought within the Polisario forces, in the skirmishes that followed the outbreak of the clashes at the southern border point of Wuirat, where the current round of hostilities began.

Armed with Kalashnikov rifles and mortars

"I was proud to start the war. إنها مفيدة لجميع الشباب“.

Armed with Kalashnikov rifles and mortars, Hamid and dozens of other soldiers launched attacks on Moroccan bases along the sandy wall.

It is a forty -length of 2700 km, most of which is made of sandy walls that removed the Polisario from 80 percent of Western Sahara.

He says: “Initially, we were approaching the wall and firing our Kalashnikov rifles to cause the base disorder.Then the soldiers fired mortars.“

مضيفا:“كان لدينا شغف لاقتحام القاعدة ولكن قيل لنا أن نبقى في الطابور.We have promised that the appropriate attack will come later. لكن في الوقت الحالي تسبب قذائف الهاون أكبر قدر من الضرر“.

"You can see that all generations have a passion. هذا يعني أن جميع الصحراويين يأخذون الحرية على محمل الجد“.

Military Polisario bases can be found from time to time - groups of blocks and blankets - at safe distances from the dirt curtain.

وفي المنطقة المحيطة بـواحة “محيرس“، تشكل الكثبان الرملية الواسعة التي تحميها تلال الرماد الصخرية المكان المثالي.The sand here is free of stain.

"We hit the wall every few days to keep the Moroccans on alert.This fixed situation tires and frustrates them, when we attack a base.“

وتعتقد البوليساريو أنها تسبب “خسائر بشرية ومادية“ للمغرب، رغم أنها عندما تهاجم من بعيد يصعب تحديد ذلك.

وقد انطلقت أكثر من 1600 “عملية قتالية“ خلال العام الماضي.Most of them in the north in the Al -Mahbas area.

Then there is a psychological impact on the Moroccan forces, and according to the Polisario Front, last year witnessed a prison sentence of three to ten years on fleeing fighting on charges of fleeing from the battlefield.

The movement said that about 114 soldiers were tried in October, with the same charges.

وامتنعت وزارة الخارجية المغربية مرارًا عن الرد على هذه المزاعم عندما سألتها “ميدل إيست آي“ بشأنها.

حرب البوليساريو في الصحراء الغربية: تصميم على هزيمة المغرب رغم مدن الأشباح والصواريخ

The veterans of the Polisario Front

The Polisario military leaders maintain their papers close to their issuance.Leaders refuse to reveal the number of men in their units.Not to mention the death toll during the fighting in general. يُعتقد أنهم أكثر من اثني عشر شخصًا، وجميعهم مدفونون على ما يبدو في “الأراضي المحررة“.

The leadership boasts that the Sahrawis return from the diaspora in large numbers to fight.And many soldiers in the sixties and seventies of the age of life and others are much smaller.

Salem, the battalion commander, says: “I have the youngest soldier in my 15 -year -old unit..“

As for the equipment, the Middle East Eye has been told that the Polisario soldiers possess all kinds of weapons. من الكلاشينكوف إلى الأعلى فالأعلى“.

Also read: In the face of the failure of its diplomacy in Western Sahara: Rabat buys weapons despite their economic impotence!

At the temporary base of Al -Muhairz, a 23 -mm anti -aircraft cannons are shown bragging until one of them collapses during a training exercise.

There are locust missiles and mortars in the Polisario possession as well.And some tanks dating back to the Soviet era and even individual drones, and the handicrafts of the amateurs that were adapted to military matters.

Despite Morocco's hostile relations with Algeria, Algeria is unlikely that Algeria will provide the Polisario with new equipment.

"All equipment dates back to the late eighties and early 1990s..They were not really able to secure anything else after that.The Algerians are hesitant to provide them with any new types of equipment..

The Moroccan army is one of the strongest armies of Africa

On the other hand, Morocco has one of the strongest armies in Africa.

Fabiani says: “This is a country that invests in its defensive facilities, especially in Western Sahara, for decades.So they have detection equipment, radars, drones, and all types of facilities along the sandy cover.“

Adding that they can "locate a unit from more than 50 km away.There is no need to wait until they approach the earthy curtain..

Polisario fighters indicate that they were always superior.Despite the Moroccan military superiority, the movement achieved remarkable successes in the 1975-1991 war, especially during the early years.

At that time, the Sahrawis' knowledge of the land was an countless balance, the Polisario fighters will go out and disappear as desired..

This knowledge did not end, as the Sahrawi soldiers are still moving unabated across the desert at night without lights or roads, guiding the stars on top and stones at the bottom.But technology has now exceeded this feature.

Ali Mohamed is a man with a round face and a square hat, and after years of studying in Havana, he speaks Spanish, he remembers well the last conflict, and despite optimism, he is realistic about the challenges faced by this new millennium.

قال لموقع Middle East Eye: “يمكنني القول إنني بصراحة خائف للغاية عند مهاجمتي للمغاربة“.

مضيفا:“لدي فقط كلاشينكوف عندما أصور في القاعدة، ولديهم كل هذه التكنولوجيا الجديدة.The most horror is drone..

Fear of Moroccan drones

Morocco has Turkish and Chinese combat aircraft, and it has also concluded an import deal with Israel.The Kingdom insists that it does not use its drones or surveillance aircraft east of the sandy wall.

But the Polisario indicates various accidents it says as a result of drone strikes.The first and the second were in April, 13 days, but both were near the Erney River in the Tifariti region, northeast of Western Sahara..

In the alleged first blow, except Al -Bandeer, the Polisario Commander.The loss was a sharp.“It was one of our best.In knowledge, experience and technical ability, “Piga says.

Then in August, the Polisario accused Morocco of targeting a convoy of civil trucks with a drone blow.Bega says the missile hit the rear of a truck.The three passengers fled from the foreground.

Today, its burning wreck is located in the triangle of the region where the Western Sahara meets Algeria and Mauritania, preserved and isolated like the body of a tawal elephant to die..

يقول بيغا: “وجدنا شظايا الصاروخ داخل الشاحنة“.Our tests indicate that the drone was almost certainly Israeli.“

Mee was unable to verify this claim independently.

Algerian anger on Morocco

وتابع تقرير “ميدل إيست آي“ أن هذه الحرب، إذا كان من الممكن بالفعل تسميتها حربًا، فهي منخفضة الشدة على أقل تقدير.Morocco refuses to recognize the collapse of the ceasefire.

With the progress of victories over Morocco, the most important victories of the Polisario during the past year were not in the battlefield, but in the corridors of power.

In September, the European Court of Justice sided with the Polisario Front and ruled that the trade deal between the European Union and Morocco was illegically ruled.

With humiliation, the fighting led to the stimulation of the Sahrawis, and Ibrahim Ghali, the Polisario president, suggested that negotiations be held to end the fighting, especially with the arrival of Stephen de Mistura, the new United Nations special envoy to the region.

Salem is 74 years old.He was born in El -Ayoun, the largest city in Western Sahara now under Moroccan control, and joined the Polisario at the age of 26.As a person who lived in war and peace, he is determined on the direction that the Sahrawis should take.

ويقول:“لا يمكن تحرير أرضنا دبلوماسياً.There is no point in negotiation.Thirty years old. ”.

He says.As desert fighters, the main thing is that we have hope.We know that if we do not take our land by force, we will never get it. ”.

The tensions between Algeria and Morocco are aggravated

The risk of escalation on the horizon, especially with the possibility of exacerbation of tensions between Algeria and Morocco.Algeria is angry with the mono -side movements of Morocco and its diplomatic successes in Western Sahara.

Algeria hopes that the appointment of de Mistura will increase the opportunity to reach a negotiating settlement.

For his part, a source in the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the Middle East Eye: “The issue of Western Sahara is the issue of colonization liquidation subject to the United Nations.Algeria has always defended the unusual right of Sahrawis in self -determination and condemned the Moroccan attacks..

Relations between Algeria and Morocco reached the bottom

But the relations between Algeria and Morocco - according to the report - have now reached the bottom. ففي أغسطس ، قطعت الجزائر العلاقات مع المغرب، مشيرة إلى “مناورات معادية“ بالصحراء الغربية، أدت مقتل ثلاثة جزائريين بالقرب من بير لحلو في نوفمبر، ما أدى إلى تفاقم الأمور.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Al -Wali Akki, Chief of Staff of the Polisario Army, threatened to expand operations outside the sandy wall.Polisario sources said that this may include targeting the Moroccan infrastructure and industry.

Source: (Middle East Eye - translation of a homeland)

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