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Jul 04By smartai.info

Saudi attack: What countries have drones in the Middle East?

The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia say that drones loaded with explosives participated in the attack on Saudi oil installations last Saturday.

The use of drones, also known as the Dron, during the past few years, especially in the Middle East, and therefore it is natural for people to ask about the parties that possess these aircraft, and what countries or parties do you use for military purposes?

New weapon

For the first time, the United States used these aircraft to launch a military attack, with the launch of the military attack on Afghanistan in 2001, as it was used in the attack on a Taliban convoy, which was controlling Afghanistan at the time.

The United States and Israel were among the first countries to produce and use it for military purposes because of its technical progress in this field.

Soon China entered the race in terms of production and sale for this type of aircraft and other military equipment it produces and sells to other countries.

China has greatly contributed to the spread of these aircraft in the Middle East and sold these aircraft to at least six Middle Eastern countries.

Marchment aircraft have developed to a large extent recently, and the same technology has been used for military use.

The production of these vehicles does not require very advanced technology and some countries, like Iran, can easily produce them.

Iran has transferred this somewhat advanced technology to a number of groups that revolve in its orbit, such as the Houthis in Yemen.

The Middle East is located at the heart of the World War on terrorism from a geographical point of view, and this war was attracted by the number of technically developed countries such as Russia and the United States, and it implements operations against terrorist groups.

The Middle East region also passes in the stage of turmoil and tension and was divided into two main axes, Israel and the Gulf states on the one hand, and Iran and their allies, such as Hezbollah and the Houthis on the other hand.

The United States has been using the long armed aircraft in the Middle East as part of its campaign to organize al -Qaeda and the Islamic State.

The DC has used Riber and Breditor drones to hit targets in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Iraq for a long time.

The American March C-9 Riber plane features the largest size of the Bridtor plane where it can carry more weapons and can fly very long without stopping.

The UK has bought the number of these aircraft and is widely used to hit targets in Syria and Iraq.

Israel has been the leader in the production of drones and exporting them to many countries around the world long ago.It is estimated that Israel accounts for 60 percent of the world's market in the world.

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Israel has sold some of these aircraft to Russia for reconnaissance purposes.

Israel also shot down a driver plane that entered the Israeli airspace coming from Syria earlier this year.

Israel has a fleet of these aircraft, and it is dedicated to spying, reconnaissance, monitoring, and attacks.

The models that Israel uses in the attacks are Heron, Hermes 450 and Hermes 900, and Israel refuses these models.

Despite the multiple penalties that the Iranians are subject to various fields, they have succeeded in producing drones carrying somewhat advanced weapons.

Tehran revealed the drone, witnessing 129 in 2012 and resorted to it in carrying out military attacks against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

Iran has launched a more advanced model bearing the 6th of 2018.

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Iran does not hesitate to sell or transfer aircraft technology to its allies of states and regulations.

The United Arab Emirates also has a number of drones, produced by Long 1 China and use it in military operations in Yemen and Libya.The UAE supports General Khalifa Haftar, while Turkey uses drones to support the internationally recognized Libyan government.

Turkey failed to obtain drones from the United States, forcing it to start producing them locally and used to hit targets in Iraq and Syria. Kurdish fighters were able to drop one of them over the Afrin region as Turkey's invasion of the region in 2018.

Iraq, Jordan, and Algeria also bought the China Warmful aircraft.

armed groups

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Teenage taps, from the presentation of a dignity as a vehicle and prepared by Mays Baqi.


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The Houthis are the most used for drones in the attacks they have been on Saudi targets for a while.According to the appreciation of the United Nations and others, the Houthis use models that depend on Iranian technology.

The Houthis used the drone, Qasim 1, which is a true copy of a model produced by Iran, according to the opinion of the United Nations Experts Committee.

Qasim 1 is a Camicazi march plane, that is, it crashed with the target and the shipment of explosives it carries into a bomb.A report by the United Nations also referred to the Houthis' use of a more sophisticated and complex march plane, sometimes known as Samad-2/3, which is believed to be able to carry a small warhead.

The Lebanese Hezbollah has also used a number of drones he obtained from Iran during the war years in Syria.

Armed groups in Syria also used swarms of these aircraft to launch attacks on government targets bypassing air defense systems.Among the most important targets that these groups tried to reach through these aircraft is the Hmeimimim Naqimi base in which Russian combat aircraft and other Russian bases are stationed.

Without a doubt, aircraft production technology has spread widely.Although the United States refrained from selling these aircraft to its allies, this did not prevent their spread in the region, because China took advantage of the gap in the market and sold these countries the drones similar to their American counterpart.