Home >without pilot >The terrorist Abu Ammar .. the traitor and the engineer of the "Emirate
Nov 08By smartai.info

The terrorist Abu Ammar .. the traitor and the engineer of the "Emirate

A new terrorist head that was harvested after about two decades of carrying out terrorist operations in the coast and the structure of its deployment in the region.

He is a terrorist of Algerian origin, called Yahya Jawadi, who is enchanted by "Abu Ammar", one of the prominent leaders in the terrorist organization called "Al Qaeda in the Country of Morocco", which is taking northern Mali as a center for his terrorist operations..

Today, Monday, the French army announced that its anti -terrorism strength in Mali killed the Algerian Yahya Jawadi, a supervisor of financial and logistical affairs of the Al -Rajabi organization..

Jawadi was killed, on the night of February 25-26, in an area located about 160 km north of Tamboktu in central Mali, according to the French army statement..

And the French army published a statement, in which he stated that "after determining its location, and officially identified it, it was neutralized through a land intervention, with the support of the Tiger Tiger Helicopter and the attack and two French drones.".

Who is the terrorist Jawadi?

The terrorist Yahya Jawadi in his fifties is one of the oldest terrorists who joined terrorist groups about 28 years ago, specifically in 1994.

الإرهابي أبو عمار.. الخائن ومهندس

Jawadi joined the ranks of the "terrorist army for rescue", which is emanating from the "terrorist front of the rescue", which was banned in Algeria, which caused the killing of about a quarter of a million Algerians, and introduced the country to the most dangerous security crisis in its history.

What is going on from his "terrorist biography" is narrated that he was the close friend and the right -wing arm of the terrorist Abdel -Malik Drudical, who was established in the second half of the 1990s, the "Salafi Community for Call and Combat", which carried out several massacres against the people in Algeria.

It is the organization that declared its loyalty to the terrorist organization Al -Qaeda, before the "Salafi Community" turned into what is known today as "Al Qaeda in the Maghreb", which was founded at the beginning of the current millennium..

Abu Ammar took over the leadership of the media office of the "Salafi Community for Call and Combat", before being promoted to the position of "military commander" in September 2006.

In August 2007, Dodalcal appointed him as head of the "ninth region" in the coast and gave him the responsibility of the Emirate of the Sahara to succeed the terrorist Mukhtar Belmokhtar after a continuous dispute between them.

In 2015, he assumed the leadership of Al -Qaeda in the Maghreb, "Libya Branch", before appearing in Mali in 2019, specifically in the "Timbuktu" area, where he took the position of "financial and logistical coordinator" for the terrorist organization.

In 2014, the terrorist nations, Yahya Jawadi, included the terrorist regulations among the leaders of the "Al Qaeda in the Country of Morocco", and then he was the leader of the Sahel and the Greater Sahara region under the control of "Al Qaeda in the West", as well as the head of the Tariq Ibn Ziyad group, which is one of the components of the organizationAl -Qaeda in the Sahel and Sahara region, and there is a support base in northern Mali.

A terrorist and a traitor

According to previous international security reports, the terrorist "Abu Ammar", the engineer of the military regions of the so -called "the Emirate of the Desert", and assumed the leadership of the largest military zone, which is the emirate that extends between Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Libya, Mauritania and Chad under the name "Prince of the Sahara".

The name of the terrorist "Abu Ammar" ascended after the conflict that broke out between Dodcal and Bassakht in 2007, and was then famous for a series of large criminal operations of abduction and kidnappings..

Since assuming the leadership of the desert region, the terrorist Abu Ammar has restructured the Emirate of the Sahara in conjunction with the increasing number of those enrolled in the terrorist organization in the region, and established 4 formations between two battalions and two secrets, namely: “The Pharmacists Battalion”, “Tariq bin Ziyad Brigade”, and “The Secrets of the TeamsAnd "Al -Ansar".

The terrorist, Yahya, then revealed the tendency of betrayal, and one of the enemies of his close friend, Dodkal, became in the midst of the struggle for the leadership that blew up the terrorist organization, and declared his bias to Raghim Dodkal, the terrorist "Abdul Hamid Abu Zaid", to decide Drudical his isolation, and assigned the Emirate of the desert to the terrorist "NabilAbu Alqama ".