Home >without pilot >The "salty drink" of America's new weapon to confront Russia and China
Oct 15By smartai.info

The "salty drink" of America's new weapon to confront Russia and China

Jeff Dyer from Washington, when historians write about technological innovation in the first half of this century, they are likely to pay special attention to the US Navy drone, called "X-47B" known as "salty drink".Two years ago, the self -driving plane wrote a new chapter in the history of flying when it landed on the roof of a aircraft carrier on its own - this happened without the help of a pilot from a distance.Last year, the uninhabited plane recorded another precedent when it was fuel from a fuel plane while flying in the air.I have made a long way to show the ability of drones, semi -autonomous, to carry out bombing operations in distant places.As for the leadership of the Pentagon, innovations such as X-47B are the axes of a new wave of military technology, officials hope that the United States will keep China and Russia, whose large investments have worked in recent years to close the gap."We must be ready for the superior enemy," Ashton Carter, Minister of Defense, said in a speech last week..Carter, who admits his obsession with technology, faces the moment of truth.Since assuming the position of Minister of Defense a year ago, he pledged to consolidate this technological revolution in the way the Pentagon thinks about his future.The Pentagon's budget for 2017 this week will give an indication whether he has begun to achieve success, or whether his endeavor was nullified due to the established interests in the ministry, bureaucratic stagnation, and daily demands.Over the past two years, the US Department of Defense has witnessed many proposals to reduce weapons, benefits, and rules that Congress has nullified, often after pressure by circles located within the Ministry of Defense."It is the moment when we see whether he has been able to turn his luxurious language into reality," says Sean Bremli, a former White House official who is now taking place at the Pentagon's new American Security Center..He adds: "So far, it is a matter of admiration.".Carter used the letter he delivered last week in an attempt to prove that his plans were gaining momentum, announcing that the Pentagon research budget would increase for the second year in a row.In 2017 it will be 71.4 billion dollars of defense expenditures estimated at 582.7 billion dollars.Diagnostic land forces for US defense officials deal with a divided reality.They spend a large part of their days to be busy fighting ISIS, but after 15 years of grinding conflict in the Middle East, the Ministry of Defense is preparing for a new era that Carter knows as "the competition of the great powers".Carter holds two testimonies, one in the history of the Middle Ages and the other in theoretical physics, and he is trying to mobilize the American defensive institution to think about the high technology struggle in the future with China and Russia.He argues that deterrence can only be preserved by reaffirming the American technological excellence.He said: "The US military will fight very differently in the coming years from what we have in Iraq and Afghanistan, or in the memory of the past world.".The Pentagon calls the new approach "the third compensation strategy" and it comes after two previous technologies during the period after World War II.The first was the great investment in nuclear weapons in the 1950s to compensate for the superiority of the Soviet traditional forces.After expanding the Soviet Union for its nuclear arsenal, the United States sought to achieve another advantage in the 1970s.The US Department of Defense in the field of technology has invested to confirm the United States's dominance of another generation, including ghost planes, accurate guided missiles, reconnaissance satellites, and global regime.And the areas emanating from this military innovation include the Internet.But over the past decade, both China and Russia have found the ways to block these advantages.According to US officials, Beijing's huge investments in a wide range of missiles may have gave China the ability to confuse defenses in the American bases in Asia, and this can put aircraft carriers in the region at risk.Advanced air defense systems in Russia also allowed the establishment of what was called by General Philip Bridloff, the leader of the NATO "bubbles of arrival" in Syria, which will be difficult for the American forces to penetrate them.."There is no doubt that the American military technological superiority is to fade," said Robert Wrke, Deputy Minister of Defense last year..Official defensive spending in China, which is 144.2 billion dollars, only a quarter of an counterpart in the United States, but after Burgin increases during most of the past two decades, specialists believe that their arsenal is from micro -missiles and anti -ship, as well as satellite anti -satellite weapons, is a real challenge to the United States in the West Pacific..The primary goal of the new strategy is to find weapons and technology that guarantee, as one of the officials indicated, that the American forces "can make their way to war" - and to avoid missile defenses that both China and Russia can establish, to defend the bases against any accurately directed missile attack,And to be able to operate the fleets of pregnant women from a distance much longer than the enemy.For some Pentagon planners, long -term answers will be found in the field of robots - whether they are drones, submarines that can surprise the enemy, or robotics soldiers who can reduce the danger to humans by taking over the attacks.Last December, Werk, who once participated in writing a paper entitled "Preparing for War in the Roboty Age" said: "After ten years from now, if the first person to penetrate a barrier is an angry robot, then this will be a disgrace to us.".The comprehensive attack, Carter, last week, about the "attacking crowds of self -vehicles" - a reference to another idea that moves strongly in the current defense thinking in Washington, which is the use of larger quantities of aircraft or ships in the conflict.The focus has been in US military technology in recent decades on the development of weapons platforms that are deployed in fewer numbers, but they involve greater capabilities, such as the F-35 fighter plane.However, the Pentagon scheme is testing a different model that seeks to flood the enemy with sacrifices of cheaper drones, and more consumable supported by low -cost production technology, such as 3D printing."This is a restoration of the idea of large quantities," says Bremley, from the Pentagon's new US Security Center."We don't just have better technology, but we will use the large quantities and numbers for your fight and sweep.".The other big topic of Werk is the combination of human intelligence and the machine, whether it is electronics that can be worn, external structures for infantry soldiers, or combat aircraft with wings of sensors, data and software that can be passed to the pilot.I have an optimistic belief that this will give the United States an advantage over its most tyrannical competitors, who are likely to focus more on fully automated solutions because it does not put much confidence in its peoples.He said: "People in depth in technology who grew up under a democratic system, in the world of information, will win over the people who are established in the world of information in an authoritarian system.".But the vision of the new technological revolution faces a set of obstacles that can undermine the major plans of Carter.For the Pentagon, the innovation process is the first problem.During the previous sessions, a large part of the research conducted at home was implemented, and it is often promoted by "Darba", the Pentagon agency that spends money on long -term projects.But a lot of this new technology is already in the private sector - whether it is drones, sensors, cameras, or computer power.The challenge facing the Pentagon is the innovation of military applications for technology commercially.In his awareness of the necessity of the great cultural transformation in the way the Pentagon approaches innovation, Carter opened an office in the Silicon Valley to coordinate with the technology sector and plans to open a Boston office in Boston.There are other new initiatives within the administration.Admiral Robert Jiriar, who was the Vice President of the Pacific Fleet, was appointed to operate a new office called "Inn 99" - or the Usless Systems Directorate - to stimulate new technology applications that can be used in drones in the Navy.."I saw an advertisement several nights of Nano helicopter that could land in your hand, as it supports the GPS system, and Bluetooth technology (...These things are there, and they are accelerated..This leads to a second weakness - the field of technological change.The previous two compensation strategy allowed the United States to be advanced for a full generation.But if the Pentagon can use ready technology for use from the private sector, Russia and China also can do so.They are also investing heavily in drones and other aspects of robots.As a result, any advantages that the United States can achieve may be transient."No one should be under the illusion that a handful of technological breakthroughs, even if it is achieved, will guarantee our dominant center for many years," says.He believes that only increased spending across the army will maintain the US advantage.Country census can also show that they are very expensive.In fact, this is the discussion of the US Navy on drone research.One of the reasons for attracting the "S -47B" drone is a lot of attention is that this appears to be the first step towards producing ghost -style offensive aircraft, which can perform more missions in places further than fighting fighter planes - allowing aircraft carriersWork outside the scope of Chinese missiles.However, due to concerns about costs, naval officials suggested a much more modest task for the next stage in the development of drones: a plane that would supply fuel fighters driven by current pilots, to allow them to perform missions in further places.Finally, if Carter wants to provoke a wave of innovation, it needs to show that he can prepare the field within the budget of the US Department of Defense that is under pressure due to the crisis of the private ministry's dues - high salaries, health care bills and pensions - and because of old weapons programs.Its cost of about $ 400 billion, twice the initial estimates, the new F-35 is the most expensive arms system in history.In addition to increasing the research budget, Carter has already chosen one battle in his desired project.In a note sent to the Naval Minister, Ray Mapus, leaked last December, and an invitation was received to reduce the number of coastal combat ships - new ships designed to work in shallow waters and along the coasts - from 52 to 40 and warned that the navy neededTo think "more about the new capabilities, not just about the numbers of ships".But the project defenders hope to restore spending plans.The Admiral Maritime Peter Fanta, director of the surface war, urged other Navy members to help him in "marketing" ships.And if the "third compensation strategy" has to be established, it needs more than just innovation, imagination and cooperation with the Silicon Valley - it will also require the leadership of the US Department of Defense to have some powerful influence among politics.Spread it

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